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Current Profile Analysis and points to optimze

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Hi Ben,

Auto-It is pretty impressive stuff. Even more, so, the 20% you said you got out of the 5.15 sources :) Any chance of getting an archive of your changes or a full source snapshot anytime soon? If I seem eager, I am ;)

Also, do those 20% translate to Intel systems too or is it AMD-only?

About telling ICC to vectorize things - are you doing that with "#pragma vector aligned" or "#pragma vector always"?



I use this code to tell it what pointers point to aligned buffers (in powerspectrum its both)

--- Code: --- #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER
#define ALIGNED_YES( buffer_ ) __assume_aligned( buffer_, SIMD_ALIGN );
#define ALIGNED_YES( buffer_ )
--- End code ---

Josef W. Segur:
For approximate comparison, I built 5.17 on DevC++/MinGW with profiling enabled. I had to drop optimization to O2 because the profiling code won't work with -fomit_frame_pointer. So FWIW here are some values from running WU2 with chirp limits 10 and 25, about 3 hours 41 minutes on my 1.4 GHz Pentium-m:

37.90% find_pulse()
11.09% v_Transpose4()
 6.04% v_ChirpData()
 5.28% CalcTrigArray()
 5.24% GaussFit()
 5.22% f_GetChiSq()
 4.71% f_GetTrueMean()
 3.61% FindSpikes()
 3.29% f_GetPeak()
 2.57% lcgf()
 2.51% find_triplets()
 2.36% v_GetPowerSpectrum()
 1.95% float_to_uchar()
 1.62% t_funct()
 1.53% GetFixedPoT()
 1.27% analyze_pot()


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