to my knowledge, if I downloaded the stock SETI@home V6.03, and then I update my rig with the opt. app with a current app_info.xml only with
<version_num>528</version_num>, all my WUs will be crashed.. or?
So please update the app_info.xml's..

Maybe it would be well, to extend the app_info.xml's also with the Astropulse infos?
So I think so it would be better for the new members at SETI@home..

If I have a stock BOINC/SETI@home with Enhanced and AP.. after updating with opt. app and current app_info.xml, AP will be complete deleted, right?
So it would be well to extend the app_info.xml's with AP, or?

Maybe publish a 'how to do' somewhere here at this side also?
How it work 'Enhanced and AP'.