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Author Topic: Linux Port of Alex Kan's v8.0  (Read 19996 times)


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Linux Port of Alex Kan's v8.0
« on: 04 Jun 2008, 01:57:10 am »
Linux Port of Alex Kan's v8.0
Science App Release

Hi Everyone,

A Linux port of Alex Kan's version 8 (nographics) SETI@Home optimised application has been released.

This release offers significantly improved performance for SSE3 capable (or Higher) PC's Running either 32 or 64 Bit versions of Linux.

Here are individual links for all the initial release builds:

Linux 32 SSE3, SSSE3 Science App:[/color][/b]

Linux 32 SSE3 AMD/Intel Compatible Science App:
Intended for Intel & AMD CPUs, running 32 bit Linux,  that have SSE3 capability.

1 - Linux 32 bit AK v8.0 SSE3 (AMD/INTEL)   or (Mirror)

Linux 32 SSSE3 Intel-only Compatible Science App:
Intended for Intel CPUs, running 32 bit Linux,  that have SSSE3 capability.

2 - Linux 32 bit AK v8.0 SSSE3x (Intel Only)  or (Mirror)

Linux 64 SSE3, SSSE3 Science App:[/color][/b]

Linux 64 SSE3 AMD/Intel Compatible Science App:
Intended for Intel & AMD CPUs, running 64 bit Linux,  that have SSE3 capability.

3 - Linux 64 bit AK v8.0 SSE3 (AMD/INTEL)  or (Mirror)

Linux 64 SSSE3 Intel-only Compatible Science App:
Intended for Intel CPUs, running 64 bit Linux,  that have SSSE3 capability.

4 - Linux 64 bit AK v8.0 SSSE3x (Intel Only)  or (Mirror)

This is not a required update, and there will be some known issues and warnings to be aware of:
- Ensure you choose a build that your CPU/OS will support.  Ask for help If you need assistance determining this.
- Ensure Boinc & seti@Home applications are already properly functioning on your machine, read carefully the documentation readmes and installation instructions.
Known issues:
- There is no graphics support at this time
- There is no support for CPUs below SSE3 capability (for now)
- Borderline OC'ers be aware that you may need to back off to maintain stability, the increased throughput of this application will stress all system components more. 
- As Always, OC and use these apps AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Please read the information for "Windows Port of Alex Kan's v8.0
Science App Release" also for more relevant details.

And most Importantly of all:
A very long list of people have helped with this build. Top of the list, of course, Alex, not only the excellent sources that form the basis for this build, but the critical help in tracking down some important issues early on, and the helpful suggestions and advice throughout this challenging port.

Extra thanks go to JDWhale, Raistmer, Ned Slider, Urs Echternacht & especially Crunch3r for tirelessly providing the special expertise, coding mods, testing, countless compiles, and hosting of the final release Linux aps. 
Great thanks go also to the members of the prerelease test community, who have stuck through countless builds and proved invaluable in refinement. Along with mods & admin over at Lunatics ( Hi Gecko_R7 & KWSN - jonnyv !  ;D)

To all of you we value your input and would like to hear from you at Lunatics'

Jason & Gecko
« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2008, 10:57:19 pm by Gecko_R7 »


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