Ofcourse it costs alot these give much power.
Milkyway@Home shows the raw performance of the Ati gpu cards with a double precision application which the nvidia cant perform very well as stated by many
Not sure if a sinlge precision application would be faster on the nvidia or the ati, but it is clear that the ati cards have enormous power for use

Nevertheless the cards still re expenssive and still in development, if more companies can make use of this massive calculation power we would benefit from it soon as well
I think these cards will drop rapidly in price if the mainmarket adopts them for more demanding applications and not only as a toy for scientists.
Now we just need mainbords with more irqs for use more of these cards and not shared because thats not working very well
I found the Nvida tesla cheapest with 663 Gflops costing about $1500 but you can buy the ati 9250 powerhouse with 1Tflops at newegg for $790
And ati has released a new one the 9270 which has 1.2 Tflops availabel for processing.
It would be awesome if someone could make this power available for other applications