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Author Topic: New 2.4 app starts at nice -10 ??  (Read 7087 times)


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New 2.4 app starts at nice -10 ??
« on: 15 Aug 2007, 01:36:15 pm »
Hi all,

First of all thanks to all who contribute in making these wonderful optimized apps available.

A while ago, after upgrading to the 2.2B app, I (and several others) noticed that the science app no longer started at the lowest priority (nice 19) but at normal priority (nice 0). A little inconvenient in most situations, but nothing a cron job can't handle.

Just now, after upgrading to the 2.4 app on two of my Linux boxes, the system speed slowed down to a crawl and I noticed the newest science app was running at very high priority (nice -10).

Any suggestions about how this is possible, and if there is anything I can do about it besides letting cron renice the science app to lowest priority every minute?

Box1: Athlon643000+ / Ubuntu 5.10 kernel 2.6.12 / Boinc 5.2.13 / 2.4_Linux32_kernel_2.6_AMD_SSE2

Box2: P4 1.70GHz / Ubuntu 6.06LTS kernel 2.6.15 / Boinc 5.8.16 / 2.4_Linux32_kernel_2.6_Intel_SSE2


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Re: New 2.4 app starts at nice -10 ??
« Reply #1 on: 15 Aug 2007, 02:01:37 pm »
Hi all,

First of all thanks to all who contribute in making these wonderful optimized apps available.

A while ago, after upgrading to the 2.2B app, I (and several others) noticed that the science app no longer started at the lowest priority (nice 19) but at normal priority (nice 0). A little inconvenient in most situations, but nothing a cron job can't handle.

Just now, after upgrading to the 2.4 app on two of my Linux boxes, the system speed slowed down to a crawl and I noticed the newest science app was running at very high priority (nice -10).

Any suggestions about how this is possible, and if there is anything I can do about it besides letting cron renice the science app to lowest priority every minute?

Box1: Athlon643000+ / Ubuntu 5.10 kernel 2.6.12 / Boinc 5.2.13 / 2.4_Linux32_kernel_2.6_AMD_SSE2

Box2: P4 1.70GHz / Ubuntu 6.06LTS kernel 2.6.15 / Boinc 5.8.16 / 2.4_Linux32_kernel_2.6_Intel_SSE2


Try using the 2.4 Kernel app. That would fix it.
I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like that when I got here.

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Re: New 2.4 app starts at nice -10 ??
« Reply #2 on: 15 Aug 2007, 02:14:40 pm »

Just now, after upgrading to the 2.4 app on two of my Linux boxes, the system speed slowed down to a crawl and I noticed the newest science app was running at very high priority (nice -10).

Try using the 2.4 Kernel app. That would fix it.

Thanks... it seems to be starting at nice 19 now. Are there any significant other differences between the apps for 2.4 and 2.6 kernel (for instance is one faster than the other?  ;D )



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