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Author Topic: sources with Orcas  (Read 43330 times)

Offline _heinz

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #30 on: 20 Nov 2007, 07:30:01 am »
have now some modified code versions under measuring and tuning.
AKFCOMP Alex modified compact code
PFCASE  modified  case construct of pulsefind.cpp
PFLOOP compact loop construct of pulsefind.cpp
FPUCOMP compact construct of opt_FPU.cpp


Offline _heinz

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #31 on: 20 Nov 2007, 09:50:50 pm »
A look at the asm code shows SIMD instructions are used and
how opt_v_GetPowerSpectrum performs as a part of FPUCOMP
3 MMX register (XMM0, XMM1, XMM2) are used to handle powerful MMX-Instructions
but keep in mind, all code must be measured..... ;)
PUBLIC   ?opt_v_GetPowerSpectrum@@YAXPAY01MPAMHHH@Z   ; opt_v_GetPowerSpectrum
EXTRN   __fltused:DWORD
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
; File c:\i\sc\pultimb_5\optimizer\opt_fpu.cpp
;   COMDAT ?opt_v_GetPowerSpectrum@@YAXPAY01MPAMHHH@Z
tv1161 = -8                  ; size = 4
_i$ = -4                  ; size = 4
_FreqData$ = 8                  ; size = 4
_PowerSpectrum$ = 12               ; size = 4
_this_fft_len$ = 16               ; size = 4
_bin_off$ = 20                  ; size = 4
_bin_len$ = 24                  ; size = 4
?opt_v_GetPowerSpectrum@@YAXPAY01MPAMHHH@Z PROC      ; opt_v_GetPowerSpectrum, COMDAT

; 36   :    register int   i, bin; //seti_britta: register
; 37   :    float *workBuf = (float *)FreqData;
; 38   : //   float psNum; //seti_britta: no longer necessary
; 39   :
; 40   :    ALIGNED_YES( FreqData );
; 41   :    ALIGNED_YES( PowerSpectrum );
; 42   :    for   ( i   = 0, bin = 0; i < this_fft_len; i++, bin += bin_len)

   mov   eax, DWORD PTR _FreqData$[esp-4]
   sub   esp, 8
   push   ebx
   push   ebp
   mov   ebp, DWORD PTR _this_fft_len$[esp+12]
   xor   ecx, ecx
   xor   ebx, ebx
   cmp   ebp, 4
   push   esi
   mov   esi, DWORD PTR _bin_len$[esp+16]
   jl   $LC9@opt_v_GetP
   mov   edx, DWORD PTR _PowerSpectrum$[esp+16]
   mov   ecx, DWORD PTR _bin_off$[esp+16]
   add   ebp, -4               ; fffffffcH
   shr   ebp, 2
   inc   ebp
   mov   DWORD PTR tv1161[esp+20], ebp
   lea   ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+ecx*4]
   add   ebp, ebp
   lea   edx, DWORD PTR [eax+8]
   add   eax, 12               ; 0000000cH
   add   ebp, ebp
   push   edi
   mov   DWORD PTR _i$[esp+24], ebp
   mov   ebp, DWORD PTR tv1161[esp+24]
   lea   edi, DWORD PTR [esi*4]
   npad   1

; 43   :       {
; 44   : //      psNum = FreqData[0] * FreqData[0] + FreqData[1] * FreqData[1];
; 45   : //      PowerSpectrum[bin_off + bin] =   // Large cache miss here...can it be fixed?
; 46   : //      workBuf = psNum;
; 47   : //seti_britta: new statement
; 48   :       PowerSpectrum[bin_off + bin] = workBuf = (FreqData[0] * FreqData[0]) + (FreqData[1] * FreqData[1]);

   movss   xmm1, DWORD PTR [eax-8]
   movss   xmm0, DWORD PTR [eax-12]
   mulss   xmm0, xmm0
   movaps   xmm2, xmm1
   mulss   xmm2, xmm1
   addss   xmm0, xmm2
   movss   DWORD PTR [edx-8], xmm0
   movss   DWORD PTR [ecx], xmm0
   movss   xmm1, DWORD PTR [eax-4]
   movss   xmm0, DWORD PTR [eax]
   mulss   xmm0, xmm0
   add   ecx, edi
   movaps   xmm2, xmm1
   mulss   xmm2, xmm1
   addss   xmm0, xmm2
   movss   DWORD PTR [edx-4], xmm0
   movss   DWORD PTR [ecx], xmm0
   movss   xmm1, DWORD PTR [eax+4]
   movss   xmm0, DWORD PTR [eax+8]
   mulss   xmm0, xmm0
   add   ecx, edi
   movaps   xmm2, xmm1
   mulss   xmm2, xmm1
   addss   xmm0, xmm2
   movss   DWORD PTR [edx], xmm0
   movss   DWORD PTR [ecx], xmm0
   movss   xmm1, DWORD PTR [eax+12]
   movss   xmm0, DWORD PTR [eax+16]
   add   ebx, esi
   add   ebx, esi
   add   ecx, edi
   movaps   xmm2, xmm1
   mulss   xmm0, xmm0
   mulss   xmm2, xmm1
   addss   xmm0, xmm2
   add   ebx, esi
   movss   DWORD PTR [edx+4], xmm0
   movss   DWORD PTR [ecx], xmm0
   add   ebx, esi
   add   ecx, edi
   add   edx, 16               ; 00000010H
   add   eax, 32               ; 00000020H
   sub   ebp, 1
   jne   $LL10@opt_v_GetP
   mov   ebp, DWORD PTR _this_fft_len$[esp+20]
   mov   eax, DWORD PTR _FreqData$[esp+20]
   mov   ecx, DWORD PTR _i$[esp+24]
   pop   edi

; 36   :    register int   i, bin; //seti_britta: register
; 37   :    float *workBuf = (float *)FreqData;
; 38   : //   float psNum; //seti_britta: no longer necessary
; 39   :
; 40   :    ALIGNED_YES( FreqData );
; 41   :    ALIGNED_YES( PowerSpectrum );
; 42   :    for   ( i   = 0, bin = 0; i < this_fft_len; i++, bin += bin_len)

   cmp   ecx, ebp
   jge   SHORT $LN8@opt_v_GetP
   mov   edx, DWORD PTR _bin_off$[esp+16]
   add   esi, esi
   add   esi, esi
   add   ebx, edx
   mov   edx, DWORD PTR _PowerSpectrum$[esp+16]
   lea   edx, DWORD PTR [edx+ebx*4]
   npad   9

; 43   :       {
; 44   : //      psNum = FreqData[0] * FreqData[0] + FreqData[1] * FreqData[1];
; 45   : //      PowerSpectrum[bin_off + bin] =   // Large cache miss here...can it be fixed?
; 46   : //      workBuf = psNum;
; 47   : //seti_britta: new statement
; 48   :       PowerSpectrum[bin_off + bin] = workBuf = (FreqData[0] * FreqData[0]) + (FreqData[1] * FreqData[1]);

   movss   xmm1, DWORD PTR [eax+ecx*8+4]
   movss   xmm0, DWORD PTR [eax+ecx*8]
   movaps   xmm2, xmm1
   mulss   xmm0, xmm0
   mulss   xmm2, xmm1
   addss   xmm0, xmm2
   movss   DWORD PTR [eax+ecx*4], xmm0
   movss   DWORD PTR [edx], xmm0
   inc   ecx
   add   edx, esi
   cmp   ecx, ebp
   jl   SHORT $LC3@opt_v_GetP
   pop   esi
   pop   ebp
   pop   ebx

; 49   :
; 50   :       }
; 51   :     }

   add   esp, 8
   ret   0
?opt_v_GetPowerSpectrum@@YAXPAY01MPAMHHH@Z ENDP      ; opt_v_GetPowerSpectrum

Offline Jason G

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #32 on: 21 Nov 2007, 03:30:09 am »
hmmm, time to get out the p4 optimisation reference.  Some of the things in those SSE loops might be really good on a core/core2, don't know, but I'm a little bit wierded out by a few things  :o.  Some of the ordering of the instructions could be improved, (not entirely convinced out-of-order execution would fix that).  I also think that where I think the core2 likes moderately tight loops, as would seem to be designed, the p4 might appreciate  a further manual unroll.( or maybe the other way ! both worth a try due to different architecture generation. )

Did you use any optimisation yet ?(or is that the cleaned up version of what I did with QxN? nope different function. whew.) l'm a bit surprised at some of the code generated.

« Last Edit: 21 Nov 2007, 04:00:41 am by j_groothu »

Offline _heinz

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #33 on: 21 Nov 2007, 08:58:46 am »
No hurry with all this...
all must be measured and running against the original-code version to see if there is a real progress. It is easy to destroy a well performed loop with some simple changes. As Joe mentioned, its not a good idea to use the pultime project to measure code by using the MS-compiler(Have not as my own the whole Intel Performance package, with Intel-Compiler, VTune and so on).
Using now the etimer-project to see any differences.
In this way we can better test short code-pieces.
And if we found any progress it is at least necessary to compile with Intel-compiler to see if it really rocks.

Do you like my sight of view to see equation systems looking at the code ?
Resolutions can be found by using mathematical methods.
Therefore some of my code-constructs are a little bit crazy.
But you know mathematicians are crazy people.
And I“m a mathematician.  ;D

Regards heinz 


Offline Jason G

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #34 on: 21 Nov 2007, 10:32:30 am »
No, No hurry, my holidays are coming in a few weeks, I still consider this "Orientation". 

And I“m a mathematician.
I think the Mathematician's Anonymous meeting is three doors down ...

Mathematicians may be crazy or not, But I always wondered where my lecturers did 'stash their flagons' before class, and who knitted them the stylish brown vest that is two sizes too small :D (jokes).

If you have a formula to get crazy, I can examine its computational complexity well enough (comp sci) though a little out of practice, then build it in hardware to IPC class 3 military standards (Electronic Engineering). 

It is a shame the algorithm for sanity  is O(n^3) and  requires too many connections to implement on an FPGA, so sorry I can't help you there :D [Though I can't offer any sanity, I do have a drawer full of high speed logic I can let you dig through ....]

My p4 selects     PwrSpectrumOnly_ptt( sse_GetPSO_sc16_npr )    take a look it is nice, No Author's name is listed  :(.  Maybe it is  Ben & Joe?
  - It has care with the SSE pipelines (Even is laid out showing them :D)
  - It Is using many more registers (Those aren't variable assignments really, no ;) )
  - It looks to be unrolled to help the pipelines/cache/prefetch, very pretty  :D.
I'm more impressed with that function, It may help you to compare to that so you can see how to use the hardware better.


« Last Edit: 21 Nov 2007, 10:48:21 am by j_groothu »

Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #35 on: 22 Nov 2007, 11:04:31 am »
It hasn't been mentioned lately that in 2004 Eric Korpela set up a setiboinc sourceforge project to encourage submission of optimized code. Ben Herndon participated in that, and his code in ../setiboinc/client/opt is where I got the original form of the GetPSO functions. I just made it into four separate versions to compare the prefetching. On some systems and some builds there have been clear differences particularly on my Pentium-M system and on Core 2 systems. On P4 or PD systems, OTOH, the differences have been small.

Francois Piednoel's PowerSpectrum code from the "Who? optimizations Part 2" NC thread may be even better. I hope he'll release source soon but that part would be fairly easy to fit into our codebase anyhow.

Offline Jason G

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #36 on: 22 Nov 2007, 01:13:35 pm »
Thanks Joe,
    Though I did run maybe a couple of workunits when sah classic first started (I remember the news release on tv here in Oz... Incidently, could never rember the email I used then....), I just came back around last November....

 so really '2004' is indeed before my time... Thanks for the link, more reading is always handy.

Just opened the Pulse Timing project for the first time, Looks like I'll be occupied for the weekend trying to get a working build,  Looks Extremely handy for testing some of the things been worked on behind the scenes. 


Offline _heinz

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #37 on: 01 Dec 2007, 05:21:27 pm »
Looking now to vectorize the most used functions of S@H.
Here I show you a modified FillTrigArray as it performs as part of chirpfft.cpp
Have fun   ;D
PUBLIC   ?FillTrigArray@@YAXH@Z            ; FillTrigArray
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
;   COMDAT ?FillTrigArray@@YAXH@Z
_k$ = 8                     ; size = 4
?FillTrigArray@@YAXH@Z PROC            ; FillTrigArray, COMDAT

; 731  :          CurrentTrig[k].Sin = ((CurrentTrig[k].Sin * TrigStep[k].Cos) + (CurrentTrig[k].Cos * TrigStep[k].Sin));

   mov   edx, DWORD PTR ?TrigStep@@3PAUSinCosArray@@A ; TrigStep
   mov   ecx, DWORD PTR ?CurrentTrig@@3PAUSinCosArray@@A ; CurrentTrig
   mov   eax, DWORD PTR _k$[esp-4]
   shl   eax, 4
   movsd   xmm1, QWORD PTR [eax+edx+8]
   mulsd   xmm1, QWORD PTR [eax+ecx]
   movsd   xmm0, QWORD PTR [eax+ecx+8]
   mulsd   xmm0, QWORD PTR [eax+edx]
   addsd   xmm0, xmm1
   movsd   QWORD PTR [eax+ecx], xmm0

; 732  :             CurrentTrig[k].Cos = ((CurrentTrig[k].Cos * TrigStep[k].Cos) - (CurrentTrig[k].Sin * TrigStep[k].Sin));

   mov   edx, DWORD PTR ?TrigStep@@3PAUSinCosArray@@A ; TrigStep
   movsd   xmm0, QWORD PTR [eax+edx+8]
   push   esi
   mov   esi, DWORD PTR ?CurrentTrig@@3PAUSinCosArray@@A ; CurrentTrig
   movsd   xmm1, QWORD PTR [eax+esi]
   mulsd   xmm0, QWORD PTR [eax+esi+8]
   mulsd   xmm1, QWORD PTR [eax+edx]
   lea   ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+esi+8]
   subsd   xmm0, xmm1
   movsd   QWORD PTR [ecx], xmm0
   pop   esi

; 733  :     }

   ret   0
?FillTrigArray@@YAXH@Z ENDP            ; FillTrigArray

Offline _heinz

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #38 on: 07 Dec 2007, 11:41:38 am »
I.  Going parallel or how to cut the leek !
This morning I was in the kitchen to make a salad of leek. After washing the leafs I took one to cut it in  fit parts.
But how big is a fit part ? 1mm, 10mm, 100mm ?
I have a relative big leaf of 24 cm so we choose 10mm= 1cm as a fit part. Now we know I must cut it into 24 parts.
How todo that ?
1. we take the knife and cut it into 24 pieces one after the other. Wee need 24-1 = 23 cuts
We have stiil one tree to cut. This means sequential works.
or we do following-->
2. we cut the leaf in two eaqual parts(1 cut), then lay both parts parallel to each other and cut it. We need 12-1 = 11 cuts +1 extra cut from the first. Summary 12 cuts.
This means parallel work. We have 2 parallel trees to cut.The one extra cut and lay both parts parallel is the overhead(organize parallel work).
3. we cut the leaf into 2 parts (1 cut), laying both parts parallel, cut now again into 2 parts(1 cut), laying again the 2 parts parallel(have now 4 parallel) and cut it. We need still 6-1 cuts plus the 2 extra cuts = summary 7 cuts.
This means much more parallel. We have 4 trees. The overhead is now grown to 2 cuts plus laying 4 parts parallel.
4. we cut the leaf into 2 parts(1cut) laying both parts parallel, cut now again into 2 parts(1 cut), laying again both parts parallel and cut it into 2 parts(1 cut), laying the two parallel(have now 8 parts parallel) and cut. We need 3-1=2 cuts plus 3 extra cuts summary 5 cuts. The overhead grows now to 3 cuts plus laying 3 times (2³ = 8parts) parallel.

Summary of all:
1. sequential    = 23 cuts --> no overhead
2. parallel (2)    = 11+1=12 cuts  (1 cut overhead)
3. parallel (4)    =   5+2=7 cuts  (2 cuts overhead)
4. parallel ( 8 )  =   2+3=5 cuts  (3 cuts overhead)
In this way (4.) we can do the same work with still 5 cuts against (1.) 23 cuts if we use sequential work.
But attention the overhead with 3 is bigger as the real work-cuts(2) and we run 8 trees parallel.
This method of organize parallel work is called blocking. The problem is to determine the length of the pieces(fit parts) and the choose of parallel trees to get maximal performance. I believe every max performance solution is for every given work (1000), (100 000), (1 000 000) and machine a other. Therefore this thema is relative complex and so difficult to handle.

Believe me, the parallel cutted salad has a fine taste.  ;D

Have fun  ;D  ;D  ;D

regards heinz

Offline Jason G

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #39 on: 08 Dec 2007, 03:02:25 am »
 8)...Or the 'other' kind of coarse grained parallelism ... where you ask your mum to make you a sandwich instead, then you watch TV in parallel ;D  [ 0 cuts + 1 small communication overhead]

« Last Edit: 08 Dec 2007, 06:08:44 am by j_groothu »

Offline _heinz

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #40 on: 08 Dec 2007, 11:42:10 am »
Hi Jason,
great, your sample means start a task (ask mum to make a sandwich) parallel to the Main Program (TV program). You must still wait till the sandwich ( the task) is ready.  ;)
We can enlarge this too:
Start a variable number of tasks parallel to the Main Program.
Later we can do so.
But at first we had to resolve some basics on the way to go parallel as "Load balanced parallel execution of a fixed number of independent loop iterations" and some others.


Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #41 on: 08 Dec 2007, 02:08:10 pm »
1. If the leaves you're cutting are always the same size and shape, an ideal tool would make the cuts all at once. If the leaves come in a few different sizes, either a tool for each size or an even more complex tool with suitable adjustments is needed.

2. The characteristics of the Validator need to be kept in mind when thinking about dividing the work differently. When it is comparing results it checks that each signal in result A has a matching signal in result B, then checks that each signal in result B has a matching signal in result A. For the ~95% of WUs which have less than 31 reportable signals the order signals are found wouldn't make a difference. But for the ~5% which overflow we need to be sure we'll report the same subset as the stock app does.

Offline Jason G

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #42 on: 10 Dec 2007, 04:23:46 am »
1. If the leaves you're cutting are always the same size and shape, an ideal tool would make the cuts all at once. If the leaves come in a few different sizes, either a tool for each size or an even more complex tool with suitable adjustments is needed.
Or perhaps a modular tool, with a set of adaptors designed to fit each possible  variation [or groups of variations], with a different plan/tool adapter for each one of the finite set of possibilties. (A single complex tool is large and unwieldly, many different tools is more efficient but maybe even larger in total with redundancy (and requires selection), a modular tool seems an ideal compromise but also requires selection/adaptation overhead)... mmm all food for thought.
2. The characteristics of the Validator need to be kept in mind when thinking about dividing the work differently. When it is comparing results it checks that each signal in result A has a matching signal in result B, then checks that each signal in result B has a matching signal in result A. For the ~95% of WUs which have less than 31 reportable signals the order signals are found wouldn't make a difference. But for the ~5% which overflow we need to be sure we'll report the same subset as the stock app does.
:o, so even though a faster overflow detection mechanism may be possible, the positive overflow will still require the same processing order/results...[You seem to be saying the order of signals is important in those ~5% where overflow occurs] thinking about that a little I can probably live with the current speed, or even reduced speed,  where it results in overflow.  I wonder if there may be benefit to quickly disproving [or just detecting reduced likelihood of] overflow condition early on... (then we may perhaps tactically reorder detection)

« Last Edit: 10 Dec 2007, 04:58:19 am by j_groothu »

Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #43 on: 10 Dec 2007, 12:28:04 pm »
..., so even though a faster overflow detection mechanism may be possible, the positive overflow will still require the same processing order/results...[You seem to be saying the order of signals is important in those ~5% where overflow occurs] thinking about that a little I can probably live with the current speed, or even reduced speed,  where it results in overflow.  I wonder if there may be benefit to quickly disproving [or just detecting reduced likelihood of] overflow condition early on... (then we may perhaps tactically reorder detection)


The order of the signals within the output result file never matters, but I can see no practical way to select the right subset of what may be a very large number of potential signals other than using the same sequence of searches as stock.

Prechecking for possible overflow is certainly an interesting concept. If someone came up with a really efficient way to do that, the project might consider putting that code in the splitter. In the science app, maybe the best opportunity is during baseline smoothing.

I'll also note that if we found a way of dividing the work much more effectively, the changes could be applied to the official sources prior to the next stock release. That release could be named setiathome_multibeam or something similar, and all participants would have to upgrade.

Offline Jason G

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Re: sources with Orcas
« Reply #44 on: 10 Dec 2007, 02:16:35 pm »
The order of the signals within the output result file never matters, but I can see no practical way to select the right subset of what may be a very large number of potential signals other than using the same sequence of searches as stock.
Ahh I see, a sticky problem.  Just musing some more, getting a better picture, statistically might there be a strong subset of overflow cases where the dataset tends to white noise?(I realise probably all the good data probably does anyway  ::)) And in such cases would the first 31 signals be definitely pulses?[or spikes rather]

Prechecking for possible overflow is certainly an interesting concept. If someone came up with a really efficient way to do that, the project might consider putting that code in the splitter. In the science app, maybe the best opportunity is during baseline smoothing.
Don't know about efficient  ;D.  I would, perhaps incorrectly, expect at least some types of obvious overflow signal [tasks] to be fairly 'white'.  It's been a long time since I looked at an autocorrelation function, from vague memory they involve a single convolution. Something like that would be able to judge the whiteness of the signal against a decided threshold dirac figure/function. I've used them in signal processing many years ago for analysis of buried periodic signals. Subtracting the autocorrelation of white noise from that of the source [ had interesting results].... but that was on a 1k node torus so algorithmic complexity and other practical considerations weren't an issue under much consideration   :P. [though they should've been]

I'll also note that if we found a way of dividing the work much more effectively, the changes could be applied to the official sources prior to the next stock release. That release could be named setiathome_multibeam or something similar, and all participants would have to upgrade.
  That I'll leave for thought 'till next week when I'm on my holidays... yay... I haven't been following what Heinz is up to there, I was lost somewhere around 'Leeks' but you gave some food for thought and I'll figure it all out then.

'Till next week

« Last Edit: 11 Dec 2007, 03:24:25 am by j_groothu »


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