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Author Topic: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x  (Read 19124 times)


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Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« on: 07 Jun 2007, 03:11:36 pm »
Ever since the problem with the server in Berkeley and my changing of app_info into xx and back again, lots of my computers are “upset” .
Without me doing anything the Seti-enhanced changed from 5.15 to 5.17 which probably is ok but now they take much longer to crunch and very often I get an error:
 - exit code -1073741795 (0xc000001d)

So what is happening???

Regards Herus


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Re: problems with optimized apps
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jun 2007, 08:16:34 am »
I had remove the 5.17 reference from app_info and was crunching away just fine.
I updated to Boinc 5.9.x and was still happy.
Then I updated to Boinc 5.10.4 and the manager locks up on the Tasks tab.
I had to uninstall, delete the directory, and reinstall - losing all work in progress.

2.2B is incompatible with 5.10.4!

Offline Crunch3r

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Re: problems with optimized apps
« Reply #2 on: 14 Jun 2007, 10:35:23 am »
I had remove the 5.17 reference from app_info and was crunching away just fine.
I updated to Boinc 5.9.x and was still happy.
Then I updated to Boinc 5.10.4 and the manager locks up on the Tasks tab.
I had to uninstall, delete the directory, and reinstall - losing all work in progress.

2.2B is incompatible with 5.10.4!

Not sure what you'Re talking about here.... If you install a beta version of Boinc and that one locks up or crashes, then what has the 2.2B todo with it ?

Exactly nothing i would say.

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Re: problems with optimized apps
« Reply #3 on: 14 Jun 2007, 04:17:21 pm »
Please remember that BOINC 5.10.x is at this stage very much still a beta.

There are several changes necessary to your app_info.xml, which have been discussed on the main SETI@Home boards already.

It's really not the science app, AFAIK it's that you should add a platform string, and that you have exactly one application version in your app_info.xml, not several. Plus, it needs to be the same that the stock app is, so 5.15 for main and 5.21 for Beta, both for Windows. You can find the current application version for each platform at the main and Beta S@H site, as well.

In any case, you didn't have to uninstall. Re-installing an older version of BOINC would have saved your settings and projects and WUs.

Maybe this post will help you. BTW, the search field & button are there for a reason both there and here ;)

« Last Edit: 14 Jun 2007, 04:22:08 pm by Simon »


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Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #4 on: 15 Jun 2007, 06:11:06 am »
I have upgraded the core client on my pc's to 5.10.2 and 5.10.6. (both beta core clients). When I run boinc the following error occurs:

14-6-2007 15:29:49||Starting BOINC client version 5.10.6 for windows_intelx86
14-6-2007 15:29:49||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
14-6-2007 15:29:49||Libraries: libcurl/7.16.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3
14-6-2007 15:29:49||Executing as a daemon
14-6-2007 15:29:49||Data directory: C:\Program Files\BOINC
14-6-2007 15:29:49||BOINC is running as a service and as a non-system user.
14-6-2007 15:29:49||No application graphics will be available.
14-6-2007 15:29:49|SETI@home|Found app_info.xml; using anonymous platform
14-6-2007 15:29:49|SETI@home|[error] State file error: duplicate app version: setiathome_enhanced windows_intelx86 513
14-6-2007 15:29:49|SETI@home|[error] State file error: duplicate app version: setiathome_enhanced windows_intelx86 514
14-6-2007 15:29:49|SETI@home|[error] State file error: duplicate app version: setiathome_enhanced windows_intelx86 515
14-6-2007 15:29:49|SETI@home|[error] State file error: duplicate app version: setiathome_enhanced windows_intelx86 517
14-6-2007 15:29:50||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel               Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz [x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9]
14-6-2007 15:29:50||Processor features: fpu tsc sse sse2 mmx
14-6-2007 15:29:50||Memory: 503.48 MB physical, 1.20 GB virtual
14-6-2007 15:29:50||Disk: 37.27 GB total, 5.09 GB free
14-6-2007 15:29:50||Version change (5.10.2 -> 5.10.6)

The client does run using the KWSN_2.2B_SSE2-P4_Ben-Joe.exe. I notice that there are a lot of results that get aborted when sending them to berkeley.


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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #5 on: 15 Jun 2007, 09:05:36 am »
I had remove the 5.17 reference from app_info and was crunching away just fine.
I updated to Boinc 5.9.x and was still happy.
Then I updated to Boinc 5.10.4 and the manager locks up on the Tasks tab.
I had to uninstall, delete the directory, and reinstall - losing all work in progress.

2.2B is incompatible with 5.10.4!

Not sure what you'Re talking about here.... If you install a beta version of Boinc and that one locks up or crashes, then what has the 2.2B todo with it ?

Exactly nothing i would say.

Boinc 5.10.4 doesn't crash without the 2.2B
therefor, as I said 2.2B is incompatible with 5.10.4

The point is 2.2B is suppose to be a drop in replacement for the seti app which works under 5.10.4 and it's not.

Offline Simon

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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #6 on: 15 Jun 2007, 12:19:31 pm »
Again, no. You're wrong. BOINC crashes with an app_info.xml present that has the wrong entries. So, it is NOT, repeat NOT the app that is incompatible! I'll stop repeating myself now :)

A correct app_info.xml will make it work fine with 5.10.x.


Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #7 on: 15 Jun 2007, 10:04:42 pm »
A correct app_info.xml will make it work fine with 5.10.x.

Simon is exactly correct.

But let me explain the situation a little more fully. BOINC changeset 12702 is what causes the error. Here's the description:
Code: [Select]
David  21 May 2007
    - client: if anonymous platform, don't match platform/version
    in lookup_app_version(); just match app

Because it no longer checks the version number, multiple listings of the same app are no longer possible. Dr. Anderson isn't targetting optimized apps, rather that's part of a larger set of changes.

The reason we have multiple version numbers for the same app is because BOINC versions before 5.5.12 need them if the user wants to run both SETI Main and SETI Beta. The client type statistics indicate almost half of S@H hosts are using those older versions, about half are using 5.5.12 to 5.9.x versions which don't need multiple version numbers but handle them without complaint, and less than 1% are using 5.10.x. That 1% is growing, includes all those who want a 64-bit Windows version of BOINC, and will grow more quickly when they decide 5.10.x is good enough to be released as the recommended version.

Meanwhile, S@H is preparing a transition to Multi-Beam work for which updated versions of our apps will be needed. We will certainly address any incompatibility with the latest version of BOINC with those. But if 5.10.x becomes the recommended version before then, we may try to spread the word about required app_info.xml changes more widely. Meanwhile, my personal opinion is that those doing BOINC Alpha testing should have the skill necessary to easily handle the situation.


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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #8 on: 16 Jun 2007, 09:29:38 am »
Again, no. You're wrong. BOINC crashes with an app_info.xml present that has the wrong entries. So, it is NOT, repeat NOT the app that is incompatible! I'll stop repeating myself now :)

A correct app_info.xml will make it work fine with 5.10.x.


2.2B comes as a package .exe .pdb and app_info.xml I never said the app was incompatible, the package is.  How about updating the package with a correct app_info.xml so it will work fine with 5.10.x?

Also I have not found the indicated changes to app_info that work under 5.10.x
5.10.x will be the recommended version sometime. This board should be ahead of the curve not blaming S@H and passing the buck

By argueing with me over your trivial semantics you are discouraging others from running optimized apps.!
Abusive comments will not be tolerated on this board.
« Last Edit: 16 Jun 2007, 03:05:37 pm by Gecko_R7 »


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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #9 on: 16 Jun 2007, 11:23:04 am »
2.2B comes as a package .exe .pdb and app_info.xml I never said the app was incompatible, the package is. How about updating the package with a correct app_info.xml so it will work fine with 5.10.x?

Also I have not found the indicated changes to app_info that work under 5.10.x
5.10.x will be the recommended version sometime. This board should be ahead of the curve not blaming S@H and passing the buck

By argueing with me over your trivial semantics you are discouraging others from running optimized apps.!

Several people on this thread have attempted to help you and explain.
Anwers and solutions have been provided including this from Simons previous post to you....

If you choose to run optimized aps or developmental BOINC clients, these are not always "plug & play" as stock releases are.
Some edits/changes/customizing may be required, especially if one is following developmental BOINC releases.
This means most of us follow the threads on the main board and here which usually have the solutions.
In case of questions, MANY knowledeable people are always glad to help, but one should also be willing to do some of the work/reseach themselves.  It is not reasonable to expect the developers/optimizers to "stay ahead" of every possible contingecy w/ Beta releases w/ necessary changes to fit every possible combination of opt ap & client.
Still....they do their best.

Sir, it is no one's intentions on this board to offend, but you might also consider that your tone and responses have been rather abrasive, and your last is completely out of line.

Whether you run stock aps, optimized ones, w/ or w/o developmental BOINC cleints is your call.
If you are not satisfied w/ the efforts and responses to help you on this board, you are welcome to look for help elsewhere.



« Last Edit: 16 Jun 2007, 03:06:02 pm by Gecko_R7 »


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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #10 on: 16 Jun 2007, 04:49:29 pm »
I am running 5.10.4 with NO problems whatsoever with the defualt package.

I did however have the same lockup problem on 5.10.3 and .2

Besides there is a NEWER beta client (5.10.7)

The problems may have already been addressed.

If there are still errors then it will be addressed once the 5.10.X is the stable client



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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #11 on: 17 Jun 2007, 10:02:31 am »
Several people on this thread have attempted to help you and explain.
Anwers and solutions have been provided including this from Simons previous post to you....
If this is the solution, then it should be in the package.  Also I'd expect the solution to an optimize app problem to be on the optimized app forum not on the S@H
If you choose to run optimized aps or developmental BOINC clients, these are not always "plug & play" as stock releases are.
Some edits/changes/customizing may be required, especially if one is following developmental BOINC releases.
This means most of us follow the threads on the main board and here which usually have the solutions.
I previously said:
Also I have not found the indicated changes to app_info that work under 5.10.x
I'll have to try the above link and see.
In case of questions, MANY knowledeable people are always glad to help, but one should also be willing to do some of the work/reseach themselves.  It is not reasonable to expect the developers/optimizers to "stay ahead" of every possible contingecy w/ Beta releases w/ necessary changes to fit every possible combination of opt ap & client.
Still....they do their best.
The problem with app_info surfaced a month ago on 5.8.16 app. not the Beta's. Certainly not on the cutting edge.

Sir, it is no one's intentions on this board to offend, but you might also consider that your tone and responses have been rather abrasive, and your last is completely out of line.
Whether you run stock aps, optimized ones, w/ or w/o developmental BOINC cleints is your call.
Simon said: Again, no. You're wrong. BOINC crashes with an app_info.xml present that has the wrong entries. So, it is NOT, repeat NOT the app that is incompatible! I'll stop repeating myself now

Sure sounds rather abrasive to me.

Simon started it with: Not sure what you'Re talking about here.... If you install a beta version of Boinc and that one locks up or crashes, then what has the 2.2B todo with it ?

Later Simon says: A correct app_info.xml will make it work fine with 5.10.x.

Which is it? A problem with Boinc or a problem with app_info part of the 2.2B package?


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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #12 on: 17 Jun 2007, 10:15:30 am »
Later Simon says: A correct app_info.xml will make it work fine with 5.10.x.
Which is it? A problem with Boinc or a problem with app_info part of the 2.2B package?


Joe's post below answered your question:

Let's move on please.

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Re: Problem with optimized client and boinc core 5.10.x
« Reply #13 on: 17 Jun 2007, 10:34:35 am »

and now, Simon says: This thread is locked.

WHRoeder, I did try nicely, so did others. Now you're just trying to grab things out of context to fit your bill.

The problem is in how BOINC 5.10.x handles app_info.xml. Is that clear enough now? Thank you.

Kind regards,


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