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Author Topic: Weird problem, whether with optimized app?  (Read 9831 times)


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Weird problem, whether with optimized app?
« on: 13 Jun 2007, 04:30:23 am »
After installing a new machine, I've attached it to Seti for some short time (worked fine), then later installed an optimized app the same way I was doing it before. Then the period with Seti's infrastructure problems came and (thinking that I'm just not getting work) I've not noticed that my host have got some problems too.

Currently there is Boinc 5.9.10 and happily crunching for plenty other projects.

Upon project update, I'm getting a loooooot of similar mesages:

13.6.2007 10:13:15|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work
13.6.2007 10:13:15|SETI@home|Requesting 45831 seconds of new work
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|Message from server: Resent lost result 09fe05aa.547.14912.647150.3.238_0
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|Message from server: Resent lost result 10fe05aa.25686.7232.628392.3.109_1
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|Didn't resend lost result 02mr05ad.9818.18161.92308.3.84_0 (expired)
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|Message from server: Resent lost result 10fe05aa.25686.9488.640888.3.223_2
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|[error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 -1
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|[error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 -1
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|[error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 -1
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|[error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 -1
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|[error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 -1
13.6.2007 10:13:49|SETI@home|[error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 -1

What does it mean?

I've tried the automatic benchmarker & installer too, but it behaves the same.
My app_info.xml was/is now the pretty usual one:


« Last Edit: 13 Jun 2007, 04:40:03 am by Pepo »

Offline Vyper

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Re: Weird problem, whether with optimized app?
« Reply #1 on: 13 Jun 2007, 06:23:45 am »

I see in your app inf file that you've only informed S@H client that you can crunch 5.15 WUs, i bet that your other app inf file didnt look the same or that it simply didn't exist.

If S@H client starts to download other than 5.15 you will get that message that the app required to run for instance 5.17 - 5.20 doesn't exist..

If you edit the file and make alot of differnent posts there pointing 5.17 -  5.20 to the same exe file it will work, but other than that i don't know if that isn't the problem.

Kind Regards Vyper


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Re: Weird problem, whether with optimized app?
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jun 2007, 06:43:29 am »
I see in your app inf file that you've only informed S@H client that you can crunch 5.15 WUs, i bet that your other app inf file didnt look the same or that it simply didn't exist.

Since the (which one? not that important, maybe already a year ago?) Boinc alpha version came out, which corrected the issue with enhanced apps in app_info files on both Seti and Seti beta projects, I've never used something other in my app_info.xml's than 5.15 on main and 5.17 on beta (I was Crunch3r's tester back then).

If S@H client starts to download other than 5.15 you will get that message that the app required to run for instance 5.17 - 5.20 doesn't exist..

sure, but as I explained above...
And the text "No app version for result: windows_intelx86" sugests me something like if "windows_intelx86" would be necesary instead of "setiathome_enhanced"? Or is it some issue related to Boinc's attempts to better support 64-bit platform? I might try the newest Boinc alpa, whether it is really related... (no idea)

If you edit the file and make alot of differnent posts there pointing 5.17 -  5.20 to the same exe file it will work, but other than that i don't know if that isn't the problem.

Just now there is the full version from automatic installer, but possibly because of my daily quota 1/day I'll not notice any difference until tomorrow.



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Re: Weird problem, whether with optimized app?
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jun 2007, 07:24:46 am »
And the text "No app version for result: windows_intelx86" sugests me something like if "windows_intelx86" would be necesary instead of "setiathome_enhanced"? Or is it some issue related to Boinc's attempts to better support 64-bit platform?

Me bad, I did not investigate deep enough...

Quote from: Neil Walker
...the app_info.xml file for the anonymous platform. Berkeley have added a <platform> parameter. If it's not there, you get that error.
The fix is to add the appropriate line for your <platform> after the <version_num> line(s), like:

Thanks for listening and hints.


BTW, no idea whether this solves my problem, I'm offline 'till the evening.


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Re: Weird problem, whether with optimized app?
« Reply #4 on: 13 Jun 2007, 04:41:57 pm »
BTW, no idea whether this solves my problem, I'm offline 'till the evening.

It worked, I've got 77 resent WUs (resending seems to work correctly!), enough work for 36 CPU days  :D



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