all working fine
for wu1
with the x64 6.01 app ----- 127 sec
with ak v8 SSSE3.1 ----- 69 sec
with ak v8 SSE4.1 ----- 45 sec
Best Regards
Nvidia GeForce 8800GTX 768Mb
Core Duo E8500 @ 4.17
Windows x64 XP Pro
Just wondering if the GPU is 100% load

and when it recog. as another pro not a co proc
Device name: GeForce 8800 GTX
Device version: 1.0
Total global memory (MB): 767
Number of multiprocessors : 16
Number of cores :128
Shared memory per block (kB): 16
Registers per block: 8192
Warp size: 32
Max threads per block: 512
Shaders clock rate (MHz): 1350
Concurrent copy and execution: No
Can't set up shared mem: -1
Will run in standalone mode.
setiathome_enhanced 6.01 Visual Studio/Microsoft C++
libboinc: 6.3.5