Forum > GPU crunching

GPU client

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i see that in some cases is GPU application better than stock app .... :o

interesting ....


--- Quote from: Devaster on 16 Jan 2008, 08:48:08 am ---i see that in some cases is GPU application better than stock app .... :o

interesting ....

--- End quote ---

This is 8800GTX  :)
There are too many variables to make an accurate assessment of the true speedup of GPU client.
When I use default-515.exe as the reference client I also get Speedup Ratio  greater than 1.00 for some WU's.
Devaster what source files are you using to base your GPU client on, and what optimizations are done?
If you compiled a reference client to be used against your GPU client then most of the variables would
be known.

at home by tests i am using latest optimized app from  cruncher page and i have 8500GT only ....

remember , for now aren't in GPU code optimizations (shared mem usage ,memory coalescent access by read/write, optimal thread/block scheduling against core, ). used is only partial loop unroll ...

last weekend i have downloaded GUI profiler for CUDA. It has showed  many interesting things .... i will write more later - it would bigger ...


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