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GPU client

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SETI@home error -108 Unknown error
from boinc_init_diagnostics()
File: ..\main.cpp
Line: 239

Got the same error for all apps...

win xp 
169.29 drivers


--- Quote from: Batstat on 12 Jan 2008, 08:41:21 pm ---"The application has failed to start because cufft.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

I have not installed cuda 1.0 or beta 1.1 <--- do I need to do that?

1 Access is denied. ?
2 Do I need to install cuda
3 Anything else I'm doing wrong

--- End quote ---

Actually you need to have all needed DLLs of that CUDA runtime consist in place searchable by OS for DLL (simple saying in LIB_PATH). If you use CUDA only for SETI probably better way to put that DLLs together with exe file. When I tried CUDA few months ago the needed DLLs list was cuda.dll cudart.dll cufft.dll cutil32.dll (maybe slightly redundant).

my mistake - i havent add a cufft.dll to the package.

other libraries you dont need - they are in the driver already included ...

if you wanna install  CUDA use only v.1.1 -  app is compiled with this version and cufft.dll(1.1) is about 2x speeder on CUDA devices v. 1.1 as cufft.dll from v. 1.0 ....

Installed cuda beta 1.1 and sahcuda did run.
The access denied message also disapperede, dunno why.
Not sure but can it be that Knabench need boinc to run seti as a service?

As seen in Bench result file, there is some debug info witch I belive is coming from that I do not run seti as a service.

Also I got a console message '.\tools\wu_time' is not recognized as an internal or external command.

IF massive testing is needed I will suggest that a conistent howto should be written, and needed dll's should be included.

Until next time - have a nice day :)

[attachment deleted by admin]


--- Quote from: Batstat on 13 Jan 2008, 02:11:29 pm ---Not sure but can it be that Knabench need boinc to run seti as a service?

--- End quote ---
bench doesnt start anything as service. It simple calls sequentally all exe files found in 2 subdirectories and logs run time for that exe. And what it does it stops boinc service at beginning and starts it at ending of test.

--- Quote from: Batstat on 13 Jan 2008, 02:11:29 pm ---Also I got a console message '.\tools\wu_time' is not recognized as an internal or external command.

--- End quote ---
When I checked my PC with antiviruses one of them suspected this tool. Maybe your antivirus blocks its execution too? Anyway wu_time.exe is not needed for main objective of bench - to log execution times. So you could just delete the exe and ignore all errors that arise from that.


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