Forum > GPU crunching

GPU client

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please any theroy on the next thread please

here i will place only binaries ...

ok, im at a loss as to how to get the client to run.  I dropped i tinto the folder with the WU's, and edited the app_info.xml

perhaps there is some fine point im missing


--- Quote from: abachler on 22 Dec 2007, 02:52:44 am ---ok, im at a loss as to how to get the client to run.  I dropped i tinto the folder with the WU's, and edited the app_info.xml

perhaps there is some fine point im missing

--- End quote ---

You can download KWSN Knabench 1.43 Benchmark Package from the download section of this site. Then follow the advice in readme.

I tested the latest version. The results is  different from the optimised CPU application.

During the test, there is a vast display of the FFT time, it makes the PC not very responsive. Is it intended? The GPU speed is very slow, is it due to the display?


--- Quote from: abachler on 22 Dec 2007, 02:52:44 am ---ok, im at a loss as to how to get the client to run.  I dropped i tinto the folder with the WU's, and edited the app_info.xml

perhaps there is some fine point im missing

--- End quote ---
Copy sahcuda.exe to \KWSN Knabench 1.43\Science_apps\ and run Knabench-1.43.cmd


--- Quote from: Devaster on 19 Dec 2007, 01:40:09 pm ---here i will place only binaries ...

--- End quote ---
When the wait for the new version?


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