Forum > GPU crunching

GPU client

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lol nice times by knabech - by me my 8500 gives not only 19 % but 100% slowdown .....


--- Quote from: Devaster on 15 Dec 2007, 10:19:40 am ---and yes its still slower than any CPU version ....

--- End quote ---


I always thought that Nvidia 8 Series faster than Intel C2D
"As of 2007, the fastest PC processors perform over 30 GFLOPS.[8] GPUs in PCs are considerably more powerful in terms of pure FLOPS. For example, in the GeForce 8 Series the nVidia 8800 Ultra performs around 576 GFLOPS on 128 Processing elements. This equates to around 4.5 GFLOPS per element, compared with 2.75 per core for the Blue Gene/L. It should be noted that the 8800 series performs only Single precision calculations, and that while GPUs are highly efficient at calculations they are not as flexible as a general purpose CPU."

And Nvidia promises that the new card (GeForce 9800) will be even faster. 1 or 3 (!!!!) Tflops....

I understand that this performance is not at all the tasks...
Perhaps the algorithm sahcuda can optimize computing?
seti_britta mathematician  :)
It can help?  ;D


--- Quote from: Devaster on 15 Dec 2007, 10:38:38 am ---lol nice times by knabech - by me my 8500 gives not only 19 % but 100% slowdown .....

--- End quote ---
8500 - 16/16 processors
8800 GTS - 96/96 processors


--- Quote from: Devaster on 15 Dec 2007, 10:19:40 am ---something wrong is on your computer ...... :o

--- End quote ---

Again, I launched the knabench.
Now all results - strongly similar  :o

[attachment deleted by admin]

this code is not optimized ... there are a lot mem transfers that can be avoided for example  and so on ... next there is  mixed the CPU and GPU code in 95:5 .... and not used async access to device ....

first it mus be validated then optimized


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