Forum > GPU crunching

GPU client

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good news  :)

Nice to hear that :)

Having made a fresh XP install, and getting the CUDA SDK examples to compile, I'm having problems getting the basic Seti app to compile.

I can get the BOINC source to compile, and most of the Seti source compiles, but it falls down on a type that appears to be GNU C specific (or at least not implemented in Visual Studio).

Can anyone give me a pointer (pun not intended) as to where I'm going wrong?

Background setup info:
MS Visual Studio C++ Express*
Platform SDK

BOINC source was the latest HEAD obtained through SVN, I've tried the seti source from both august 1st and 2nd nightlies.

* I've read a lot about needing the Intel compiler and libraries, and compiling in other compilers. Am I on a road to nothing by using VSC++EE? If so, is there a "recommended" setup that will compile the sources?

Why am I doing this? I plan to try out some of the research I did a few years ago about offloading processing onto FPGAs to see if it's valid in this context, and for personal curiosity.

Hi Christofire,

Compiling S@H with VS 2005 by Urs Echternacht

Compiling with VS "Orcas" (currently in Beta)

These may help :)

Also, ICC and IPP (the compiler/lib package the KWSN apps use if available for the target platform) are available for free as non-commercial versions.



I apologise for not finding those with the search. My google-fu must be weak.

I didn't realise the ICC and IPP were available free(ish). I'll continue trying with VS for now as I've experience of using that, and I've got the CUDA SDK samples to compile (and run).

Many thanks for the help.



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