Forum > GPU crunching

GPU client

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Any progress ^^ ?  ;D

In debugging.
If bug will be found, FFT will be done by  CUDA FFT library on GPU device.
(for AP app. MB GPU dev freezed for some time AFAIK)

nice will wait for test it :)

hey how's the progress :(

Best Regards

Current  GPU app (FFT, highpass filter, dechirp) works correctly but at first glance gives no performance boost (at first sight because there was no CPU load info during test, only total timings).
One of aims of GPU app as I see it to free CPU for another work. So if it does task slower than CPU version but frees CPU much, it will be total benefit.

Now we trying to extend GPU processing on FFA function too (one of the longest routines in AstroPulse). The more code will be on GPU and the less data moves between GPU and CPU remains - the faster GPU app will be.
Maybe some big architecture change of app will be needed to better suit GPU hardware. Work in progress  8)


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