Forum > GPU crunching

GPU client

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I found the cause of the problem:

I was connected to the machine using RDP/Terminal Services ("mstsc /v:computer /console"). In this session Nvidia is not available.

After testing this I have some questions/comments:

1: When running the executable it's using 100% CPU - shouldn't the CPU utilization be close to zero and GPU be utilized to the max? As it is now it has no practical use as I give away my CPU in order to utilize the GPU.
2: How to install an run in combo with BOINC? What is your roadmap/intention on this?
3: With the Terminal Services issue mentioned, it appears the only way to run interactively is being logged on locally/physically.
3a: The best way to run is as a service - do you have any suggestions/plans on how to facilitate a service installation, or just use sc.exe?


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1. for now not using streams and ported only 10 % of code to GPU ...
2. this code is onlz technology preview so i dont know .....
3. i dont know about  some workaround with terminal services ... sorry
4. service running is managed by BOINC core not by computing app ....


Thanks for clearing that up.

Do you recon it's realistic to port 100% to GPU? Do you have an idea how much you will be able to port and when? I think this is such an excellent idea and am really hoping you'll be able to pull it off!



--- Quote from: Devaster on 11 Jul 2008, 12:02:50 pm ---fft and powerspectrum on GPU

--- End quote ---

are you making use of CUFFT's batching feature? If you do, you can basically run multiple FFTs with one CUDA call, which can save some API and kernel launch overhead.

yes , used cufft batch mode ....


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