Forum > GPU crunching

GPU client

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ok...well it looks like I am still sitting this one out :(

I will keep an eye on the posts and help as i can.

Good Luck!


VMware creates a video device

"VMware SVGA ll"

So i guess i am out of luck unless i load xp

Currently i avg about 30 min a unit per core so 8 units an hour

How much faster would the 3 8800 ultra's be ?

Whatever happened to the version that works on on other cards than 8xxx cards?

 I am talking about this thread:

this app development i have stopped ...

Jason G:
Hi Devaster, Sorry to hear that, Though I am sure you have your reasons.  Although I have no idea about GPU programming I appreciate the potential it may hold to make extra use of a much untapped resource.  Would you like me to preserve any code in my repository ? [Technically OUR repository, It just happens to be at my place till we find a better more permanent home  ;) ]  It would seem a shame if that work should go to waste.



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