Forum > GPU crunching

GPU client

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okay some new builds - nothing changed only build options and used VC++ 2008 ...

- sahvarch10.exe - virtual architecture v 1.0 - this is with default GPU code - GPU code is partially compiled on app start by driver based on GPU and for old architecture v. 1.0 (G80)
- sahvarch11.exe - virtual architecture v 1.1 - this is with default GPU code - GPU code is partially compiled on app start by driver based on GPU but for new architecture v. 1.1 (G82,84,86,92)
- sahgpu10.exe - GPU architecture v 1.0 GPU code is generated directly for GPU architecture v 1.0 without any driver stage (binary image loaded to the GPU) (G80)
- sahgpu11.exe - GPU architecture v 1.0 GPU code is generated directly for GPU architecture v 1.1 without any driver stage (binary image loaded to the GPU) (G82,84,86,92)

by virtual architecture is generated pseudo code and this code is finally compiled and optimized by driver on application start, by GPU architecture is generated final binary image of the GPU code ...

v1.1 has some optimizations that uses new features implemented in v1.1 arch.

v1.1 will not run on v1.0 !!!

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Josef W. Segur:

--- Quote from: Numanoid on 11 Feb 2008, 11:47:35 pm ---Getting these errors.

I downloaded KNABench 1.43 and replaced default 5.15.exe with the optimized client exe.  I also copied in sahcuda.exe.

= Knabench 1.43 W32-W64 02/12/2007 by Kna + Simon =
= mods: quick timetable, stderr, speedup/ratio    =

 7 testWU(s) found

 2 reference science app(s) found

 0 science app(s) found

No idea what to do with these errors.  Please help.
--- End quote ---

Move sahcuda.exe to the Science_apps folder. Knabench is designed to check the results of one or more Science apps against one reference app.

Rename KWSN_2.4_SSE3-Core2_MB.exe to default 5.15.exe and replace

setiathome_5.27_windows_intelx86.exe vs sahcudagpu10.exe vs sahcudavarch10.exe

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Btw for the record.. cuda application works in X64 Xp environment if u use 32 bit cuda toolkit in Windows XP x86-64 instead of 64 bit.  Noticed that today!  ;D


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