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Author Topic: To build a server or not?  (Read 13272 times)

Offline hiamps

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To build a server or not?
« on: 22 Apr 2007, 01:04:38 pm »
I own a small company and have 6 machines used in the daily business and and 5 others that kids or personal. Right now I have DSL and all machines connect on their own. My point of sale uses MSQserver. Is there any advantage to building a server and making all my machines connect thru it? I have the business machines on one workgroup and the others on Home workgroup. If I were to build a server should it be a powerful machine or just any old machine as a freind suggested? We are thinking about opening a new store in another State but my Point of Sale can handle that using MSQ server. If I do need a server I would have to hire some one to set up and as it is I can keep things running. My freind says I am stupid not to have  a server but I don't quite understand and doing searches on google just confuses me even more. I was hoping some one could give me Pro's and cons since I know many here do have servers...

Offline Simon

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Re: To build a server or not?
« Reply #1 on: 22 Apr 2007, 02:14:58 pm »
Hi hiamps,

what do you mean, each machine connects on its own? Do they all have their own DSL account and a separate modem? That seems excessive.

Rather, what I think you have right now is a router somewhere, and all PCs connect to the internet through this router, which then connects to one DSL modem.

Should you already have a router, having a "server" just for internet access makes no real sense. To call this a "server" is against agreed-on nomenclature, as well - a server should offer some services (HTTP/FTP/whatever) where what you described is a router (a device or host that is responsible for network connectivity).

You said your PoS machine already is running some sort of service (MSQserver), and that it would be able to handle another store, also telling me that you don't need a server right now.


Offline hiamps

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Re: To build a server or not?
« Reply #2 on: 23 Apr 2007, 01:32:00 am »
Thanks, yes all my machines connect through a router. I think he is trying to sell me on stuff I don't need as everything is working great now.  I use microsoft retail management system.


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