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Author Topic: Jobs @ Lunatics.at - Developers wanted.  (Read 16641 times)

Offline Simon

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Jobs @ Lunatics.at - Developers wanted.
« on: 25 Mar 2007, 10:05:04 am »
First of all, this is a serious job offer.
The company I work for is looking to hire new staff - we're expanding and the work load is becoming too much for our development department.

Requirements/needed skills

  • PHP coding, JavaScript/CSS
  • CVS/Subversion/Repositories - you need to know how to use them
  • IDEs: Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Adobe Flash+ActionScript+Flex/C#/C++/.NET knowledge is a plus (but not a requirement)
  • We're OS-agnostic, as long as you use either Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.
  • Job location is in Vienna, Austria (Europe), we will help you with accommodations - this means, you need to move here to get the job.

Our lead developer is from Mexico, we regularly have international people work here on a per-project basis, so we're an international team and all speak English, most of us a second foreign language as well. Still, to live here, you'll probably need to learn to speak German - if you're able to already, it'll be easier for you.

Should you fit the profile, please email simon <at-sign> zadra [dot] org with your job application. Please include a CV (no need to be flamboyant, just the facts, please). University degrees are nice, but no requirement - experience counts.

Please only apply if you are seriously interested and also willing to move here. Of course, you'll get to work with me, too ;D I'll be your resident BOFH (Sysadmin).

« Last Edit: 07 Apr 2007, 09:47:58 am by Simon »


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