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Hello everybody!

Simon, great work!
Good to see that optimizing is not dead. I appreciate that you invest your time and money in providing optimized clients to the Seti community.  :D

How is the status on licenses did you get everything you need?
I'd be ready to help with a donation if necessary.

greetings from Switzerland

Hi Chboss,
grüezi Schwyz!

The license is already paid for.

I don't want to dissuade you from donating, but it's not strictly necessary right now. You can find out my primary email address by clicking on my nickname, it will take you to my profile. That one's registered with PayPal.

Right now, I'm testing Windows clients on various platforms - I'll most probably announce a public release tomorrow.

Thanks for your kind words!

P.S.: Oh, and if you're interested:

Preliminary Windows comparison table

Hi Simon

Servus Österreich...   ;)

Thank you for this update.
I am looking forward to your Windows release and I am certainly interested in this comparison table.



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