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Author Topic: optimized sources  (Read 643077 times)

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #750 on: 27 Nov 2011, 10:04:35 am »
Hi Claggy,
I did a general cleaning, heatsinks too, but the inner airflow of the case must be better regulated. I built a airstream cunductor from hard paper and set it in between CPU1 and CPU2 so the hot air from CPU1 goes upwards now and not to CPU2 directly. Some measurement with AIDA64 Extreme Edition will help a bit. Outside it is cool now I can open the window. Roomtemp is 21 grd celsius at the moment.
Looks like my conductor did not help a lot.
Informationsliste   Wert
Sensor Eigenschaften   
Sensortyp   Dual ADT7490  (SMBus 2Ch, 2Eh)
GPU Sensortyp   Diode, CHiL CHL8266  (NV-Diode, 46h)
Motherboard Name   Intel D5400XS
CPU1   39 °C  (102 °F)
CPU2   57 °C  (135 °F)
1. CPU / 1. Kern   40 °C  (104 °F)
1. CPU / 2. Kern   22 °C  (72 °F)
1. CPU / 3. Kern   36 °C  (97 °F)
1. CPU / 4. Kern   33 °C  (91 °F)
2. CPU / 1. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
2. CPU / 2. Kern   26 °C  (79 °F)
2. CPU / 3. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
2. CPU / 4. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
DIMM   74 °C  (165 °F)
GPU Diode   68 °C  (154 °F)
Temperatur 1   36 °C  (97 °F)
Temperatur 2   44 °C  (111 °F)
Temperatur 3   45 °C  (113 °F)
FB-DIMM1   78 °C  (172 °F)
FB-DIMM2   84 °C  (183 °F)
FB-DIMM3   78 °C  (172 °F)
FB-DIMM4   70 °C  (158 °F)
ST31000340NS   35 °C  (95 °F)
CPU1   629 RPM
CPU2   618 RPM
North Bridge   1856 RPM
South Bridge   4278 RPM
Aux   531 RPM
Grafikprozessor (GPU)   2790 RPM  (70%)
CPU1 Kern   1.137 V
CPU2 Kern   1.125 V
+1.5 V   1.536 V
+3.3 V   3.352 V
+5 V   5.125 V
+12 V   12.250 V
FSB VTT   1.211 V
North Bridge Kern   1.250 V
DIMM   1.823 V
GPU Kern   0.975 V
GPU +12V   12.109 V
GPU VRM   0.939 V
Strom Werte   
GPU VRM   58.50 A
GPU VRM   54.75 W
machine runs empty, still GPU GTX570 works
27.11.2011 15:40:37      NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 570 (driver version 26658, CUDA version 3020, compute capability 2.0, 1248MB, 1405 GFLOPS peak)
It runs a pg wu(PPS Sieve) in 598 sec


Offline Claggy

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #751 on: 27 Nov 2011, 10:13:57 am »
CPU1   39 °C  (102 °F)
CPU2   57 °C  (135 °F)
1. CPU / 1. Kern   40 °C  (104 °F)
1. CPU / 2. Kern   22 °C  (72 °F)
1. CPU / 3. Kern   36 °C  (97 °F)
1. CPU / 4. Kern   33 °C  (91 °F)
2. CPU / 1. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
2. CPU / 2. Kern   26 °C  (79 °F)
2. CPU / 3. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
2. CPU / 4. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
DIMM   74 °C  (165 °F)
GPU Diode   68 °C  (154 °F)
Temperatur 1   36 °C  (97 °F)
Temperatur 2   44 °C  (111 °F)
Temperatur 3   45 °C  (113 °F)
FB-DIMM1   78 °C  (172 °F)
FB-DIMM2   84 °C  (183 °F)
FB-DIMM3   78 °C  (172 °F)
FB-DIMM4   70 °C  (158 °F)
ST31000340NS   35 °C  (95 °F)
It's strange that the core temps on CPU 2 are mostly lower than CPU 1, but CPU 2 has a higher overall temperature, perhaps that heatsink needs new thermal compound, or the sensor is inaccurate.

« Last Edit: 27 Nov 2011, 10:16:55 am by Claggy »

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #752 on: 27 Nov 2011, 12:13:16 pm »
I found the Northbridge heatsink (40 x 40 x 5mm) make noise and the FB-DIMM heatsinks is too slow and sometimes it hung so both must be replaced in the next days. CPU2 is the right CPU if you look into the case. It seems the sensor or AIDA64 has a problem and reports wrong value.
Or now compound paste, bu I cant believe it....

« Last Edit: 27 Nov 2011, 05:07:13 pm by _heinz »

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #753 on: 27 Nov 2011, 06:37:43 pm »
The Colorful GTX 570 runs with 840/1680/1900 and GPU temp=69 grd celsius
27.11.2011 23:39:17      NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 570 (driver version 26658, CUDA version 3020, compute capability 2.0, 1248MB, 1613 GFLOPS peak)

Strom Werte   
GPU VRM   59.00 A
GPU VRM   55.25 W
28.11.2011 01:29:07      NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 570 (driver version 26658, CUDA version 3020, compute capability 2.0, 1248MB, 1622 GFLOPS peak)

« Last Edit: 27 Nov 2011, 07:32:43 pm by _heinz »

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #754 on: 28 Nov 2011, 01:31:16 pm »
28th of November boinc_total_200_Mio  ;D

and my laptop i3 GT540M get 15Mio_primegrid
« Last Edit: 28 Nov 2011, 07:41:43 pm by _heinz »

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #755 on: 29 Nov 2011, 08:35:29 pm »
v8-Xeon, 3 GPU's under full load
no cpu-work running, I have no fitting RAM heatsink at the moment

Informationsliste   Wert
Sensor Eigenschaften   
Sensortyp   Dual ADT7490  (SMBus 2Ch, 2Eh)
GPU Sensortyp   Analog Devices ADT7473  (NV-I2C 2Eh)
Motherboard Name   Intel D5400XS
CPU1   39 °C  (102 °F)
CPU2   60 °C  (140 °F)
1. CPU / 1. Kern   40 °C  (104 °F)
1. CPU / 2. Kern   22 °C  (72 °F)
1. CPU / 3. Kern   37 °C  (99 °F)
1. CPU / 4. Kern   34 °C  (93 °F)
2. CPU / 1. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
2. CPU / 2. Kern   25 °C  (77 °F)
2. CPU / 3. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
2. CPU / 4. Kern   29 °C  (84 °F)
DIMM   72 °C  (162 °F)
GPU1: GPU Diode   88 °C  (190 °F)
GPU2: Grafikprozessor (GPU)   91 °C  (196 °F)
GPU2: GPU Diode   88 °C  (190 °F)
GPU2: GPU Speicher   87 °C  (189 °F)
GPU2: GPU Umgebung   66 °C  (151 °F)
GPU3: Grafikprozessor (GPU)   91 °C  (196 °F)
GPU3: GPU Diode   88 °C  (190 °F)
GPU3: GPU Speicher   87 °C  (189 °F)
GPU3: GPU Umgebung   67 °C  (153 °F)
Temperatur 1   36 °C  (97 °F)
Temperatur 2   48 °C  (118 °F)
Temperatur 3   46 °C  (115 °F)
FB-DIMM1   79 °C  (174 °F)
FB-DIMM2   84 °C  (183 °F)
FB-DIMM3   74 °C  (165 °F)
FB-DIMM4   69 °C  (156 °F)
ST31000340NS   34 °C  (93 °F)
CPU1   604 RPM
CPU2   597 RPM
North Bridge   2784 RPM
South Bridge   4526 RPM
Aux   608 RPM
GPU1   3120 RPM  (74%)
GPU2   5013 RPM  (89%)
GPU3   3308 RPM  (71%)
CPU1 Kern   1.125 V
CPU2 Kern   1.137 V
+1.5 V   1.536 V
+3.3 V   3.352 V
+5 V   5.125 V
+12 V   12.188 V
FSB VTT   1.211 V
North Bridge Kern   1.250 V
DIMM   1.823 V
GPU1: GPU Kern   0.975 V
GPU1: GPU +12V   12.063 V
GPU1: GPU VRM   0.938 V
GPU2: GPU Kern   0.912 V
GPU2: GPU Vcc   3.364 V
GPU3: GPU Kern   0.962 V
GPU3: GPU Vcc   3.360 V
Strom Werte   
GPU1: GPU VRM   63.50 A
GPU1: GPU VRM   59.50 W
seems the PSU can do it...
the middle GPU is problematic, not enough(still 2mm) space to get enough air
will see how long it does, before the driver crashes

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #756 on: 29 Nov 2011, 09:14:21 pm »
it was a short time (1 hour) and driver crashes... :'(
must power off now

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #757 on: 30 Nov 2011, 06:15:09 pm »
I run the new installer v0.39 on the V8-Xeon, But I can't get any work from seti, pitty.
With stock frequency all 3 GPU's are now running fine.
I set all 8 CPU's under 100% full load with other work.


Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #758 on: 01 Dec 2011, 06:19:06 pm »
Today I got some work from seti GPU and CPU. All are done now. One has  a -9 error, others looks OK, some are waiting to confirm


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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #759 on: 03 Dec 2011, 01:47:01 pm »
Last 24 hours I had have 2 driver crashes. On the FB-DIMMS I had have 100 grd Celsius, so I stopped work on any CPU. I need a new FB-DIMM-heatsink, the old is under repair/reclamation.
The GPU temps are GPU1=89 rpm=3360, GPU2=94 rpm=5400, GPU3=91 rpm=3360.
As you can see there is still 2-3mm space between the cards, really small to get enough could air.


Offline sunu

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #760 on: 03 Dec 2011, 04:04:59 pm »
Make it look like this. This is how I have my pc. I've tied the bottom of the fan to the chassis and the top to the cpu heatsink.

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #761 on: 04 Dec 2011, 04:56:14 pm »
Hi sunu,
good idea to set a additional fan before the 3 GTX, but from the right side in the case.
As you can see the door of the case has 2 big fans each with potentiometer to regulate rpm.
Best would be to construct a own heatsink for the FB-DIMMS.
Will see what I can do...


Offline sunu

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #762 on: 04 Dec 2011, 06:14:18 pm »
With 2 CPUs and 3 high performance GPUs it's impossible to keep low temperatures with the case closed unless you watercool all of them. And even with the case open you will still need a fan placed as I've shown you, to force air between the graphics cards. I use a 38mm thick fan for high static pressure in order to push air as hard as possible in whatever cracks are open.

Where are the FB-DIMMS located? I can't locate them clearly from the photo. Are they those things between the CPUs and the top card? Have you tried something like these http://www.computeruniverse.net/products/e90199636/corsair-dominator-airflow-cooling-fan.asp?sr=corsair+dominator+fan  http://www.computeruniverse.net/products/e90322367/corsair-dominator-airflow-fan-triple-kit.asp?sr=corsair+dominator+fan

You could also change some things in your CPUs. What thickness are the fans on the thermalrights? Those thermalrights have high density fins and they perform better with high static pressure fans, that is 38mm fans. Or use dual fans in each thermalright in a push-pull config (this will also help with the following).

Also there is a huge hot spot between the two CPUs. You'll need to get the air moving in the space between the two heatsinks. Move the fan from the left heatsink to the front of it, pushing instead of pulling air.
« Last Edit: 04 Dec 2011, 06:18:56 pm by sunu »

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #763 on: 06 Dec 2011, 08:34:07 am »

My P4 2,6GHz machine died,  :'(
I shut it down and now never switched it on.
If I push the "on" switch nothing happened,
maybe to replace the PSU

I could reanimate the old P4 by insert a new PSU and changed the graphic-adapter.
Removed the NVIDIA GeForce 4 4200Ti(NV28) and set in a HIS Radeon HD4670 (H467QS1GHA).
IceQ, AGP, 1GB DDR3, HDMI(Blue-ray + HD DVD support), 1080p Full HD 7.1 surround support, 
OpenGL 2.0, OpenCL 1.0, SM4.1, UVD 2,
native HDMI, DVI, VGA port,
ATI Avivo HD video and display technology.
Grafikkarten-Hersteller   Built by AMD   
Grafik-Chipsatz   ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series     
Geräte-ID   9495   
Anbieter   1002   
Subsystem-ID   0028   
Subsystem-Anbieter-ID   1002   
Grafikbus-Unterstützung   AGP   
Maximale Buseinstellungen   AGP 8X   
BIOS-Teilnummer   113-SBRK2G02-10R-01   
BIOS-Datum   2010/06/11   
Speichergröße   1024 MB   
Speichertyp   DDR3   
Kern-Taktfrequenz in MHz   750 MHz   
Speicher-Taktfrequenz in MHz   800 MHz   
Gesamtspeicherbandbreite in GB/s   25,6 GB/s   
Treiber-Paketversion   8.911-111025a-128355E-ATI   
Catalyst™-Version   11.11   
Anbieter   AMD.   
2D-Treiberpfad   System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Video/{A1A805DD-AE12-4CCA-AF54-F9D8DD69306C}/0000   
Catalyst™ Control Center-Version   2011.1025.2152.37348   
AIW/VIVO WDM-Treiberversion   
AIW/VIVO WDM-SP-Treiberversion   

Now I have a ATI machine for testing Raistmers ATI clients too.


« Last Edit: 06 Dec 2011, 12:49:36 pm by _heinz »

Offline _heinz

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Re: optimized sources
« Reply #764 on: 06 Dec 2011, 08:49:37 am »
IceQ HD4670 AGP

if I run OpenCL device query, it shows:
 CL_PLATFORM_NAME:      AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
 CL_PLATFORM_VERSION:   OpenCL 1.1 AMD-APP-SDK-v2.5 (793.1)
 OpenCL SDK Revision:   7027912

OpenCL Device Info:

 2 devices found supporting OpenCL:

 Device ATI RV730
  CL_DEVICE_NAME:                       ATI RV730
  CL_DEVICE_VENDOR:                     Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  CL_DRIVER_VERSION:                    CAL 1.4.1607
  CL_DEVICE_VERSION:                    OpenCL 1.0 AMD-APP-SDK-v2.5 (793.1)
  CL_DEVICE_TYPE:                       CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
  CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES:        128 / 128 / 128
  CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS:               32
  CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE:            512 MByte
  CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE:             global
  CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE:             16 KByte
  CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT:              0
  CL_DEVICE_SINGLE_FP_CONFIG:           INF-quietNaNs round-to-nearest round-to-
zero round-to-inf fma

  CL_DEVICE_IMAGE <dim>                 2D_MAX_WIDTH     0
                                        2D_MAX_HEIGHT    0
                                        3D_MAX_WIDTH     0
                                        3D_MAX_HEIGHT    0
                                        3D_MAX_DEPTH     0

  CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS:                 cl_khr_gl_sharing




oclDeviceQuery, Platform Name = AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, Platform Ve
rsion = OpenCL 1.1 AMD-APP-SDK-v2.5 (793.1), SDK Revision = 7027912, NumDevs = 2
, Device = ATI RV730, Device =               Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz

System Info:

 Local Time/Date = 14:24:53, 12/6/2011
 CPU Arch: 0
 CPU Level: 15
 # of CPU processors: 1
 Windows Build: 2600
 Windows Ver: 5.1


Press <Enter> to Quit...
This AGP card support OpenCL

« Last Edit: 06 Dec 2011, 08:54:33 am by _heinz »


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