"GEIL EVO Cyclone Memory Cooling System" is built in now.
Text from the package:
World' 1st Memory Cooling fan with REAL-time System Information displayed through LED!
The GEIL EVO Cyclone Memeory Cooling System features the world's 1st memory cooling fan with LED display, embedded with thermal sensor, indicating surrounding temperature and real-time fan RPM.
Designed with airflow and heat dissipation, the metal fan bracket of the EVO Cyclone come with dual sets of cooling fin on both sides of the fan and air ducts underneath providing meximun cooling power for your high performance memory modules!
Features and Specification:
- Dimension [LxWxH]: 146*52,6*106mm
- Net Weght: about 135g
- Fan Airflow: 4,04CFM
- Fan Speed: 3400 +-10RPM
-Fan Diameter: 50mm
- Fan Life Expectancy: 25000Hours continous operating(25grd celsius, 65%RH)
- Connector: 3 Pin
- Fan Voltage: 12V
- Universal heat sink bracket and clip design
- Embedded thermal sensor
- Logo Fan with LED Display of: Company Name, Product Name, real time fan RPM and surrounding temperature
- 1 Year Manufacture Warranty
roomtemp=21 grd celsius
8 x akv8b
2 x collatz
Informationsliste Wert
Sensor Eigenschaften
Sensortyp Dual ADT7490 (SMBus 2Ch, 2Eh)
GPU Sensortyp Diode (ATI-Diode)
Motherboard Name Intel D5400XS
CPU1 56 °C (133 °F)
CPU2 64 °C (147 °F)
1. CPU / 1. Kern 52 °C (126 °F)
1. CPU / 2. Kern 42 °C (108 °F)
1. CPU / 3. Kern 49 °C (120 °F)
1. CPU / 4. Kern 49 °C (120 °F)
2. CPU / 1. Kern 43 °C (109 °F)
2. CPU / 2. Kern 41 °C (106 °F)
2. CPU / 3. Kern 43 °C (109 °F)
2. CPU / 4. Kern 43 °C (109 °F)
DIMM 79 °C (174 °F)GPU Diode 74 °C (165 °F)
Temperatur 1 51 °C (124 °F)
Temperatur 2 51 °C (124 °F)
Temperatur 3 54 °C (129 °F)
FB-DIMM1 94 °C (201 °F)
FB-DIMM2 92 °C (198 °F)FB-DIMM3 88 °C (190 °F)
FB-DIMM4 85 °C (185 °F)Seagate ST31000340NS 35 °C (95 °F)
Seagate ST31000340NS 34 °C (93 °F)
Seagate ST31000340NS 35 °C (95 °F)
CPU1 657 RPM
CPU2 650 RPM
North Bridge 4808 RPM
South Bridge 4157 RPM
DIMM 4212 RPMAux 850 RPM
Grafikprozessor (GPU) 100%
As we can see the temperatures of FBDIMM1 and FBDIMM2 are 94 / 92 grd thats 7 grd higher than OCZ cooling system.
We see further that DIMM3 and DIMM4 have now 10 grd more than the OCZ system.
This means the one 5cm cooler is not enough to cool the FBDIMMS down, although the fan runs 4212RPM, thats 800RPM over its specification, very well, but its not enough....
Further we see my inner sensor which is placed between DIMM1 and DIMM2 shows 74 grd , with OCZ it shows 67 grd.
The EVO shows 41 grd and 4286 RPM on its LED Display. (After one and a half hour operation)
Out of my view the EVO Cyclone is more a funny kit than a very good cooling solution.
Pitty, it fits perfect over the FBDIMMs.
And now the upper x16 grafic-slot are usable.
Here are some pictures:
EVO Cyclone mounted.
EVO Cyclone with additional fin-plate bottom for better airstream and that the fan not getting hot air from the graphic adapter RV670.
I mounted the additional finplate bottom(white) for better air-streaming from the fan sitting right bottom before the big cooler of the RV670. As you can see on left side 4 slot-plates are open now for better airstream.
Now after 4 hours and switch on a additional 28cm case-fan near frontside temps are:
DIMM 79 °C (174 °F)
FB-DIMM1 92 °C (198 °F)FB-DIMM2 88 °C (190 °F)
FB-DIMM3 86 °C (187 °F)
FB-DIMM4 81 °C (178 °F)
CPU1 662 RPM
CPU2 638 RPM
North Bridge 4900 RPM
South Bridge 4182 RPM
DIMM 4231 RPMAux 722 RPM
The EVO shows 35 grd C, 4136 RPM on its LED
OK, I will run this EVO Cyclone cooler, but I must search for a better more effective cooling solution.
Lets everybody make his own conclusion.

modify EVO:
EVO with tubeEVO look into tubeThe EVO shows 24 grd C, 4050 RPM on its LED
DIMM 79 °C (174 °F)
FB-DIMM1 88 °C (190 °F)
FB-DIMM2 83 °C (181 °F)
FB-DIMM3 80 °C (176 °F)
FB-DIMM4 80 °C (176 °F)
CPU1 659 RPM
CPU2 652 RPM
North Bridge 4936 RPM
South Bridge 4157 RPM
Aux 935 RPM
my modification shows effect, from 92 down to 88 grd. (Case open)
I construct a tube, so cool air from outside the case can now come in.