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optimized sources

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Aragon Speed:

--- Quote from: seti_britta on 13 Apr 2007, 03:32:21 pm ---@Aragon
how you know I´m working on further optimization of the seti sourcecode. Till now I have done more about  two hundred changes in the sourcecode. The main problem is the migration from 2003 to Visual C++2005. Many changes are necessary to compile the sources without any error and without a lot of warnings. But that´s not an easy job and many problems are to solve on this way. That´s what I´m doing at the moment. Crunch3r helped me to set up the Visual C++2005  development system., using IPP and MKL.
for all others: work is going on
are now compiled without any error, without any warnings   /w3
Optimizer is 90% done,
happy weekend  ;)

--- End quote ---

Had a problem with my PC so it's taken me a while to get back here.... ::)
Thx for the update. ;)

Hi all,
back from the weekend holiday I started my PC, but the power supply did not start. After I disconnected all disks the powersupply started and the board was running. I think the powersupply is defect. Tomorrow I will buy a more powerful 420W powersupply and repair the PC. It is a P4 2.6MHZ with 2 IDE disks and 1 CD-burmer and 1 DVD-burner. This machine was runnung 24/7 for 2years and 2 months.
Today I´m here with my old 200MMX W98, to write these messages.
Its a installation on the fly, board, PSU, disk is laying on the desk in my lab. How you see it works.....
hoping will be back soon.

Good luck Britta!

In the past week, I've replaced two faulty PSUs that just gave up and died after running for 5+ years each. I've always got some spare PSUs lying around for this very reason - if a mission-critical system goes down, it'll be back up soon enough (newer servers all get ordered with redundant PSUs for this reason - my boss doesn't like the extra cost, but he liked the cost from downtime a whole lot less...).


Yesterday I set the new PSU in the PC, and it starts sucessfull, but did not load XP from the disk. So I decide to restart with my last full  backup from april 24 th. The restore of the system disk was sucessful and Xp starts again. Happy that no further hardware are crashed. Both disks are OK now and the computer works again normal.
Summary I lost more of a complete week of work.
Must now reinstall Visual Studio including C++,  SDK, IPP and MKL to continue.
Work is going on.
resume: it is allways good to have a full backup of the System disk.
regards seti_britta.

The SDK is now new installed and I can compile seti sources again. Try to compile Optimizer, all sources are compiled, but at the end LIB ended with error:
LIB : fatal error LNK1181: Eingabedatei ".\Release32-NOGFX\AKfoldSSE.obj" kann nicht geöffnet werden.
Simon can you have a look at this --->
don´t see the error today ;-(
Today 4.Mai the Intel MKL license ended for me.
This message is to alert you that your evaluation period for the product below will expire as of May 04, 2007.
Product Name: Intel(R) Math Kernel Library for Windows*
After new install of Framework 2.0, Boinc installed as a service ended after a half hour of work with following massage:
BOINC client
szAppName:boinc.exe szAppVer: szModName:msvcr80.dll szModVer:8.0.50727.42 Offset:00008890
did install the new client again from Crunch3r´s Website, but no sucess, same error occured.
Any ideas ??? Crunch3r , Simon ??

Mfg seti_britta

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