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Urs Echternacht:

--- Quote from: seti_britta on 17 Apr 2007, 12:34:59 pm ---Heut gabs auch so eine: Service Pack1 für C++2005 (KB926748)
habs installiert und hinterher kann man nix mehr compilieren, überall C4003, eine Katastrophe, hab schon rumgesucht in diversen Foren, aber denke ich werd mal den Stand von vor dem update einspielen müssen, damit es wieder klappt, oder hat schon jemand diese Probleme mit den veränderten Headerdateien gelöst ???
Und so sieht´s jetzt aus
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Version 8.0.50727.762(SP.050727-7600)
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 2.0.50727
hat jemand noch Vorschläge zu dem Problem Servicepack ??
--- End quote ---
ich hab' das SP1 zu VS2005E ebenfalls installiert (Anfang Januar), konnte jedoch keine Probleme oder Veränderungen feststellen. Vielleicht musst Du es einfach nochmal probieren (Deinstallieren, Reboot, Installieren, Reboot). Viel Erfolg.

Hi all,
have decide to uninstall  SQL and Visual Studio 8 including C++20005 complete and start  with a new install of all at the beginning. Takes a little time.
Why I do so ?
Most problems are long path names including spaces.
for instance:
C:\Programme\Microsoft SQL Server\90\SDK\Lib\x86
C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\lib
LIB and linker don´t like that.
Short names without spaces are demanded.
@urs --> have deinstalled service pack 1, my lib does not work correct when I use the präprocessor
best of all ---> new install



you can circumvent the long file name problem. "Programme" becomes "PROGRA~1", for example.

Basically, it works like:

Chars 1-6 are used as they are, in caps. Then, a tilde and a number is appended. So, "Program Files" on the same computer would be "PROGRA~2" with the short file name.

Using this scheme, you can convert any old file or path name. You could also just use a 16-bit app (one that comes with a vcrt30.dll or vbrun300/400.dll, for example) that opens a file. It will show you the path in the above syntax.


thanks for the hints....
- have problems to uninstall SQL Server 2005, looks like a difficult action
found this:
Is there an easy way to do the deinstallation, have you a hint?
If I try to uninstall about Systemsteuerung --> Software I get Error 2147944122 problem with WMI configuration

did now go backwards , take last thursday in systemreconfiguration, did uninstall all Visual applications and the IDE, made some updates from Microsoft to be at the actual update level. SQL Server is now running again and .NET Framework 2.0 with latest updates.
Let run boinc. It crashes after some time. look at "error message in Boinc"  :'(


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