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The Grinch:

--- Quote from: Raistmer on 03 Nov 2008, 05:29:06 pm ---Good news! :) But price still high...
Does it need DDR3 too or some boards with DDR2 support exist?
What ultimate upgrade price (all parts that should be replaced) will be?

--- End quote ---
And Motherboards are NOT still stable!
I've anybody buy now, it getting betastyle Hardware.
Hardware-Onlinemagazine sounds like "Banana-Product", finished after buy.

It's hard to install a full functional developer system in Vista64. Fighting with IPP, MKL, TBB and ASM...
a lot work is todo by hand...
To setup the environment for MKL you had to go to \tools\environment and execute in a dos windows mklvars64 for 64Bit environment, and mklvars32 for 32Bit environment.
You should see then somethink like the following --->
C:\>cd C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\tools\environment


C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\tools\environment>set lib=C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\ia64\lib;

C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\tools\environment>set include=C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\include;

C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\tools\environment>set path=C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\ia64\bin;C:\Win
dows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX;C:
\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\Program Files (x86)
\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin


C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\tools\environment>set lib=C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\ia32\lib;C:\I\IN

C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\tools\environment>set include=C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\include;C:\I

C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\tools\environment>set path=C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\ia32\bin;C:\I\I
\Program Files\Intel\DMIX;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-S
tatic;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\Program File

with TBB it is much more complicated.. a really good setup is missing, a lot of  work by hand...uuuhhh
download and additional, unzip both into the directory you want to install.
set the environment variable TBB21_INSTALL_DIR  to the directory you want to install.  goto the directory msvs_plugin_20080610 and read the file "README". You can not use a normal win-Editor. So use your Visual Studio to open the file. You see now the following Instructions --->
Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks Integration Plug-in - README


    - Overview
    - Installation
    - Usage
    - Integration actions
    - Advanced configuration
    - Known limitations


The Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks integration plug-in provides
a simple mechanism to set up the use of Intel(R) Threading Building
Blocks (TBB) in Microsoft* Visual Studio* projects.

The TBB integration plug-in adds the following settings into
Microsoft* Visual C++* projects as required by TBB:

    - the path to the TBB header files
    - the path to the TBB libraries
    - the specific TBB libraries to link with

The plug-in can be used with C++ projects created in Microsoft*
Visual Studio* 2003, 2005 and 2008.

See for full TBB documentation
and software information.


Unzip the package and open the msvs_plugin folder that
is created.

Before use, the plug-in must be registered by performing the following
steps (depending on the version of Microsoft* Visual Studio* being used):

    - Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2003

   1.  Create or open the "<My Documents>\Visual Studio 2003\Addins"

   2.  Copy all files from msvs_plugin\vc7.1 into the above folder.

   3.  If using a 32-bit version of Microsoft* Windows*, double-
       click on the tbb_integration_vc7.1_32.reg file to add infor-
       mation about the plug-in into the registry.

       If using a 64-bit version of Microsoft* Windows*, double-
       click on the tbb_integration_vc7.1_64.reg file to add infor-
       mation about the plug-in into the registry.

   4.  Register the tbb_integration_vc7.1.dll by using the
       Microsoft* regasm utility by performing these steps:

      cd "<My Documents>\Visual Studio 2003\Addins"

      regasm tbb_integration_vc7.1.dll /codebase

       where <My Documents> is the actual path to your "My
       Documents" folder.

   5.  Reset Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2003 by performing this step:

      devenv.exe /setup

    - Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2005

   1.  Create or open the "<My Documents>\Visual Studio 2005\Addins"

   2.  Copy all files from msvs_plugin\vc8 into the above folder.

    - Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2008

   1.  Create or open the "<My Documents>\Visual Studio 2008\Addins"

   2.  Copy all files from msvs_plugin\vc9 into the above folder.

To ensure that the registration succeeded, select Tools -> Add-in
Manager in the main Microsoft* Visual Studio* menu and check that the
TBB integration plug-in is listed in the table.  Also, the list of
installed products, in the Microsoft* Visual Studio* Help -> About
dialog, should contain an entry for "TBB Integration".

To upgrade to a new version of the TBB integration plug-in, simply
replace the previous version of the DLL installed above by the new

The plugin is pre-configured to use it with commercial Intel(R) TBB
software of versions 2.0 and 2.1. To use the plugin with open-source
TBB packages, in addition to the above steps, do the following:

   1.  Determine the full path to the root directory with the content
        of the open-source TBB package.

   2.  Set TBB20_INSTALL_DIR or TBB21_INSTALL_DIR environment variable
        to contain the above path. For instructions about how to set
        an environment variable, seek Microsoft* Windows* help system.

See also "Advanced configuration" section for additional information.


To enable TBB for a given C++ project, right-click on the project item
in the Microsoft* Visual Studio* Solution Explorer, and open the "Use
Intel(R) TBB" sub-menu in the project context menu.  The sub-menu
consists of the following items:

    - The list of TBB versions the plugin is configured to use with.

   Click the desired version you want to use with your project to
   add the necessary parameters to the project settings.

    - "Remove Intel(R) TBB settings".

   Select this item to delete all TBB-specific settings from your

Integration Actions

When TBB is enabled for a C++ project as described above, the following
C++ project settings are changed:

    - The path to the TBB header files is added to "Additional Include

    - The path to the TBB libraries is added to "Additional Library

    - The TBB libraries are added into "Additional Dependencies"
      (tbb.lib for Release configuration, and tbb_debug.lib for Debug).

    - For Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2003, a command to copy TBB dynamic
      libraries (tbb.dll / tbb_debug.dll) into the OutDir directory is
      added into the list of post-build events.

    - For Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2005 or 2008, the path to the TBB
      dynamic libraries is appended to the PATH environment variable in
      "Debugging | Environment".

The above actions are sufficient to successfully use TBB in Microsoft*
Visual Studio* C++ projects.

Advanced configuration

The plugin takes the paths to the TBB header files and libraries from
the paths.xml file located in the directory with the plug-in DLL.
For example, the following tag structure inside paths.xml provides
the plugin with the paths for TBB 2.0 installations:
  <TBB version_name="TBB 2.0">
    <TBB_LIB_DIR mode="32">$(TBB20_INSTALL_DIR)\ia32\vc8\lib</TBB_LIB_DIR>
    <TBB_LIB_DIR mode="64">$(TBB20_INSTALL_DIR)\em64t\vc8\lib</TBB_LIB_DIR>
    <TBB_BIN_DIR mode="32">$(TBB20_INSTALL_DIR)\ia32\vc8\bin</TBB_BIN_DIR>
    <TBB_BIN_DIR mode="64">$(TBB20_INSTALL_DIR)\em64t\vc8\bin</TBB_BIN_DIR>
The $(TBB20_INSTALL_DIR) is the environment variable containing the path
to the root directory of TBB 2.0 installation; it is set automatically
when commercial TBB 2.0 package is installed. Likewise TBB21_INSTALL_DIR
is used for TBB 2.1 packages, etc.

When necessary, you can specify more TBB paths by adding new <TBB> tags
to the configuration file. An example is provided there as a comment.
The version_name attribute should contain the text to be displayed in
the TBB integration menu; if missed, the whole tag is ignored. If some
directory tag under <TBB> is missed, then the corresponding setting
will not be set during integration. If TBB_INCLUDE_DIR tag is missed,
the corresponding item will be disabled in the TBB integration menu.

If there is no paths.xml file, the TBB integration menu will only have
the option to remove TBB settings.

Known Limitations

   - The plug-in files should not be located on a remote disk due to
     known add-in loading limitations.  See
     for details.

Really a lot todo, if we have 3 different  developer environments(32, 64, em64t) and  3 VS-Studios, (VS2005 Express, VS2008 Express, VS2008 Professional)....and 3 different OS(Vista64, XP64, Linux)
And if all this is done you had to go to the SDK to set the environment new....uuuhh.
And it is not simple ... for me is simple when I can click on a setup.exe file and all is done....
Such a method to make TBB available is not userfriendly !


After poking around I get TBB20 running on Vista64, VS2005 Express Edition, VS2008 Express Edition and Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition. With all 3 I compiled the fiboniacci project sucessful, although in the "Solution Explorer" the submenu "Use Intel(R) TBB" is not available(till now).  ::)
no menu "Use Intel(R) TBB"

You are among the first to receive notification of the groundbreaking Intel® Parallel Composer Beta. Download this exciting new tool and get instant access to an advanced parallelism C/C++ compiler, debugger, and libraries that can change the way you develop parallel applications. @
Will look...


--- Quote from: Raistmer on 25 Nov 2008, 04:35:48 pm ---@
You are among the first to receive notification of the groundbreaking Intel® Parallel Composer Beta. Download this exciting new tool and get instant access to an advanced parallelism C/C++ compiler, debugger, and libraries that can change the way you develop parallel applications. @
Will look...

--- End quote ---

Ohhhh......sounds cool!!!!  8)


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