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Jason G:
Hi Heinz,
   That seems rather incredible.  Have you got some kind of thermometer to put it there so you can see if that is anywhere near accurate?


--- Quote from: Jason G on 22 Aug 2008, 02:51:29 pm ---Hi Heinz,
   That seems rather incredible.  Have you got some kind of thermometer to put it there so you can see if that is anywhere near accurate?

--- End quote ---
The only thing is the sensor of the case, which i placed between the 2 FB-DIMMs, in the last 5 minutes this sensor goes down from 71 to 65°C, after I ended the measuruing with the programms Everest, CPUID-Hardwaremonitor and Processexplorer.
A temp of 65°C looks normal for me. Roomtemp = 25,7°C.
Very interesting that measuring increase the FB-DIMM temp so much, what do you mean to this hypothese ? Can this be ?
I started short Everest to look up
FB-DIMM = 76°C
FB-DIMM1 = 94°C
FB-DIMM2 = 87°C
looks like normal, as I had have before
looks like the hypothese is true. 
hmmm.. very interesting   ;D
edit: I looked up in the wu's, as the temp goes down to 65, I had a couple of this short 15 min wu's running
now my case FB-DIMM-sensor shows  again 71°C
FB-DIMM = 76
FB-DIMM1 = 96
FB-DIMM2 = 88
at this moment are 8 wu's  running with a duration of 1h:01min
but the values look now better, seems ok,.


Killed several times my multiboot by using Acronis Disk Director Suite and OS-Selektor.  :o
Now some support requests are open...
OS-Selector quitted his work...
Always Fedora9 was booting...
from there I edited the file bootwiz.oss   ..after this was done Vista64 starts again
Get now MBR Error3 at start  :'(
Must still fix it, but Vista boots again..Linux is dead...Grub shows some sites of laughing masks  ;D rofl
several tries to fix grub dont have sucess...
A lot of trouble with all this multiboot....
Have now latest Open Suse 11.0 und Fedora9 as DVD and Knoppix ready for install


Fixed the MBR Error 3
With a Rescue Disk assembled with Acronis  I was able after some adventuries to reinstall and activate OS-Selektor again.
This multiboot stuff is really a very complex thematic.
At the moment are installed and working:
disk1: Windows Vista64
disk2: Fedora9 ...
disk3: free for data
no raid active..


Hi Jason,
to get compatibility with several softwarepackages I ordered a additional OS "Windows XP Professional x64 Edition" , which has a sticker "English with German and Japanese Multilingual User Interface CD" .
This OS I installed today on the V8-Xeon into a separate 60GB free partition on the first disk. Installation runs as usual, I choosed german for keyboard and language, but wounder when it starts it shows english-surface. ? uuhh...

Second: the system XP Prof 64 does not recognize the networkadaptor from board DX5400XS.
Vista64 shows this networkadaptor which is properly installed.
I have not expected to get this error in the network installation.
Its a pain to have latest hardware and the system did not install properly because some drivers are not found on the install medium.
cry... :'(  
Sure I can set in a second better known network-card.... as 3com etc...but thats not my thing.

Third is to say: after the installation of XP, Vista did not start anymore(this I have expected). So I started with the Vista DVD to repair the start-area and wounder what it shows:
Diagnostic and reparation details:
The startsector of the systempartition is damaged.
Repair action: boot sector repair
Result: sucessful
Errorcode = 0x0
so far OK, Vista64 starts again but the bootmenue as I know from NT4-Server and XP is not shown anymore.

Next step is to look up for drivers from Intel...then try again...
There is still some research todo to get a full functional multiboot machine..with several different windows and several different linux installations.



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