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--- Quote from: _heinz on 14 Aug 2008, 06:12:24 pm ---News from the V8-Xeon:
Fedora9_x86_64 is installed now on the SKT parallel to Vista64 on the second disk.

--- End quote ---
Today fedora9 runs several hundred of updates, although I installed the latest stable version.
here is a look at fedora systemmonitor during the update process.
After the updates I must still install the ATI graphic-driver for HD3870.
With the standard driver the resolution is not high enough and the fonts look out blurred.
Perhaps I need a monitor file too, but I have' uses generic..

What a adventure with the ATI-graphic driver.
After download the file  into a central location I logged in a terminal as su and started it with the command
it worked and started as here
after I have this done (standard) the system said the driver is not properly installed please run aticonfig from a terminal as su
or if xserver fails run aticonfig --initial -f  from console.

after I typed the commands
./aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=above
./aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1
./aticonfig --resolution=0,1600x1200,1280x1024,1024x768
./aticonfig --force-monitor=crt1,notv
./aticonfig --tv-geometry=85x90+10-10
./aticonfig --list-adapters
it shows "0"

./aticonfig --adapter=0 --initial


it says now:
logfile: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"
using configfile: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
dlopen: "/usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers//"  :undefined Symbol: miZeroLineScreenIndex
(EE) Failed to load "/usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers//"
(EE) Failed to load module fglrx (loader failed 7 )
(EE) No drivers available
Fatal Server errors
No screens found
giving up   :'(

and run aticonfig --initial -f   did not help
a second install and configure get the same result.....uhhhh what a pain...
the system starts and xstart fails, it stand then on the console login

looks like a new install, but then I have the same problem, no the actual ATI driver and still small resolution...
did not expected such a trouble with fedora9....and the ati-driver... :'( :'( :'(


After some tries to install the driver again, allways same error...
A rescue of the system did not help....startx did not start sucessful..
I started a complete new installation...on the formated disk..
After this was done and the system comes up, and the update process started -->
37 security updates
330 bugfix updates
29 enhancement updates.....
download and installation runs 5 hours....
I had never thought that such a lot of updates must be done, my download was newest version from 14.05.2008 when Fedora9 was published. Better no comment to this...
Fedora  release 9(Sulphur), RedHat nash version 6.0.52 is now up again.
kernel: 2.6.25-14.fc9.x86_64

The problem with the monitor resolution is not solved...must read some fora comments, I think the system did not known my TFT-monitor-specific values like max possible resolutions etc..., the manufacturer Medion is takes generic, so resolution of 1280x1024 and some others are  not available.
What we can do ?  maybe to edit the monitor file....
Very angry..... :'(

Why I do this ?? All for our testbed...and development systems....

Jason G:
Hi Heinz,
   Back ~14 years ago we had to recompile the kernel just to get a network card running, and manually configure the monitor and video card files too,  and some video card manufacturers outright refused to release details / driver code. later it was found they were doing dodgy stuff like skipping frames to make the refresh appear faster. 

Is fedora close enough to any other distros that they may have a more suitable driver package etc? were all your monitor specs supplied with your monitor? maybe you can tailor configuration files from an existing model that is close.

Dunno, we used to have to do it all manually, but that was way before modern window managers, so maybe this is no longer possible?  Good luck.


Hi Jason,
the toaster is alredy on in the V8-Xeon thread, FB-DIMM1-temps of 101°C are monitored, have a look there



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