Forum > Windows

optimized sources

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Jason G:
This block compiles on mine: (For comparison, I can see no major functional difference to yours :D )
             CurrentSub = fftlen * (ifft + iC);
             sah_complex *WorkArea = &WorkData[iC * fftlen / 2];  // assume sah_complex 2 floats
          #if !(defined(USE_IPP) | defined(USE_FFTWF)) // makes ,memcpy inactive
                       memcpy( WorkArea, &ChirpedData[CurrentSub], int(fftlen * sizeof(sah_complex)) );

             #if defined( USE_IPP )
                  ( Ipp32fc * ) &ChirpedData[CurrentSub], // Source
                     ( Ipp32fc * ) WorkArea, //Destination
                     FftBuf );
             #elif defined( USE_FFTWF )
                        fftwf_execute_dft( analysis_plans[FftNum], &ChirpedData[CurrentSub], WorkArea );
             #else // replace time with freq - ooura FFT
                        cdft( fftlen * 2, 1, WorkArea, BitRevTab[FftNum], CoeffTab[FftNum] );


I did notice it went haywire if I missed out a ( Ipp32fc * ) typecast.

yes it compiles mine too --->
Build log was saved at "file://c:\I\SC\vs90\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\win_build\Release32-NOGFX\BuildLog.htm"
seti_boinc - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Jason G:
Ahh good one  ;D,  I'm thinking that this
 new way:
       --- Using no memcopy
       --- Using IPP Function as intended

is better than the old way:
      --- Using a memcopy (even an optimised one, which I was looking at)
      --- Using IPP function in a wierd way

of course only a test can show if this has any speed difference.  Be a while before I could look at a rebuild as I have more schoolwork and have to give some tutoring this week .  Even if it is slower I don't mind because it still has helped me to understand a small piece more of the code. The next step for me after testing this would probably be to look at Joe's even better suggestions,  There are many now!.

Thanks for trying this and keep plugging away !

Back later in the week!


changed benchmark.cpp ----->
   for(loops = 0; loops < 25 && (end_cyc-total_run)< MAX_CYCLES; loops++)
      if(pre_test == zero_out)   memset( out_buf, 0, test_size );
      if(pre_test == fill_in)      memcpy( out_buf, workBuf, test_size );
      cycles = cycleCount();
      switch ( bench_list[idx].token )
         case _FFT:
            #if defined( USE_IPP )
            if(pre_test == zero_out)
                  ( Ipp32fc * ) out_buf,
                  ( Ipp32fc * ) out_buf,
                  NULL );
                  ( Ipp32fc * ) workBuf,   // This is the source data, this is not overwritten
                  ( Ipp32fc * ) out_buf,   // This is some other Buffer destination
                                    // no memcpy required
                  NULL );
            #endif //seti_britta:
            #if defined( USE_FFTWF )
            fftwf_execute_dft( da_fft_plan, (sah_complex *)&in_buf[0], (sah_complex *)&out_buf );
it compiles well --->
Build log was saved at "file://c:\I\SC\vs90\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\Optimizer\Release32-NOGFX\BuildLog.htm"
Optimizer - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
will try this an look if it works well....
see you again here
regards heinz

Jason G:
ahah I see.... now that IPP call is "In Place"  You can do this:
       if(pre_test == zero_out)
             //     ( Ipp32fc * ) out_buf,  // Commented out this to make it inplace
                  ( Ipp32fc * ) out_buf, // This is both source and destination
                  NULL );

Whether it makes any difference is another question :D
questions I have are:
        -    Why benchmark an array of zeroes ?
        -    If zeroed array needs to be benched , why not test it 'fully' out of place (separate src/dest buffer like below)?


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