Forum > Windows

optimized sources

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Josef W. Segur:

When I used MS VC++ 4.0 heavily a few years ago, running a debug version of a program from the IDE had similar problems finding files. It turned out to be that the working directory was not where the program was (in Debug), but the directory above that where the source code was. I never figured out why MS had done it that way, just learned to put the files I wanted the program to access up one level. If they are still doing that it may account for the troubles you are having.

Thank you Joe for this important hint, will try it
Merci Heinz

Hi Crunchr please tell me where in the Ide I must put the commandline and its parameter exactly.
set_boinc.exe -bench -show_benchmark

I did it in Projektmappenexplorer --->seti_boinc -->Eigenschaften --->Konfigurationseigenschaften --->Debuggen --->Befehl --->
C:\I\SC\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\win_build\Debug\setiathome_2.3S5B_windows_intelx86.exe -bench -show_benchmark

Pfad + exe + parameter  all in a line

Das Programm wird aufgerufen aber keine Parameter erkannt, dann wird immer work_unit.sah nicht gefunden, bekomme niemals eine filepointer zurück, ---> undefiniertes Programmende

Wahrscheinlich mach ich grundsät5zlich was falsch  :'(

Joe's hint about moving it to the directory above did not work?

Did you try moving all necessary files to a different directory altogether, or will debugging from inside VS not work otherwise? (probably not)


have the files in all  debug, Release32-NOGFX, and winbuild.
debugging works...but no parameters will be known


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