Forum > Windows

optimized sources

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Merci, hab ich hereingetan...

Mit dem debugger komme ich bis zu der Stelle wo er das testfile (die wu "workunit.sah" einlesen will.

    // Open the file and load the first line
    FILE *fp = fopen(virtual_name, "r");      <----- hier passiert es
    if (!fp) return ERR_FOPEN;

es wird dann verzweigt zu iosfwd
439    static size_t __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL length(const _Elem *_First)
      {   // find length of null-terminated string
//      _DEBUG_POINTER(_First);
      return (::strlen(_First));          <------

Eine Ausnahme (erste Chance) bei 0x7c812a7b in setiathome_2.3S5B_windows_intelx86.exe: Microsoft C++-Ausnahme: seti_error an Speicherposition 0x0012f158..
Der Thread 'Debug Exception Monitor' (0xd9c) hat mit Code -5 (0xfffffffb) geendet.
Der Thread 'Timer' (0x7a0) hat mit Code -5 (0xfffffffb) geendet.
Das Programm "[2928] setiathome_2.3S5B_windows_intelx86.exe: Systemeigen" wurde mit Code -5 (0xfffffffb) beendet.

hab mal nachgeschaut:   workunit.sah hat nur das archivbit gesetzt
???? hmmm...
fehlt noch was ??

sieht aus als hätt ich ein problem mit mkl.... muss prüfen  ::)


MKL wird in unseren derzeitigen Sourcen eigentlich nicht verwendet (wir verwenden IPP's FFT-Implementation für die optimierten Apps, Berkeley verwendet FFTW). Würde vorschlagen, die MKL includes/libraries raus zu nehmen, falls Du sie drin hast.


Hi all,

to debug the client I took the 3 files ( init_data.xml   stderr.txt  work_unit.sah ) into the debug directory where the client is compiled and linked. Then set in seti_boinc ---> Konfigurationseigenschaften ---> Debuggen ---->Befehl  C:\I\SC\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\win_build\Debug\setiathome_2.3S5B_windows_intelx86.exe
---->Befehlsargumente -bench -show_benchmark

Now set line 240 worker.cpp a stoppoint and begin to debug
239        retval = read_wu_state();
240       if ( retval ) SETIERROR( retval, "from read_wu_state() in worker()" );  <----stoppoint

if we reached it we can see that read_wu_state() give back errno=2
normally that means:  2 ENOENT No such file or directory.  A component of a specified pathname did not exist, or the pathname was an empty string.

But now the error must be interpreted through the program.
It goes to: line 286 worker.cpp
286     catch( seti_error e )
        if ( e == RESULT_OVERFLOW )
            fprintf( stderr, "SETI@Home Informational message -9 result_overflow\n" );
                "NOTE: The number of results detected exceeds the storage space allocated.\n" );
            final_report();  // add signal and flop counts to stderr.txt
            progress = 1;
            remaining = 0;
            boinc_fraction_done( progress );
            checkpoint( true ); // force a checkpoint
            boinc_fpops_cumulative( analysis_state.FLOP_counter * LOAD_STORE_ADJUSTMENT );
            boinc_finish( 0 );
            exit( 0 );          // an overflow is not an app error
            e.print();      <---------- to here
            exit ( static_cast< int >( e ) );
    } // worker()
Because its not a result overflow it goes to e.print   ----> in s_util.cpp
void seti_error::print( void ) const
    std::cerr << "SETI@home error " << -value << " ";
    if ( (value <= atexit_failure) && (value >= 0) )
        std::cerr << message[value];
        std::cerr << "Unknown error";

    std::cerr << std::endl << data << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "File: " << file << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Line: " << line << std::endl;
    std::cerr << std::endl;
--------------------------- now to iosfwd ---->

   static size_t __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL length(const _Elem *_First)
      {   // find length of null-terminated string
//      _DEBUG_POINTER(_First);
      return (::strlen(_First));    <--------
-      _First   0x00714558 "C"   const char *
+      _First   0x006cb5a8 ""   const char *     <---second loop
&#135;      std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign zurückgegeben.   "work_unit.sah"   std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > &
come now to 318 app_ipc
318    FILE *fp = fopen(virtual_name, "r");
    if (!fp) return ERR_FOPEN;
then to 129 app_ipc
129     FILE *fp = fopen(virtual_name, "r");
    if (!fp) return ERR_FOPEN;
then to
static int read_wu_state( void )
    FILE    *f;
    int     retval = 0;
    string  path;

    boinc_resolve_filename_s( WU_FILENAME, path );
    f = boinc_fopen( path.c_str(), "rb" );
    if ( f )
        #ifdef BOINC_APP_GRAPHICS
        if ( !nographics() ) sprintf( sah_graphics->status, "Scanning data file\n" );
        retval = seti_parse_wu( f, analysis_state );
        fclose( f );
        if ( retval ) SETIERROR( retval, "from seti_parse_wu() in read_wu_state()" );
        char    msg[1024];
        sprintf( msg, "(%s) in read_wu_state() errno=%d\n", path.c_str(), errno );

    retval = seti_init_state();
    if ( retval ) SETIERROR( retval, "from seti_init_state() in read_wu_state()" );

    if ( !nographics() ) sprintf( sah_graphics->status, "Scanning state file.\n" );
        retval = parse_state_file( analysis_state );

    catch( seti_error e )

        // Failure to open the state file means that are starting a new WU.
        if ( static_cast< int >( e ) == FOPEN_FAILED )
            retval = initialize_for_wu();
            if ( retval )
                SETIERROR( retval, "from initialize_for_wu() in read_wu_state()" );
            throw e;

    boinc_fraction_done( progress * remaining + (1.0 - remaining) * (1.0 - remaining) );
    return 0;
------------------------------------------------------ then to
   static size_t __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL length(const _Elem *_First)
      {   // find length of null-terminated string
//      _DEBUG_POINTER(_First);
      return (::strlen(_First));
+      _First   0x0012f3b4 "(work_unit.sah) in read_wu_state() errno=2
"   const char *

+      this   "(work_unit.sah) in read_wu_state() errno=2
"   std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > * const
+      this   0x0012f158 {value=5 file="c:\i\sc\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2b-ben-joe\client\worker.cpp" line=144 ...}   seti_error * const
then to 143 worker.cpp
143         sprintf( msg, "(%s) in read_wu_state() errno=%d\n", path.c_str(), errno );
then to catch_error 286
 286   catch( seti_error e )
        if ( e == RESULT_OVERFLOW )
            fprintf( stderr, "SETI@Home Informational message -9 result_overflow\n" );
                "NOTE: The number of results detected exceeds the storage space allocated.\n" );
            final_report();  // add signal and flop counts to stderr.txt
            progress = 1;
            remaining = 0;
            boinc_fraction_done( progress );
            checkpoint( true ); // force a checkpoint
            boinc_fpops_cumulative( analysis_state.FLOP_counter * LOAD_STORE_ADJUSTMENT );
            boinc_finish( 0 );
            exit( 0 );          // an overflow is not an app error
            exit ( static_cast< int >( e ) );  <--------------- here the app crash
    } // worker()
+      e   {value=5 file="c:\i\sc\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2b-ben-joe\client\worker.cpp" line=144 ...}   seti_error
how you see    e = 5
+      e   {value=5 file="c:\i\sc\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2b-ben-joe\client\worker.cpp" line=144 ...}   seti_error
    if ( (value <= atexit_failure) && (value >= 0) )
      value   5   int
+      _First   0x006cf4b8 "Can't open file"   const char *
           exit ( static_cast< int >( e ) );
+      e   {value=5 file="c:\i\sc\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2b-ben-joe\client\worker.cpp" line=144 ...}   seti_error
and now ------> crashs the application thats not a really good solution of this problem

Eine Ausnahme (erste Chance) bei 0x7c812a7b in setiathome_2.3S5B_windows_intelx86.exe: Microsoft C++-Ausnahme: seti_error an Speicherposition 0x0012f158..
Der Thread 'Debug Exception Monitor' (0xd50) hat mit Code -5 (0xfffffffb) geendet.
Der Thread 'Timer' (0x278) hat mit Code -5 (0xfffffffb) geendet.
Das Programm "[3288] setiathome_2.3S5B_windows_intelx86.exe: Systemeigen" wurde mit Code -5 (0xfffffffb) beendet.

1. why the did the program not open the file ? ( it was the first of the 7 test wu´s ),    still the archive bit is set
     did I made something wrong in the test with the file ?

2. the error is not well reported, solution should not crash

3. the stderr.txt is cleaned and empty
Merci for your attention, your suggestions are welcome
regards heinz

have some new test lines inserted to handle the error.

         //seti_britta: always exit with 0
         if ( e == FOPEN_FAILED )
            fprintf( stderr, "Can´t open file" );
            exit( 0 );    <-------- here it come back with 0 now
         if ( e == READ_FAILED )
            fprintf( stderr, "Can´t read file" );
            exit( 0 );
            exit ( static_cast< int >( e ) );
really interesting, FOPE_FAILED is true, it goes then to fprintf statement, run it, then to exit(0), in assembler code come back with 0 now.
I believe it is a problem with crt
there is the assembly:
--- f:\sp\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crt0dat.c ---------------------------
0063C2B0  push        ebp 
0063C2B1  mov         ebp,esp
0063C2B3  push        0   
0063C2B5  push        0   
0063C2B7  mov         eax,dword ptr
--- Code: ---
0063C2BA  push        eax 
0063C2BB  call        doexit (63C520h)
0063C2C0  add         esp,0Ch
0063C2C3  pop         ebp 
0063C2C4  ret   

--- End code ---

Eine Ausnahme (erste Chance) bei 0x7c812a7b in setiathome_2.3S5B_windows_intelx86.exe: Microsoft C++-Ausnahme: seti_error an Speicherposition 0x0012f158..
Der Thread 'Debug Exception Monitor' (0x764) hat mit Code 0 (0x0) geendet.
Der Thread 'Timer' (0x804) hat mit Code 0 (0x0) geendet.
Das Programm "[2336] setiathome_2.3S5B_windows_intelx86.exe: Systemeigen" wurde mit Code 0 (0x0) beendet.
huuh .... I took the file boinc_lockfile from the test-package  into the debug ... is that right ?

thought that the output comes into the stderr.txt , but it is always empty ?  ?  ?
But I believe that the program cant read file is a other problem...
regards heinz


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