Forum > Windows

optimized sources

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Well - yeah - though you won't like it. Don't use ORCAS! ;) It's Beta, unsupported, and will only lead to more trouble.


have a question

I want compile a FFTWF client.
It is still necessary to use USE_FFTWF alone without IPP ?? It seems so, but I´m not sure. It looks like benchmark.cpp has a problem with FFTWF. Some changes were necessary to compile benchmark.cpp with FFTWF.
Are there changes known in 2.2B benchmark.cpp since it was published ??
Microsoft (R) 32-Bit C/C++-Optimierungscompiler Version 14.00.50727.762 für 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
cl /Od /Ob2 /Oi /Ot /Oy /GT /I "../../../boinc/win_build" /I ".." /I "..\.." /I "..\..\..\boinc\lib" /I "../../../boinc/api" /I "../../db" /I "C:\I\SC\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\Optimizer" /I "C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\include\fftw" /I "C:\I\SC\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\win_build" /D "USE_FFTWF" /D "WIN32" /D "_WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /D "_MT" /D "CLIENT" /D "NBOINC_APP_GRAPHICS" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /D "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710" /D "_MBCS" /GF /FD /EHsc /MT /Zp16 /Gy /Fo"Release32-NOGFX\\" /Fd"Release32-NOGFX\vc80.pdb" /W3 /c /Wp64 /Zi /Gd /TP /FI "win-config.h" ".\benchmark.cpp"
.\benchmark.cpp(627) : error C2664: 'fftwf_execute_dft': Konvertierung des Parameters 2 von 'float *' in 'fftwf_complex (*)' nicht möglich
        Die Typen, auf die verwiesen wird, sind nicht verknüpft; die Konvertierung erfordert einen reinterpret_cast-Operator oder eine Typumwandlung im C- oder Funktionsformat.
Das Buildprotokoll wurde unter "file://c:\I\SC\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\Optimizer\Release32-NOGFX\BuildLog.htm" gespeichert.
Optimizer - 1 Fehler, 0 Warnung(en)
         case _FFT:
            #if defined( USE_IPP )
                  ( Ipp32fc * ) out_buf,
                  ( Ipp32fc * ) out_buf,
                  NULL );
            #elif defined( USE_FFTWF )
627               fftwf_execute_dft( da_fft_plan, in_buf[0],   out_buf ); <---error
any news about it known ??

regards heinz

 change it to ---> fftwf_execute_dft( da_fft_plan, (sah_complex *)&in_buf[0], (sah_complex *)&out_buf );

It has allready been discussed here on the board so a search would have helped in the first place.  ;)


Simply putting a "//" in front of that line would have helped to cuz you don't need that line at all nor do you need to bench FFTW3.

merci Crunch3r  :)

FFTWF compiled   ;D
Microsoft (R) 32-Bit C/C++-Optimierungscompiler Version 14.00.50727.762 für 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
cl /Od /Ob2 /Oi /Ot /Oy /GT /I "../../../boinc/win_build" /I ".." /I "..\.." /I "..\..\..\boinc\lib" /I "../../../boinc/api" /I "../../db" /I "C:\I\SC\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\Optimizer" /I "C:\I\INTEL\MKL\9.0\include\fftw" /I "C:\I\SC\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\win_build" /D "USE_FFTWF" /D "WIN32" /D "_WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_LIB" /D "_MT" /D "CLIENT" /D "NBOINC_APP_GRAPHICS" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /D "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710" /D "_MBCS" /GF /FD /EHsc /MT /Zp16 /Gy /Fo"Release32-NOGFX\\" /Fd"Release32-NOGFX\vc80.pdb" /W3 /c /Wp64 /Zi /Gd /TP /FI "win-config.h" ".\benchmark.cpp"
Das Buildprotokoll wurde unter "file://c:\I\SC\seti\seti_boinc_2k3_2.2B-Ben-Joe\client\Optimizer\Release32-NOGFX\BuildLog.htm" gespeichert.
Optimizer - 0 Fehler, 0 Warnung(en)
regards  ;D  ;)


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