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Author Topic: New apps based on code revision 2.2 'Noo? No, Ni!' have been released!  (Read 82899 times)

Offline hiamps

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Thanks Simon, hope you had a safe trip, wish I could have gone...LOL

Offline Simon

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Well, an empty Autobahn at night is fun, I usually make the ~190 mile trip in about 2 hours. (~150 km/h average, about  94 mp/h or so.)

Don't tell the fuzz, now ;) Only Germany has no speed limits on some parts, here it's 130 km/h ~(81 mp/h).

Offline hiamps

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I had a 67 VW Bug when I lived in Germany...It went slow uphill and a bit faster downhill...Made it as far as Innsbrook and just loved it.  I think 190KMH was the fastest I ever went in a freinds mercedes. Where I live the freeways are always clogged, even at night. Seattle area.


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Picked up a 545i at the delivery center in Munich in 05' and enjoyed a little time on the autobahn on my way to visit friends in Neu Ulm.  At it's governed max speed of 155, it was smooth as silk and stable as hell.  In my younger and less responsible days, I  drove more than a few classic muscle cars at 120-130-140 mph that were on the verge of shaking apart, not to mention the VERY unstable steering and downright scary braking (drum brakes anyone?)
The 545i was (is) a most civilized experience.  Only a couple of minutes into my "cruise", I saw "blinking" headlights appear quite rapidly behind me.  Moving aside to the right, it was barely in time as a new 911 Turbo blew past me like I was standing still.  Maybe 185-200ish?  Porsche appears to be exempt from the vehicle speed governing  ;) 

Always owned GM vehicles in the past, but I'm "sold" on German now.  Amazing engineering and experience, IMO.

Ok.. Back to topic.
« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2007, 03:13:13 am by Gecko_R7 »

Offline Simon

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Lol. I'd have to agree though...german cars are built with the Autobahn in mind; and yes, going at 155 mph doesn't mean that you'll not get overtaken like you were standing still. I've reached ~195 mph with a motorcycle (myself) and ~180 with a car (though as a passenger) according to their speedometers. I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a speed freak ;) Well not just top speed, but racing, really.

Back to topic ;) New apps with Joe's fix have been compiled, I'll upload them today.

Happy crunching!
« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2007, 10:04:50 am by Simon »


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... going at 155 mph doesn't mean that you'll not get overtaken like you were standing still. I've reached ~195 mph with a motorcycle (myself) and ~180 with a car (though as a passenger) according to their speedometers...

Simon, you Speedy Gonsales, did you really mean mph (pretty rare rating on German Autobahns, but my hat down if really) or actually km/h?


Offline Simon

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Yes, I really meant mph...I did mention I was a bit of a speed freak ;)
195 mp/h would be ~312 km/h, which is what the speedo said when I finally bothered to check it. Didn't feel that quick til I knew how fast I was going. This was on a souped-up 900 ccm racer with ~190 hp, good brakes, too...

As for in a car, a Ferrari F355 of a friend (which he since sadly totalled) on the way to Munich did 290 by the speedo.

Never really can trust them though, they're usually a bit on the quick side.

When I figured out I wanted to be a racer, I was too old to really go anywhere big without investing truckloads of money; so it remains a hobby. Beat my Need For Speed (computer racing game, any version) times though, I dare ya ;)



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Your not supposed to say 'SPEED FREAK' You were using the available equipment to it's full potentail! That was my excuse for 180 mph in a Konig Ferrari when they found me a few days later. Mind you the overall journey was a bit on the slow side with 4 fuel stops in 520 miles Ahhhhhhh!


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Simon and/or the "optimizer team" can you look here please:

"Probs with Simons S@H V5.15 Rev.2.2A and B"

Friendly greets!

Offline Josef W. Segur

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Simon and/or the "optimizer team" can you look here please:

"Probs with Simons S@H V5.15 Rev.2.2A and B"

Friendly greets!

I'm not really competent to comment on C2 systems, but my guess is that when you can get good temperature readings they'll be rather high. The improvements in 2.2 mean there are fewer places where the app has to wait for memory IO, so the CPU doesn't have those stalls to cool down.

If you were running BOINC 5.8.x, you could try the CPU throttling feature. Perhaps slowing down by 5% or so would be enough to stabilize the system.

Offline Devaster

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Yes, I really meant mph...I did mention I was a bit of a speed freak ;)
195 mp/h would be ~312 km/h, which is what the speedo said when I finally bothered to check it. Didn't feel that quick til I knew how fast I was going. This was on a souped-up 900 ccm racer with ~190 hp, good brakes, too...

As for in a car, a Ferrari F355 of a friend (which he since sadly totalled) on the way to Munich did 290 by the speedo.

Never really can trust them though, they're usually a bit on the quick side.

When I figured out I wanted to be a racer, I was too old to really go anywhere big without investing truckloads of money; so it remains a hobby. Beat my Need For Speed (computer racing game, any version) times though, I dare ya ;)


in Slovakia there are speed limits so there is only one place where i obey speed limits : CPU and GPU clocks speeds ...


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Simon and/or the "optimizer team" can you look here please:

"Probs with Simons S@H V5.15 Rev.2.2A and B"

Friendly greets!

I'm not really competent to comment on C2 systems, but my guess is that when you can get good temperature readings they'll be rather high. The improvements in 2.2 mean there are fewer places where the app has to wait for memory IO, so the CPU doesn't have those stalls to cool down.

If you were running BOINC 5.8.x, you could try the CPU throttling feature. Perhaps slowing down by 5% or so would be enough to stabilize the system.

I don't have a problem with the temp. ;-)
This was "only" a question at the side... :-)

(BTW. The probs (bug) with Rev.1.41 (SSSE3-app) and Rev.2.2(A) were the same?) (invalid results)

I posted ("main"):
I have problems with my QX6700 and the Revs. 2.2A & B.
With Rev. 1.41 and 2.2 I didn't had this problems...

I use WinXP Home.
And Boinc V5.3.12.tx36

After ~11h Boinc is frozen. (I had two times this problem after this time!)
The icon is in the "Task border"/"Info. range" shown.
But when I want to click with "right-Mouse" nothing is happen.

In the Task-Manager:
S@H is not running.
boinc.exe use 25% of the whole CPU.
(this mean that 1 complete thread is 100% in use and the 3 other threads are in idle (Quad Core! :-) )

The only thing what I can do is to reboot the system.
Then two messages are shown:

Close program: boincmgr.exe
The program don't react
(Finish now) (Abort)

Close program: boinc.exe
The program don't react
(Finish now) (Abort)

Have other people the same probs?

What is going wrong?


After a short time I posted this:

Now I got the prob after ~3h... :-(
Now I went back to Rev. 1.41... :-(
O.K., with Rev. 1.41 I get sometimes invalid results (and it's little bit slower) , but not so often like with Rev. 2.0...

Now I'm little bit confused...

I have probs now with my new QX6700...? But he isn't OC!

« Last Edit: 26 Feb 2007, 05:40:36 pm by CAPTAIN FUTURE »


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Maybe it's because I didn't updated my WinXP Home SP2 over the Microsoft homepage...

This can be the reason?

Or I need .NET Framework?

« Last Edit: 27 Feb 2007, 09:01:50 am by CAPTAIN FUTURE »

Offline Simon

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Deine Situation dürfte ein Zusammenspiel aus mehreren unabhängigen Faktoren sein.

Also, als allererstes empfehle ich Dir mal, die neueste BOINC Version (5.8.15) zu downloaden und zu installieren. Die 5.8er Version gibt's schließlich noch nicht lange, und leider hatte sie schon so einige Probleme. Versionen vor .15 sind definitiv buggy, .15 hat zwar auch noch kleinere Macken, aber funktioniert bei mir fein.

Das sollte mal eine Variable ausschließen und verhindern, daß Du auf einmal nur mehr einen Task laufen hast oder zu viele.

Als nächstes - Deine Temperaturen sind viiiiiiiiel zu hoch. Nicht nur ein bißchen, sondern wirklich viel. Das ist nicht mehr im Bereich "wird schon passen" sondern im Bereich "wird irgendwann bald eingehen" - Dauertemperaturen über 70° machen Deine CPU sicher bald tot.

Was hast Du für 'nen Kühler? Standard-Intel? Hast Du ihn selbst montiert? Die Temperaturen sollten auch damit definitiv nicht über ca. 60° bei Volllast hinausgehen. Mein Rat: besorg Dir z.B. nen ThermalTake Big Typhoon, der kostet nicht die Welt und kühlt hervorragend. Meine wirklich schwer übertaktete CPU, die 3mal so viel Strom frißt (und damit Hitze abgibt) wie Deine CPU, läuft damit ca. 53° unter Volllast.

Wenn Du das nicht tun willst, dann rate ich Dir, Deinen Kühler mal zu demontieren, danach zu reinigen (Isopropyl-Alkohol z.B.) und mit einer DÜNNEN Schicht Kühlpaste zu bestreichen, wo er in Kontakt mit der CPU kommt. Danach neu montieren, und schauen, ob's nicht besser wird.



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Danke für Antwort!

Wgn. Boinc...
Hab "<cpu_affinity/>" (Trux .tx36) laufen, somit sollte jeder Thread/Core nur ein WU rechnen, oder?
Sollten nicht alle Dual/Quad - PCs diesen client nutzen. Der "original" kann doch nicht diese Funktion, oder?

Ich habe mir den PC beim Handler geholt.
Somit wurde der (boxed) original Kühler mit Lüfter "vom Fachmann" (ich hoffe!) verbaut.
An der Unterseite des Kühlers waren 4 kleine Stellen mit "irgendwas" beklebt.
(Verkäufer meinte: Paste wird nicht benötigt)

Der originale Lüfter läuft von ca. 1.000 und ca. 6.000 UpM. (max. Wert hab ich so im Hinterkopf (hatte ich noch nicht)) ;-)
Bei mir läuft er immer so um 2.000 und 2.500 um die komische "Temperaturanzeige" auf 22°C zu halten.

Ich denke mal das dies die Temperaturspanne bis zur max. erreichbaren Temperatur ist.

Wenn der PC im Leerlauf läuft, ist die "komische" Temp. auf ca. 40°C - 45°C.
(Dann wird die CPU von 2.667 auf 1.6 GHz runtergeregelt)

Hab das neuste BIOS draufgemacht. Vorher war ein Minus vor den Temp.anzeigen...

Ich habe ein Intel D975XBX2- Board.

Wenn die Temperatur zu hoch wäre, oder sogar die max. Temp. erreicht wurde (nahe dran), würde doch der Lüfter auf max. Umdrehungen laufen, oder?

Hast mir jetzt ganz schön viel Angst gemacht! ;-)

Kann es nicht sein, das der QX6700 bis 100°C geht? O.K. dann 100% Tod, aber bis vielleicht bis 90°C noch so lala...?
In CoreTemp steht ja auch als Wert bei "Tjunction" (was auch immer das heißen mag) 100°C.

Der Thermalright SI-128 liegt schon bereit.
Im Handbuch vom Board steht: Der Bereich um die CPU muss auch durch den CPU- Kühler/Lüfter gekühlt werden.
So nach den Tests die ich gesehen hab, ist das dann doch die beste Wahl, oder?

Wie sieht das denn mit der Paste aus.
Die Beste ist nach Tests die Coollaboratory Paste oder das Pad.
Die Handhabung ist mir aber zu unsicher.

Die zweitbeste Lösung ist die "Arctic Silver 5", nach den gelesenen Tests.

Kann eine Paste wirklich so gravierende Unterschiede hervorrufen?
Welche benutzt Du?

Werd mal im Internet noch mal die Tests suchen, wenn mich nicht alles täuscht hab ich da nämlich mal ´n Beitrag gelesen mit den Temps.
Die waren glaub´ ich alle so wie ich sie hab´...


PS. Jetzt läuft Rev.2.2B seit ca. 14 Std. ohne probs :-)
« Last Edit: 27 Feb 2007, 07:03:22 pm by CAPTAIN FUTURE »


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