Forum > Alternate Hardware platforms

OSX Multibeam OpenCL question

<< < (3/14) > >>

I checked in fix, try to rebuild now.

And please share your findings with team time to time :)

Joe Fox:
Unfortunately, it looks like I still get the same error. The only difference I see in the stderr is now local mem type is "Emulated" rather than "Real".

--- Code: ---Work Unit Info:
Credit multiplier is :  2.85
WU true angle range is :  0.775000
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 280
Single buffer allocation size: 64MB
Total device global memory: 1536MB
max WG size: 512
local mem type: Emulated
Error in mb oclFFT_2: -49
ERROR: OpenCL kernel/call 'non-strip fft' call failed (-49) in file /Users/joe/projects/seti/sah_v7_opt/AKv8/client/analyzeFuncs.cpp near line 3820.
Waiting 30 sec before restart...

--- End code ---

I will continue with the effort to find which revision looks to break things, though it may be next week before I have sufficient time to isolate it.


Please check that fft_execute.cpp file was updated.

Joe Fox:
Ah, I examined the svn diff, and looks like the code is now wrapped with an ifdef USE_OPENCL_INTEL. When I set that macro in the CFLAGS, then my binary works again. Thank you!

That leads me to a question. What should the USE_OPENCL_??? macros be set at for a wide distribution build, like a beta build? For my local machine, which has an Intel GPU, the USE_OPENCL_INTEL makes sense, but what about for the new Mac Pro desktop workstations? They have an nvidia GPU if I recall correctly. How would a widely distributed binary that was compiled with USE_OPENCL_INTEL work for the nvidia system?

Thanks for the assistance!

Urs Echternacht:
"Emulated" is what i am working at currently.  


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