You do realize you're asking a lot there, right?Auto-updating is a feature I've thought some about, it would be pretty work-intensive to make from scratch. Nevertheless, it's on my To-do list, and will be announced if I manage to do it.Regards,Simon.
I am sorry to ask for more, but could you please find a way to make the cliets self-update? I'm sure many others also run multiple machines in multiple locations. Manual updating is quite tedious.
Hi Dirk,yeah, I noticed that his apps run more quickly on AMD systems, mostly. Shows me there is still room for improvement I don't know what kind of trouble the MMX app is making on your slower Athlon - did you run Crunch3rs MMX app on it before without trouble? ...---CUT---...Regards,Simon.
Dirk, Ich versteh Dich schon Ich verwende selber auch noch auf einigen Hosts Crunch3rs Programme, weil meine zwar fast, aber eben nicht ganz so schnell sind auf AMDs. Anyway - there is always room for improvement I've been in contact with a lot of the "old guard" of optimizers. Some hints need to be investigated, yet, but I really don't think Crunch3r is coming back to S@H, because I asked him for exactly that (or maybe some hints or his sources), and he said no (which I fully understand and accept).Regards,Simon.
Da ich auch einen Pentium-D habe, bin ich sehr interessiert! Gibt's ne Chance, an ein Archiv Deiner veränderten Sourcen zu kommen?
Na dann kann ich nur noch hoffen, daß Du kein "echter Programmierer" bist, weil die ja bekanntlich nie Kommentare schreiben...*kicher*