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Author Topic: So is an AMD 64 bit client out of picture?  (Read 8670 times)

Offline hiamps

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So is an AMD 64 bit client out of picture?
« on: 29 Jan 2007, 10:56:20 am »
Well I finally installed Crunck3r's 64 bit client but as I have no App to run with it, it does me little good...I am beginning to wonder if I join the "right" team if that will change. Are you guys even still working on a 64 bit AMD app or is it dead in the water? My 1600 intel laptop is as fast as my 175 Opteron if I take off the overclocking.


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Re: So is an AMD 64 bit client out of picture?
« Reply #1 on: 29 Jan 2007, 05:41:07 pm »
Simon was working on getting the code to compile under 64 bit, however there is and will be no "AMD" or "Intel" intentional compiles.

You may note there are some seemingly specific "Intel" compiles...but this really is only a file produced by Intel's compiler (converts source code to application).  The difference between these and other versions of the same release number is only compiler command line changes when producing the application.  (difference between typing the command "compile for pentium4" vs typing "compile for pentium3".  Within a given release #, we don't make any code changes for these different applications, just compile commands.   

As such the Intel compiler, strangely, doesn't have a "compile for AMD" option....most unusual.

Do a search of posts on the forum for clues on how you can get faster AMD speed without Simon telling you specifically and voiding his license.

Offline hiamps

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Re: So is an AMD 64 bit client out of picture?
« Reply #2 on: 29 Jan 2007, 06:26:11 pm »
Thanks, I thinkl I understand a bit better now...I am an Idiot when it comes to software...I saw about a patch, guess I will have to find a kid to do it for me. Thanks.


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