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Author Topic: OS X AstroPulse v6 OpenCL apps  (Read 9332 times)

Offline Urs Echternacht

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OS X AstroPulse v6 OpenCL apps
« on: 17 Jun 2013, 07:56:17 am »
Opening this thread to get feedback on running some standalone tests with the NVIDIA and ATI versions of AstroPulse v6 OpenCL apps for  MacOS X.

Files for testing will be attached to this post.

20130617 : attached r1874 app for standalone testing
20130709 : attached r1874ae app, a bugfix testversion. Does the Fermi query work now ? removed!
20130709_2 : attached r1874ag app, another bugfix testversion. Fermi query again ? Expecting to see some additional output in stderr.txt :
Bug seems to be fixed now. Removed app!
« Last Edit: 09 Jul 2013, 05:39:18 pm by Urs Echternacht »
U r s

Offline Urs Echternacht

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Re: OS X AstroPulse v6 OpenCL apps
« Reply #1 on: 17 Jun 2013, 07:54:47 pm »
Setting up a single standalone test :

Before starting to download anything here, please create a new directory in your local userspace, that you call for example "lunatics_tests" or any other name that makes it clear that the directory will contain application testing.
Move into that directory and inside create another new diretory called "AstroPulse". This will be our new top directory where all the downloaded files for testing AstroPulse apps are stored.

Now you can start to download the necessary files attached to the first post in this thread, the ending ".zip" shows you that it is a compressed file. Put these into the AstroPulse directory that you just created and uncompress there. A new directory should be created with two not hidden files in it. One is a Unix executable (EXEC), the other one contains the OpenCL Kernels as text (.cl)
Now you will need another download. For running the test a test-work_unit (wu) is needed. For that purpose there have been collected some older wus, which were modified to finish regular in shorter time. Goto lunatics "Downloads Test and Benchmark Tools/Test Tools - AstroPulse/AP test WU 3/5" and store the downloaded file inside your AstroPulse directory. After uncompression, use some free .7z compression tool like "The Unarchiver.app", copy the contained single_pulses.wu file into the applications directory, where the previously downloaded Unix executable and the Kernels file are already residing. Rename the wu -file from single_pulses.wu to in.dat.

Next step : open a Terminal window. Resize the window to be at least twice as the default width. We will need that space later.
Now type at the Terminals prompt xyz$ "ls" press "enter-key" or "return-key" and look at the list of files and directories in your user directory (xyz will be your own username and should be already there. Typing starts after the $-sign). Do you see the directory listed that you created earlier ?
If so, then type at the prompt "cd lunatics_tests" (or replace with the name you had choosen).
At the next prompt type "ls" again. Now only the AstroPulse directory should be listed.
Type "cd AstroPulse" and list the files and directories again. Go on until you have reached the directory where the Unix executable is listed.
Now type "ls -al". The list will appear in a different format, alike  "-rwxr-xr-x   1 xyz  Users  2896140 17 Jun 18:11 ap_6.07r1874_sse3_clNV_x86_64-apple-darwin".
If the the first part looks like this "-rw-r--r--" then we have to allow the executable to run first. Therefore we will change its permissions.
Type at the prompt "chmod u+x ap_6.07r1874_sse3_clNV_x86_64-apple-darwin". Now list the detailed files and directories again. Did the permissions change to "-rwxr--r--" ?
If so we are now finished with the setup for our first testrun.

Type at the prompt "./ap_6.07r1874_sse3_clNV_x86_64-apple-darwin" and wait until the application has finished to run (the prompt will reappear).
Now check with your Finder which additional files have been created during the testrun. The files "stderr.txt" and "pulse.out" are needed here to check if everything has worked. Report your experiences with setup and that testrun and attach the two files to your post.
« Last Edit: 18 Jun 2013, 11:27:31 am by Urs Echternacht »
U r s


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