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Author Topic: Sometimes........  (Read 31513 times)

Offline msattler

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Re: Sometimes........
« Reply #15 on: 04 Dec 2013, 08:24:26 pm »
As was said to Archie Bunker once.........
"If the world stopped for you, Archie, the rest of the world would fall off..........."
I guess it would, at that.

But I gotta be Archie Bunker for some folks, don't I?

I mean, somebody had to hold up standards and such. I was born and bred to be a Bunker.
I raised Squirrel to be a Bunker.  And she loved me all of her life for it.

There was no other cat that loved me as much as she did.

And yes, I am still trying to get over her loss.

It shall come.  One day.  Meow.

Offline msattler

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Re: Sometimes........
« Reply #16 on: 04 Dec 2013, 10:08:43 pm »
I apologize to each and every one I have offended.
The mods on Seti are not going to let me live it down.......they are taking me to the mat.
2 months.  What they may not understand is that holding an anvil over my head does not work for me.......
It only makes me more despondent.
I asked for understanding and I got whacked upside the head.
I don't know at present what I shall do or not do.
This has totally wrecked my belief system beyond all of my imagination.
Following the loss of my most beloved kitty, this is a real kick in the shorts.
I am not sure if I shall be able to recover from this.
It's just too much to bear.
If I don't come back or answer any emails, please understand.
I just cannot at present or in the near future.

Meow for now.........and for a long time.

Offline msattler

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Re: Sometimes........
« Reply #17 on: 05 Dec 2013, 04:05:46 am »
And if I may make one last statement......
This is what the Setimods now consider me.........

Offline msattler

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Re: Sometimes........
« Reply #18 on: 05 Dec 2013, 03:37:57 pm »
And the road's stacked up with credit.......
And there's nothing you can do.
It's just an indication of what's quite wrong with you.


When the path one is on is not working, I suppose one must consider what that path is.
« Last Edit: 05 Dec 2013, 03:40:18 pm by msattler »

Offline msattler

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Re: Sometimes........
« Reply #19 on: 05 Dec 2013, 03:52:28 pm »
There are reasons I leave the connections open.......even if I seem despaired.

This is one such reason.

Turn this up, and enjoy.  God did put me here for a reason, even though at times I am at a loss to understand why.
This may be a part of it.


Offline msattler

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Re: Sometimes........
« Reply #20 on: 17 May 2014, 10:29:14 pm »
Ya know.......sometimes.
I have been vanquished for almost a month now.
And it gives me pause...or paws, so to speak.

Paws......yes, that's it.
It's an old paradigm.

The original saying I think, goes like this.

We, the unacknowledged, have done so much
For so long,
With so little.
That we are now assumed capable of doing everything.
In an instant.
With nothing.

It's a bit of a trip sometimes when some folks think that this is easy.
Just turn 'em on, and rack 'em up.

It is not, friends.  It is not. I have done so much for this project for so long with so little except my time.
Which, other than some might suppose, is not infinite.

There are times that I have thought about shutting it all down and buying myself a fine car.
I could pay for in in months.
Instead, I have chosen to drive a 24 yo 1990 Olds Cutlass Ciera.
I like the car a lot.....I really do, because I have the shop manual and I get get into every nut and bots that car is made of......but....I wonder at times.

Where would I be if I was not a Seti addict?
What could I have become over the last ten years or so?

Some of you make fun of me when I go off into the high timber.  'S OK, your right, I guess.
But, please think about it....for just a minute or so.

In my quest, I have achieved a level that no other on the planet has.  Not with 9 computers at his own home.
A new guy has upstaged me, but he has, what......500 some servers in a business setting?
Wow, that's great.  But I am betting that once he figures out the real costs of doing so, in terms of electricity, he will be gone like many before him.  And if not......more power as it were, to him.

I can only speak for myself.  Where I am, why I am, what I am.
And sometimes I cannot answer all three of those questions without wondering.

It's a combination of my fascination with the project, my sometimes numbing ability to deal with machines rather than men.
Machines, I can usually fix.  Fellow man, not so.

Enough now.
Most of you have my email, or access to somebody who does.\
Share it freely, but not with the bots....LOL.

I am the kittyman.......24/7.
You are welcome in my little warped world.  Any time.

Meow for now.



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