Forum > GPU crunching

Seti Cache


At one time I was able to regularly keep a cache of Seti units that would last several days but these I am unable to store more than a few hours worth if I am lucky. All Seti cache settings show 10days, does anybody else see this or is it just me ???

Seti has been limiting caches server-side for quite a while now, supposedly due to DB congestion.
No matter what your settings are, you are limited to 100 CPU tasks and 100 GPU tasks in cache.
That's 100 no matter how many CPU cores, and 100 no matter how many GPUs you have.
That is why you cannot build a sustainable cache anymore.
There is likely no problem on your end.  If you check your Boinc messages, you will probably see some that say 'this computer has reached a limit on tasks in progress.'

If or when this will be changed, I have not a clue.


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