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Author Topic: New test task for GPU AstroPulse: ap_Zblank_2LC67_silent_ffa.wu.7z  (Read 7820 times)

Offline Raistmer

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Attached task is modification of ap_Zblank_2LC67.wu task that can be downloaded here: http://lunatics.kwsn.net/index.php?module=Downloads;sa=dlview;id=347

Instead of original task this one has no reportable repetitive pulses. And as original task it has zero blanking.

Purpose of this task: being benchmarked together with original task it can highlight cost of signal logging and locating. That important when effectivenes of pre-compute approach estimated (pre-compute approach imply doing some chunk of work w/o precise signal location and redo this block if some signal found somewhere in block, hence with found signal some work performad twice. But this allow to skip some work, especially costly bus transfers when no signals found at all, and this case more common for SETI search).

Unfortunately these tasks have different number of single pulses too so some change in time should be attributed to single pulse logging and locating too.
I will replace it when more ideal test task will be found.
« Last Edit: 09 Jul 2012, 08:19:24 am by Raistmer »


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