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Author Topic: In my own peculiar way......  (Read 84801 times)

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #60 on: 28 Sep 2012, 10:39:44 am »
Please folks, pardon me for this one last comment.

May I?

It seems that my current shut out means more to me than others.

I am not a man who often bemoans his fate. It has been written by others who seem to  know far more than you or I do.
But, this time, there is far more involved. The 'kitties'. , as you may have guessed, are simply my avatars.....my way of being cute about involving myself in real life, which is not always so cute.
The kitties have chosen to cut themselves out of this recent flurry.....not furry..and that is not so cute.
They have not done so for years......many years.  Maybe since the dawn of 'the kittyman'.

They may or may not return.

I may or may not return.. I suspect we will both come back in some form.

It shall probably be in kitten form.
Meow? Mew? New kittens?
You never know.

« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2012, 10:44:24 am by msattler »

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #61 on: 28 Sep 2012, 05:58:43 pm »
If any of you EVER had a clue about Jerry Garcia.........and gaed knows some of you crunchers should have..........
Watch this........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbwxD5sVSRY&feature=related[/url]  OMG.

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #62 on: 28 Sep 2012, 06:03:09 pm »
If any of you EVER had a clue about Jerry Garcia.........and gaed knows some of you crunchers should have..........
Watch this........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbwxD5sVSRY&feature=related[/url]  OMG.

The simple quote from another musician.....'O gawd, you had to bring it tonight'............displays the awe that others had for him..........

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #63 on: 28 Sep 2012, 08:03:24 pm »
I suspect you never heard this interview......
Steve Jobs......a little knob working at HP.......

Sometimes little kitties can go on to greatness.

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #64 on: 28 Sep 2012, 08:11:39 pm »
That is what separates me from some of you.
I am not afraid to crash and burn.........have done it many times.
But, from the ashes, comes the phoenix.
The kitties know failure well.

You have to separate failure from terminal  burn.

They are two separate and distinct things.

Simon once knew that.

A few of you now know that.

One or two do not seem to know the difference.

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #65 on: 28 Sep 2012, 08:36:58 pm »
And few of you realize the wonder of Steve Jobs.  Mind you, I have never had a computer other that what I built out of my own two hands, and had control over the bios and every component.s
Here was a man who said 'Screw that, I shall take control over everything, and by doing so, shall give you a greater life experience than you have ever imagined"...not an actual quote. But his reality.
I am not in his realm. Never could be.  But what he said about taking control of your dreams did work for that man. 

It shall continue to work after he has left our plane.

I wish it could for countless others.  I wish it could work for our country.

I can dream, can't I?

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #66 on: 28 Sep 2012, 10:27:11 pm »
Their are things, my friends, that one ferars fas more than evil/

It comes from within the republic, and without true revollt, shall neve4r be passed asidde.

No, those are not the words of a  past republican, but of mine.
And mind you, they are true to the core.

It is coming down.  A true rain unpon all of us/

Obama has done this........true,. he got q bad deal coming into office, but the dude made in infianetyl worse.
So dom't excuse his sorry arse.  Not one iota.  Not one excuse, not one trillion.  He was as the helm, nobody else.

You dems really need to wake up.

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #68 on: 29 Sep 2012, 12:35:08 am »
Protocol pronhibits me from elaborating much more.
Already have said too much.
Buddies have a grenade up my arse.
They are soul mates though, will not pulle the pin.
Gotta give them creds for that.

Now you know.

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #69 on: 29 Sep 2012, 12:36:28 am »
Protocol pronhibits me from elaborating much more.
Already have said too much.
Buddies have a grenade up my arse.
They are soul mates though, will not pulle the pin.
Gotta give them creds for that.

Now you know.

IP changes ever few hours.........so don't bother.

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #70 on: 29 Sep 2012, 04:25:59 am »
And you thought my posting the video 'Hackers'....was wild.
In it, a virus was to be planted that would siphon off billions of dollars by snagging the tiny leftover bits of every financial transaction in the world and tagging the bits to one account.  And it would have worked, since nobody would have noticed the theft of fractions of pennies.

Folks......the UN is proposing just that..........
Hackers for peace?

This is a direct quote, people.
I do get 'out there' sometimes, but Jesus, this is real, folks.

"Shortly thereafter, the tax proposals — known in U.N.-speak as “innovative methods of financing”-- got a limited endorsement from a group of government ministers and other heads of national delegations who attended a major ECOSOC meeting in New York City in July."

Innovative methods of financing?  Do they mean legalized theft?  WT flying F?
And you think I get nutz sometimes????? The kitties could be living high on global kibble if I dared to launch it.

Another direct quote......

"The global taxation idea was echoed this week by Jeffrey Sachs, head of Columbia University’s Earth Institute and also a U.N. Assistant Secretary General. Sachs was recently named by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to head a new intellectual lobbying group of experts called the Sustainable Development Solutions Network."

Sustainable Development Solutions?  If I were to deploy the virus I had written and was envisioned in Hackers, I would be in a federal prison today.  With billions in my account.
These are not 'nut cases' speaking here......they are really considering this 'global tax' as a viable means of financing the freaking UN!!!!!
I am NOT making this up, kids.

« Last Edit: 29 Sep 2012, 04:56:01 am by msattler »

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #71 on: 29 Sep 2012, 05:06:48 am »
I guess you better watch the movie again..........


What some of you do NOT understand, and what the reality of recreational hacking is.......

Some of us just do it for the sport........and WE HATE malicious hackers.
They give us a bad name folks.  Most of us are not like that.  We take them out when we can find them.
And that is the truth.
I suspect we take out more idiots than you realize.  Idiots abound.  True hackers are few.  And we should be trusted.  We got your back door, friends.  We cover your butts.  We know the downside. And we do not go there.

I have been online at Seti for over 10 years.  I cannot fix the problems there, although I have had a look inside.
Too much traffic to handle from the outside.  Simply impossible.  Sure, I know there have been DOS attacks, was not me, folks.  I am way beyond such a cheap stunt.  High school crap.  Here to Berk, about 25ns.  I could take the whole 9 yards out of service for hours in about 2 minutes.
For what?  Some notariety?  I already have that.

You cannot buy a name like kittyman.  I earned that.  From the ground up. Respect?
I am still working on that.
« Last Edit: 29 Sep 2012, 06:02:14 am by msattler »

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #72 on: 29 Sep 2012, 06:21:28 am »
Best quote......
" I hope you screw like you type......"


Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #73 on: 29 Sep 2012, 06:36:29 am »
Second best quote......

"There are worse things than death.......
And, I can do all of them......"

Offline msattler

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Re: In my own peculiar way......
« Reply #74 on: 29 Sep 2012, 07:18:11 am »
And I happen to look pretty good in a dress..........
Just in case somebody wondered.
Never could deal  with high heels though.
Strapped properly in the proper boots.,,,,,,sometimes.


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