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Author Topic: Running OpenCL on FERMI-Class GPU's?!  (Read 10071 times)

Offline Fredericx51

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Running OpenCL on FERMI-Class GPU's?!
« on: 29 Apr 2012, 04:37:03 pm »
When using the 0.40 LUNATICs installer, which works great and a tip of the hat to you programmers, that has to be said.

Actually I miss the the OpenCL parts for AstroPulse, on nVIDIA FERMI GPU, since they're all capable of OpenCL!

Would it be better to try this on SETI Bêta?  Since I've tried this before and with success?

Please, your opinion on this subject, gentlemen en women...........

B.t.w. theb OpenCL version for ATI 5000 and above works great on MB WU's, after some fine tuning, still working on AstroPulse, but that's a
matter of time.

Offline Raistmer

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Re: Running OpenCL on FERMI-Class GPU's?!
« Reply #1 on: 29 Apr 2012, 05:12:44 pm »
As I posted on SETI main forums, we are testing "stock" candidate build for ATi and NV GPUs for AstroPulse on beta.
So yes, testers are needed there.

And answerring on thread title - OpenCL doesn't make difference does underlying hardware called FERMI or something else as long as it's OpenCL-compatible.
All NV CUDA-enabled GPUs are OpenCL compatible.

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Re: Running OpenCL on FERMI-Class GPU's?!
« Reply #2 on: 29 Apr 2012, 05:39:40 pm »
We are noticing that there are a significant number of tasks run by the NVidia OpenCL application which end with with outcomes "inconclusive" or even "invalid".

It isn't enough to see that your computer runs tasks without an immediate error. You have to be certain that they validate too.

If you can be certain of that, you can continue to run the manually-installed AP NV OpenCL app. But it won't be made available for automatic installation until the source of the invalid outcomes has been tracked down and fixed.

Offline Fredericx51

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Re: Running OpenCL on FERMI-Class GPU's?!
« Reply #3 on: 29 Apr 2012, 07:04:06 pm »
When using the 0.40 LUNATICs installer, which works great and a tip of the hat to you programmers, that has to be said.

Actually I miss the the OpenCL parts for AstroPulse, on nVIDIA FERMI GPU, since they're all capable of OpenCL!

Would it be better to try this on SETI Bêta?  Since I've tried this before and with success?

Please, your opinion on this subject, gentlemen en women...........

B.t.w. theb OpenCL version for ATI 5000 and above works great on MB WU's, after some fine tuning, still working on AstroPulse, but that's a
matter of time.

As I posted on SETI main forums, we are testing "stock" candidate build for ATi and NV GPUs for AstroPulse on beta.
So yes, testers are needed there.

And answerring on thread title - OpenCL doesn't make difference does underlying hardware called FERMI or something else as long as it's OpenCL-compatible.
All NV CUDA-enabled GPUs are OpenCL compatible.

I wasn't fully aware of those problems, INaccurasity is a killer and I undestand you
being causious, hardware, also varies quite extreme, CPU's also GPU's, as peoples milage
may vary.............. :-\

Trustable results, is the way to start............ which investigation ever.
Thanks for the clear explanation Richard and @ Raistmer if testers are needed, just P.M. or E-Mail, I can give you that in a PM.


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