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Author Topic: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......  (Read 50372 times)

Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #30 on: 13 Jan 2012, 10:45:13 am »
LoL, well you may blow your speaker crossover caps again. At least you should have close access to decent stuff. I used to ship crossover refurbishing stuff from Ohio to Perth, and win competitions with some of the PA gear I made as a kid (well 17 or so). Bass & lower mid were better in mine (proper resonance & alignments etc), but the most obvious difference was with female vocals & high end.  Gave everything a much 'liver' bigger sound carefully tuned, which is a lost art of sorts. 
Try an 18 JBL subwoofer with a few hundred watts to give it a voice.
Yeah, I have all the toys........a few channels of dbx 165a peak limiters, impact restoration...a 5bx........18" JBL subwoofer....mullti channel EQ with auto equalization.....if you have really been in the business, you know what I am talking about.
And this was years ago, when I came close to Joan and her cuz' in voice, little Suzi Q .........I  did some gigs, man.  I did some gigs.
« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2012, 10:53:54 am by msattler »

Offline Jason G

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #31 on: 13 Jan 2012, 11:04:46 am »
Try an 18 JBL subwoofer with a few hundred watts to give it a voice.
Yeah, I have all the toys........a few channels of dbx 165a peak limiters, impact restoration...a 5bx........18" JBL subwoofer....mullti channel EQ with auto equalization.....if you have really been in the business, you know what I am talking about.

Sure, though I tended to build in the EQ into the design so needed less room EQ & other processing on the rack side.  Never was a big fan of compressors, so I had to build everything big so that it didn't blow.  Best system I built for that style live had double 15" JBL Pro high efficiency units per side (Model 2226H), tuned to a chebychev 4th order alignment with .5dB ripple for 'punch' & bass walk feel, reinforced with W-bin loaded 18" cheaper JBLs as fill, They were active crossovered so had their own amps & EQ.  Mid was hand made double 10" horn loaded paper cones, with passive crossovers overspecced by 4x needed, and topped by highly linear compression horn tweets. 

They sounded great, I had learned a lot from some old guys that had worked with Kef & the BBC in the UK, and retired to Perth. Those ones had some design flaws due to the output being relatively uncompressed... namely making drunk people throw up because of the clean punch, and cops arriving within 5 minutes of firing it up.  Needing 3 phase power for the system to run on a single circuit was also a nuisance.  Probably still running somewhere in a club in WA, now I'm getting nostalgic & will have to see if I can find any old pics.  Gave up doing that stuff when too many cheap chinese imports started ruining the market & too many shoddy builders started entering the scene.


Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #32 on: 13 Jan 2012, 11:08:20 am »
OK, give me your best mix on this......
Babe's gettin' hard on her axe, and vocals too.......they want some echo in the mix........
How do ya work it?  1200 hz hard, with a ram oin 1600?  She was a biatch about her vocals.......
Real pissy about the monitor levels.
  LIke, I can read her mind...........

And then she gets on about her axe not being on that day?????????????

At least Joan never bitched about her axe..........everything else, but not her axe.

Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #33 on: 13 Jan 2012, 11:13:32 am »
Well, they never told me I had to be an engineer........
They just always said,
'Make her sound loud, boss.......make her sound loud."


And Suzi plays bass,,,,,,,,
Get that right without f'ing ever other f'ing oither thing on the stage.........
 But,  k, guess that wuz her point.  Such a kute gurl.,

But get her mike  wrong.......ofhh, F.

Backstage was kinda wild...........
She was not who Joan was, believe me.........
Suzi was very laid back.

But wanted a little 'friendship'

Jett was already getting of with her fun with the gurlz, and wanted no part of the roadies then.
« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2012, 11:38:04 am by msattler »

Offline Jason G

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #34 on: 13 Jan 2012, 11:21:36 am »
Yeah the guys who said that were usually the ones throwing up, LOL.

The tricks I used to use in that mid range were less engineering-ey, more 'back arty'.  Wanting more rez for volume I;d replace the crossover electrolytics with 630V poly caps, then bypass them with high voltage tinfoil low value jobs.  They take 2 weeks of hammering to break in, then you can pull half the stuffing out of the mids... Clean & Phat  ;)

[Edit:] A good example of the black art part.... Usually the crossover 'Zobel network' had the cap on top of the resistor... swapping them around shouldn't make any difference in electrical terms... well it does! Keeps the resistor cooler & so dampens the mid a bit, so you can unstuff the box some more & use the driver.

[Edit:] Found one!, it's missing the 18" W-bins. The mid horns & tweet units are meant to stack on the bass units.  On that day there was apparently people working upstairs at the back of the factory unit, that got rained components on & came staggering down the stairs... LoL, memories
« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2012, 11:38:28 am by Jason G »

Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #35 on: 13 Jan 2012, 11:45:02 am »
Nice cabs, biiatch.
Nice cabs.

Offline Jason G

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #36 on: 13 Jan 2012, 12:02:50 pm »
Hmm, looks like the hand made (fibreglass) reflex ports are missing from the double 15" bins there, as the slots are empty.  Must have been taken when I pulled them out, recalculated the alignment, gave them a trim & organised the measuring gear... I'm probably out the back swearing while that was taken (LoL) as the cabinets came out slightly over volume for the alignment I wanted.  They were 'too hard' until adding the 18" fillers.  Thankfully mixing the 18"s & the 15's together made for an adjustable mixture, so I made crossover & EQ presets for rock, Jazz, Drum'n'Bass & Hardcore Techno.  Certainly get a different appreciation listening to all those on this instead of a crappy boom-box from K-Mart, LoL.

Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #37 on: 13 Jan 2012, 01:10:47 pm »
Just so yah know......

It aint easy bein'  me.

LIfe's been hard and somtimes I bark back.
Aint be'ing me with someone always on my back.
Ain't life always bittchin' to be free.
Ain't  a free life, but sombody's got to to be me.

Yesssssssssss, and I do love it, folks.  I and the kitties luv it.

Hope you understand.


Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #38 on: 13 Jan 2012, 01:16:39 pm »
I done a lotta work here bei'n me.......
Lord, it ain't easy, but I'm free......
Good lord, it ain't easy bein' free.

Oughtta be a road down there
named for how I feel..........

« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2012, 01:53:05 pm by msattler »

Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #39 on: 13 Jan 2012, 01:51:37 pm »
"Been born a danger to all I choose to touch....
and I've been a ranger, chose to touch all too often and to much.
Been down too often, and all downtown too much........
Been loud and lonely too often and too mucn .,,,:

My friends, it seems I have talken too loudly and too long.
Even friends I have known long have not spoken for so long........
My long ago lovers have not called me for a while.
So I guess it's best I travel on and smile.

Can't get no calls from home....
Can't get nobody to get me where I'm goin'.......
Can't get nobody to get me where I been .
Best  I get on gone to some place I never  been.

And then somebody....they will reckon that I've gone.
Someone, somehow, somewhere, will miss my homesick song.
They'll call me back, and reckon where I'll be?
Back home to folks,
That's where I shoulda be.

Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #40 on: 13 Jan 2012, 02:03:36 pm »
I should advise..........
Those were just free ranging lyrics from a song not yet competed.

Ya see, I need a composer.......I have words, yet no music.

Like Leiber, und der Stoller........


Offline Jason G

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #41 on: 13 Jan 2012, 02:17:07 pm »
With that many words, you could go simple 3 piece setup & 3 chords
Like TNT . Too much orchestration wouldn't fit the feel of the lyrics if you asked me.  I like the looseness.. if you tighten them up it would miss the point.  Just Sayin'

Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #42 on: 13 Jan 2012, 02:18:25 pm »
There are these bits of history I wish to share, lest they be forgotten.........

Mike Stoller noticed two things about Jerry Leiber when the latter knocked at Stoller's door in Los Angeles one afternoon in 1950. The first was Leiber's eyes – one was blue, one was brown. Stoller stared in amazement at Leiber's eyes until Stoller's mother finally asked,

Offline msattler

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #43 on: 13 Jan 2012, 02:30:43 pm »
With that many words, you could go simple 3 piece setup & 3 chords
Like TNT . Too much orchestration wouldn't fit the feel of the lyrics if you asked me.  I like the looseness.. if you tighten them up it would miss the point.  Just Sayin'
Jason,  dear Jason........

I knew ACDC LONG before you did.

Saw them live in a show long before the the pups.......I wuz on the tour circuit with some chick after Joan......she ganged up with chicks.........no further access.
The movie was a slight show of the real facts.

She luved rock and roll, allright........and chickys too.

Here to tell ya.

Offline Jason G

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Re: Please forgive me....but I must ask.......
« Reply #44 on: 13 Jan 2012, 02:41:33 pm »
LoL, try your lyrics with What do you do for money honey , with the vocals EQ'd out  ;D Works!

I composed when younger but I never composed rock, but that works, which I reckon is that 12 bar blues thingy (which I did use).  Sorry if you wanted something mellower.. but you do tend to sound angry, so it works  :D

[Later:] funnily enough with that bluesy layout it'll work with other totally different stuff, like Underworld's 'River of Bass'
« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2012, 03:27:21 pm by Jason G »


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