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Author Topic: Installer v0.39 release notes  (Read 14770 times)

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Installer v0.39 release notes
« on: 28 Nov 2011, 01:13:25 pm »
Lunatics are pleased to announce the availibility of the v0.39 installer in the Lunatics main download area
Please take care you use the right installer (32/64 bit) for your system.

Should you have any questions or problems - ask! Post here or in SETI NC

New in this installer:
Update of all CPU applications from AKv8b to AKv8b2
Update of MB CUDA from x38g_cuda32 to x41g_cuda32
Update of ATI OpenCL MB applications from r177 to r390

How to use the installer
For the CPU applications, you need to know what your CPU supports. Either check the Boinc startup messages or check with CPU-Z downloadable from http://www.cpuid.com
Tick or untick CPU AP and MB applications as desired. Tick CUDA MB if desired. Tick ATI (OpenCL) AP or MB if/as desired.
More details further down.

NB We use default values throughout the app_info.xml. If you have previously installed optimised applications and manually edited app_info.xml (e.g. counts for Fermi, cmdline for ATI) you WILL lose those edits on running the installer and have to redo them. You may wish to make a note of them.

Known issues - general
The installer is supposed to shut down the BOINC client whilst leaving the Manager running - noticable from the red 'disconnected' dot in the tray. After finishing the BOINC client should restart and the red dot vanish when the Manager reconnects. This make take a few minutes. On some systems however this fails to work. Please ensure BOINC has restarted.
Advanced users only: If you know you are going to edit app_info.xml, it may be easier to shutdown and restart BOINC manually, so you can get the changes into app_info.xml before the restart.

CPU apps - upgraded to AKv8b2.

This is to fix a bug in the triplet finding - in rare cases triplets were being missed. As it took over two years to notice this bug, we believe it only affects a very minor amount of tasks.
If you have any doubt at all about what instruction sets your CPU supports,download CPU-Z from http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html
You will usually find that the SSSE3x application is fastest on the Intel processors which support SSSE3x, except on dual-core CPUs with especially fast memory subsystems, where SSE4.1 may be faster.
However, we have indication, that on Intel i3, i5 and i7 processor series SSE3 may be the fastest variant at most angleranges. The effect is smallest with VHAR (shorties).

NVidia GPU (CUDA) app - upgraded to x41g_cuda32

For compatible cards see http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus Requires minimum CUDA 3.2 capable NVidia driver: 263.06 (260.99 on notebooks)
Download drivers from http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us  (or your national equivalent)
Should run on all NVidia CUDA cards with at least 512MiB video RAM.
Actual free memory required is in the region of 200-235MB, depending on driver and OS flavour.
Running on a 256MiB card is just possible, but you will have to free up as much VRAM as possible, e.g. by disabling Aero.
Used video RAM can be checked with GPU-Z downloadable from http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/2039/TechPowerUp_GPU-Z_v0.5.5.html
Watch closely on GPU-Z and in BOINC manager if the application finds enough memory.
Symptoms of insufficient memory are
- in BOINC manager: tasks start up and run a few seconds then go to 'waiting   to run' and the next task tries to start
- on GPU-Z: the sensor for memory shows used VRAM ramping up and almost immediately dropping again.
In this case, there may be a BOINC bug putting the app in an infinite loop while it waits for more memory.
If you don't have enough memory, set BOINC to NNT, abort tasks and uninstall the CUDA application by rerunning the installer with CUDA MB UNticked.
If in doubt ask for help on NC: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_forum.php?id=10
To multithread on Fermi cards, find all instances of <count>1</count> in app_info.xml and decrease to 0.5 or 0.3 to run two or three tasks in parallel. Again, if you are uncertain of how to do this correctly, ask on the above mentioned forum.
'Your mileage may vary' - it depends on your specific system which count will give the highest throughput.
x41g has improved reliability, stability and accuracy over x38g.

ATI MB apps - upgraded to r390

We offer the application in two different variants, depending on card:
plain - for most HD4xxx owners and those with HD5xxx and HD6xxx cards who
        suffer from driver incompatibilities.
HD5 - for most if not all owners of HD5xxx GPUs and HD6xxx GPUs.

The ATI MB application will not work on ATI cards with workgroup size 128 (e.g. HD43xx). To check workgroupsize run CLinfo, downloadable (at present) from {http://boinc.berkeley.edu/dl/clinfo.zip}
If you have problems running the HD5 flavour (anything from reduced performance to BSOD), you should run the plain variant.

The recommended apps (r521 for Astropulse, r390 for MultiBeam) need OpenCL support from the ATI driver - for recent driver versions, look for a driver *with* APP or OpenCL listed. For compatible drivers see  http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
For cards, see http://developer.amd.com/gpu/AMDAPPSDK/pages/DriverCompatibility.aspx
On most systems GPU-Z (see above) will tell you if your setup supports OpenCL.
Minimum required driver: Something that is OpenCL capable. You can check with GPU-Z (see above).
Catalyst 10.7b with SDK
Catalyst 10.10 Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) Technology Edition
The following drivers are known to be incompatible with the app:
11.10 and 11.11.
On some drivers the app shows increased CPU usage.

For cards without OpenCL support (from HD2xxxx on) use the 'hybrid' r453 Astropulse application. NB this is a combined CPU/GPU application and will only use the GPU for some of the calculations, while doing the rest on a CPU core.
Minimum driver version Catalyst 9.x.

NB using this installer will give you arbitrary default cmdline parameter entries.
If you are already running ATI applications: Make a note of what numbers you are using to be able to restore to those values PRIOR to running the installer. This also applies to setting the <count> variable according to your -instances_per_device variable for multithreading.

The Hybrid AP application uses about 80% of a CPU core and does only about 20% of the calculations on the GPU. Parameters have been choosen to reflect this usage. However present BOINC can not reserve '0.8' of a CPU core and therefore reserves none. This means your CPUs will be overcommitted and runtimes and DCF will suffer. You do increase the overall output though.

General Notes:
With Windows Vista and Windows 7, do not install BOINC in 'Service' or 'Protected Application Execution' mode for GPU crunching, and do not connect to a Vista/7 computer with Windows Remote Desktop while it is running a GPU application.
Switching users can also cause the GPU app to fail [BOINC versions before 6.12.28].

Tuning cmd line parameters:
For AP: If you get lags or worse driver restarts, decrease unroll. If you run stable you can try to increase it. ffa_block should be a multiple of ffa_block_fetch.
Start low e.g. -ffa_block 4096 -ffa_block_fetch 2048 and try increasing if it runs fine.
Sticking to the power of 2 line at first can help. There will be a system specific best combination - too low slows you down, too high slows you down as well.
Remember AP runtimes depend on blanking % so only compare runtimes on similar blanking %.
For MB: other way round - if you experience lag or driver restarts increase -period_iteration_num

Thanks go to Joe for noticing and fixing the CPU app bug and to Jason and Raistmer for their continued work to improve applications.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our active alpha testers (in no particular order and apologies to anybody we've forgotten):
Claggy, Jamie, arkayn, Mike, SciManSteve, msattler and Vyper.

The Lunatics Installer team AD MMXI

Offline Jim_S

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Re: Installer v0.39 release notes
« Reply #1 on: 26 Dec 2011, 06:13:23 pm »
So I should be OK Updating my 3 Remaining Boxes now...True.? :P
Peace With Justice...Crunch,  Crunch,  Crunch!

Offline perryjay

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Re: Installer v0.39 release notes
« Reply #2 on: 26 Dec 2011, 06:40:37 pm »

You should have no problem upgrading but notice this sentence above...
NB We use default values throughout the app_info.xml. If you have previously installed optimised applications and manually edited app_info.xml (e.g. counts for Fermi, cmdline for ATI) you WILL lose those edits on running the installer and have to redo them. You may wish to make a note of them.

If you have Raistmer's great AP for Nvidia app you will have to redo it. The installer doesn't have it.  You will also have to dig a couple of files out of the old app_info. These are the files you'll have to find..
11/28/2011 3:40:30 PM | SETI@home | File referenced in app_info.xml does not exist: ap_5.06_win_x86_SSE3_OpenCL_NV_r521.exe
11/28/2011 3:40:30 PM | SETI@home | File referenced in app_info.xml does not exist: AstroPulse_Kernels_r521.cl  and drop into your SETI data folder.

Offline Zeus Fab3r

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Re: Installer v0.39 release notes
« Reply #3 on: 14 Jan 2012, 04:14:31 pm »
What are the chances to find Reistmer's AP for nVidia (cuda)  in the next release of the Installer?

Offline Jason G

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Re: Installer v0.39 release notes
« Reply #4 on: 14 Jan 2012, 04:21:06 pm »
What are the chances to find Reistmer's AP for nVidia (cuda)  in the next release of the Installer?
  quite high if you meant OpenCL, I'm not aware of whether he's worked on native Cuda support for that, if he hasn't & the OpenCL variant works out then a native Cuda variant wouldn't be long following if there proves to be a benefit in doing so.  There's some complications in the mix with OpenCL drivers apparently to solve, and The project will likely switch to AstroPulse V6 at some point in the near future... we aren't completely sure how those stumbling blocks will play out just yet, with the added bonus of some V7 multibeam unknowns in the mix as well.



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