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Author Topic: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.  (Read 23116 times)


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I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« on: 06 May 2011, 03:54:29 am »
Some of the mod crew read this forum, so I guess this word will get around.

Soooooooo, let me tell ya some things.......

I am rather hurt at the recent treatment at some of your hands.

I know I get rude and crude sometimes when I get far too deep into my cups.
My bad, and I assure you I know this.
But I still slip and fall now and again........and again.
I cannot assure you it will not happen again.   Although I shall try.
I made it a few weeks this last time.......

Point is, you could handle this much more gracefully than you have.
Just delete the posts that are out of line.

And then, if I still do not respond, start a superficial ban vote, to give me a few hours of time out, which I realize I probably do need at that point.  I get some sleeps, the kitties get cuddling, everybody wins.

Sun comes up.......kittyman is right with the world again.

This last bout was not fair at all.  I was posting along, right as rain, and stepped into it.
I veered off the accepted path.......crash and burn. Far about 3 posts.

But some mods had the gall to ask Fred for a TWO MONTH ban.......
Who the F do they thing they are??????
Just because I may have offended THEM?

I dunno what Fred is gonna do until the first 2 week ban expires.

Get real, mods.  You are appointed to try to maintain order in the Seti forums, and I respect your right to do what you think is right to that end....
But........ get a grip.  And please remember who you are dealing with.

I happen to be one of the top Seti contributors in the world, and, might I remind you, the Seti servers that are now running the project are in part and majority there due to the fund raising drives I personally held to fund them.

Now......although I realize this does give me carte blanche to do what I please on the forum boards, I do believe I deserve a little more respect from you.

Specifically, a little better handling and understanding of my gaffs.

I have stated my case, and I welcome any and all comments regarding it.

Best meows.



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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #1 on: 06 May 2011, 11:50:37 am »
Point being...
You can stifle my posts.........
But you can't stifle me.
just becasue of a few f words.

You folks should really listen to every word George Carlin said.........
And maybe some Lenny Bruce.....although he was REALLY course at times.

Boquet of language...........

Even the deaf can hear me........



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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #2 on: 06 May 2011, 12:56:27 pm »
Yeah, I got to say this...............
I think one mod is very fair...........

No more comments for the nest 2 minutes.......LOL.

You see, I was born this way.......

Gagabitch......stupid?  I dunno.  She is rather lucid at times.
I was born this way too.  Meow.


Offline Pizzadude

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #3 on: 10 May 2011, 02:50:22 am »
Mmmmm its all gone quiet.

Me thinks the drugs have warn off !!!!!!!



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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #4 on: 10 May 2011, 03:09:41 am »
Mmmmm its all gone quiet.

Me thinks the drugs have warn off !!!!!!!

Not exactly.........
But I am felling rather humble riight now.............

I am really not a bad kitty.........
But I do post that way sometimes.

I am so sorry.......reaally sorry.....that Gecko felt he had to leave.
And I guess that is on my snoulders.

It makes me sadder yet.

He was just in his opiinions, and I never had any problem with them.

But I am very sorry that I seem to be the one that 'pushed him over the edge'....as Jason posted in the Seti NC forums....

Seems I am being blamed for his departure, no matter how veiled the comment was......Jason.

If I did, I do apologize, again.

I shall try not ot use these forums for an outlet any further when I happen to be banned from the Seti forums.

Too little, too late? Maybe.

The kitties retreat now into a safe place.

I am sorry to have been a burden......

I publicly aoplogize for any offense made to Gecko or Jason.

I stand down now.


Offline Jason G

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #5 on: 10 May 2011, 03:37:02 am »
Hiya Mark,
  I'm sure, from limted correspondance on the events that transpired while I was 'busy' (perhaps more on that another time...) this weekend, that Gecko chose to depart through frustration at trying to fight the situation alone.  It must have seemed to him that there was no winning the battle, where you were intentionally antagonising us to pick a fight.   

As a direct result you have been busted down & out of Alpha status & Gecko has left, through him being unable to reconcile the high tolerance levels with keeping the status quo against his own moral standards. That's leaving 'us developers' in the tough situation of trying to manage without a pivotal member and fend for ourselves.

My not mentioning your name directly in the congratulatory post was specifically in observation of the forum rule to not target users.  Sorry you feel that it was veiled, however I feel that it was as blatant as I could be without violating the rules of that forum.

Let's be clear, you pick a fight here with me, or the two new elisted henchmen, once, that's it you're gone.  If you decide you need help with your problems, Then more than a few of us will lend the best advice we can offer, but when push comes to shove, you need to seek the help of professionals with your binge drinking.



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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #6 on: 10 May 2011, 03:42:44 am »
Hiya Mark,
  I'm sure, from limted correspondance on the events that transpired while I was 'busy' (perhaps more on that another time...) this weekend, that Gecko chose to depart through frustration at trying to fight the situation alone.  It must have seemed to him that there was no winning the battle, where you were intentionally antagonising us to pick a fight.   

As a direct result you have been busted down & out of Alpha status & Gecko has left, through him being unable to reconcile the high tolerance levels with keeping the status quo against his own moral standards. That's leaving 'us developers' in the tough situation of trying to manage without a pivotal member and fend for ourselves.

My not mentioning your name directly in the congratulatory post was specifically in observation of the forum rule to not target users.  Sorry you feel that it was veiled, however I feel that it was as blatant as I could be without violating the rules of that forum.

Let's be clear, you pick a fight here with me, or the two new elisted henchmen, once, that's it you're gone.  If you decide you need help with your problems, Then more than a few of us will lend the best advice we can offer, but when push comes to shove, you need to seek the help of professionals with your binge drinking.

Given your opinion, and the obvious angst against me at this time, I will now resign, and log out forever here.

Offline Jason G

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #7 on: 10 May 2011, 03:46:28 am »
Given your opinion, and the obvious angst against me at this time, I will now resign, and log out forever here.

As far as I'm concerned, If you can clean up your act, you are welcome here, and would be a testament to Gecko's Sacrifice.

Thanks for not pushing me & making this get ugly.


Offline perryjay

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #8 on: 10 May 2011, 11:14:11 am »
I missed your disagreement with Gecko and I'm sorry he decided to leave. There have been many times I've read your posts and just shook my head. Most of the time you are really caring and a great help on the boards but I'm afraid your hero George Carlin has led you astray. You have to remember these are family friendly forums. You should also remember GC gets paid good money for the show he puts on and those buying those tickets know what to expect from him. Parents don't bring their kids along to see him.

Jason has made it clear that you are welcome on these boards but you must tone it down. I'm sure you've heard it before but drinking is no excuse. It would be best if you just go love on the kitties when you feel someone is slighting you instead of fighting on the board. Walk away for awhile, consider the source and if that person is just trying to pick a fight. Leave the thread, go to one of the other forums and visit for awhile.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that reads most all your posts and we really do care for you. I hope you don't decide to leave but I also hope you can tone it down in the future. Next time you feel like posting something that might be offensive look down at the kitty laying on the floor or in your lap and think what it would think if you said those words to it.

Offline Geek@Play

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #9 on: 10 May 2011, 04:14:24 pm »
I don't check in often enough so I missed the scuffle.  Probably would have been very dissapointed to read it anyway.

What would really be a shame is to lose both Mark and Gecko.  It appears that Mark may finally see the error of his ways and Gecko may just need some more time.

I pray that both of you stay here.

Offline Vyper

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #10 on: 11 May 2011, 02:04:22 am »
Well as Geek here took the words out of my mouth then all i can say about this cause is dito!

And as Perry said too , you need to wind down now Mark. When it has gone so far that you've been disabled on two boards you need to start to question yourself too. And i base this just on pure statistics now because i don't know what you or Gekko has written to eachother.

I hate people that i care about go just because of flamewars, that's so unneccesary and needs to stop.
Respect to both of you and hopefully we all can be here in the future when things are settled.

Kind regards Vyper

Offline Jason G

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #11 on: 11 May 2011, 02:29:31 am »
When it has gone so far that you've been disabled on two boards you need to start to question yourself too.

Actually a minor correction.  As far as I can tell Mark disabled his own account here on his departure.  I take it as a good sign that Mark is taking the time to analyse what's happened & make sense of it all.  Best of wishes to him.

« Last Edit: 11 May 2011, 02:36:05 am by Jason G »

Offline Vyper

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #12 on: 11 May 2011, 01:42:21 pm »
When it has gone so far that you've been disabled on two boards you need to start to question yourself too.

Actually a minor correction.  As far as I can tell Mark disabled his own account here on his departure.  I take it as a good sign that Mark is taking the time to analyse what's happened & make sense of it all.  Best of wishes to him.



My bad, Sorry Mark and thanks for the correction Jason.
I sincerly thought he was kicked here as well. Sorry for that really.
Well, as i stated earlier hopefully all involved can forget about it all and live long and happy here..

Mark..... Come back in to us and entertain us.. Even if i don't speak up that often when i do i sincerly mean what i say! ....

Gecko..... Plix plix pl1x.... If you're reading this get back to us again.. We need you as much as beer needs grain...

Love all of ya, you're my virtual family in this crazy world.

Kind regards Vyper

Offline skildude

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #13 on: 22 May 2011, 09:44:55 am »
When it has gone so far that you've been disabled on two boards you need to start to question yourself too.

Actually a minor correction.  As far as I can tell Mark disabled his own account here on his departure.  I take it as a good sign that Mark is taking the time to analyse what's happened & make sense of it all.  Best of wishes to him.

from his actions on the Seti boards his behavior is unlikely to change. 2 week breaks only seemed to fuel his fire.  Honestly I like Mark though I do not like his behavior.  The only person that will get through to Mark is Mark.  Some folks come to realize that their drinking is the problem and not the people closing the doors on them.  Others continue to blame the doors and the people behind them.  Drinking comes with a great deal of anger frustration and self medication.   Those that drink to excess find they are liberated in speech.  What they have done is silenced their conscience and allowed their demons to arise.  My hope is that Mark finds his Muse and gets the help he needs.   I've spoken to him about this problem many times.   I fear another good man is dying in the shell of a person under the influence of alcohol

Offline Mike

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Re: I guess I have to say this..........to the mods.
« Reply #14 on: 22 May 2011, 12:48:06 pm »
I absolutley agree with you skildude.
There is always a smiling and one crying eye.


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