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Author Topic: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.  (Read 38889 times)


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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #30 on: 04 May 2011, 01:59:22 pm »
Claggy was faster than me ;)
Thank you for the thought regardless.

I hope it works for him.
I'll be watching....LOL.


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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #31 on: 04 May 2011, 02:04:55 pm »
And, I have to go to work in a few minutes, but somebody could research what files system restore does overwrite....
I don't think it would mess with the current state of any Boinc files at this point.


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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #32 on: 05 May 2011, 11:10:55 am »
Looks like the restore thingy did the trick for James.
Glad he's back on track.



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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #33 on: 06 May 2011, 04:14:12 am »
Sleeps for the kieeyman and his brood.....
But, befori I wander off into that sleep parade......

I leave you with this.



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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #34 on: 06 May 2011, 10:54:28 am »
Just woke up............

And I had some bad dreams 'bout bin Ladin......
And the things that he did,
And the lies our side told.
Makes me think there are worse things than moddin'.

This song it marched though my dreams and it told
me that life sometimes just ain't worth the cryin'.

For we who can sit here at computers and such
have no right to be basking in glory
when others have gone before us in peace
and came back quite a nother story.

I never endured the torments of war.....
but they allow me to sit here with kitties.
So don't give me grief
when I express my beleif
that one day we should kill nevermore.


Liam himself died a couple of years ago.

May he rest in peace also.



I carry the grief of the world on my back,
and it sometime brings me to a bad end.
It's my pack to bear, and I do so with evey muscle and fibre I've been given.
And if sometimes my word lead me down the wrong track,
I guess all I can ask is to be forgiven.

There are some who day son,
what are you sayin' there......
So now my past words must be stricken.

But they are words given to me
by the Lord, don't you see
although he gave me the right to compose them.
So when I use the words I've learned to express myself well,
Might be well for others to know them.
« Last Edit: 06 May 2011, 11:03:58 am by msattler »


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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #35 on: 06 May 2011, 01:17:19 pm »


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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #36 on: 06 May 2011, 01:36:08 pm »
Music or the scenes...........



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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #37 on: 06 May 2011, 03:30:16 pm »
Purrbal she be, kitty better thatn me,
and she live thie good llife as a lover.
I give her good kibble and loving and then,
she   purrs ans rolls right their over.

You see, kittiies  oner said to mer......
I'll love you  atter whatever.....
And so tyhey have. gaain and agine.
No matter what whas teh stinkin'

They'ver loved me through this and that
yeat they have.
They haf loved me though what most man couled not wheather..
They only asked that, if the times got real rough.
Gcould i Pllease beend dons one the yet pet her.

So now ya know why I am te dear    kitty man........
And why I love them so.
They are my   frienes to my death or the slaughter......
No matter what come to my sould,
they are simplly much better than otters.......

Well, it had to rhyme............................


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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #38 on: 06 May 2011, 04:45:18 pm »
Yah, you know I AM HERE,,,,,,AND SO 8S  JACK.

Damn.. Jacl. tje e,ao;'s gone down........

Oh well.......... the over air nu,e got us.......

24.................................................ofline.......................................... ......24...........................................


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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #39 on: 06 May 2011, 09:06:48 pm »
`I been busted..........

First   on account of this......

sec0jdl cu i really am......


I hate to beg without a dog.......callin' on you.
No caddies to steal..........none that I own.
And I.m busted.
The kitties won't lay and I'm sad for to say......
I', busted.

The lawn had run dryu, nothing more for me there
and I cant even gen my ol sharcroppers's share........
I'm  busted.

Half a gtand for the power to run the ol  show.....
Even you must understandn it jus ain't a go.......
I'm busted......

Gone broke......

No snoes........
No breaad.......

Done dead.

Wiped the willy.

Sang the song.

Went to Dallas.

Gpme tpo Tesas.

Oh, Da;;as Wjore...........
Left out that tune........

Here ya go.

May trhis not be my fate.....................
Let me rolll.

Shame ' bout them twp/


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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #40 on: 06 May 2011, 09:35:17 pm »
Now, you may know me more so kindly
as te guy that wen bwfore ye.
And many songe, left many picuter, fore he go.

But he alway left one empty...........
spot before he went, he....
Alway had sothing he had to snow.

And before he went, he had not sent
that last pots  before he go.
The mods got to him first.........
There feared he was about to post hist worst.

And so they did him in.

No  one knowswhat the kity man had in  his mind trhat day....
What it was that he was about to say.
It died with  him upn that day.

And so the  storyu of the kittynan goes.......
He looved his kitties and  wrote some prose
And because tey cut him off, still don't know why.........

The kittyman was left to wander and die.

The kittes  were left to  wander such,
but Loro le[t tp tje kibble...
Theire sould, it was said, were not quite the same.
But their mouths were full of kibble.

But they wandered about the hosee all day
trying to just hbow to figger..........
HOw their maste was   slain........wno would complaon
about his musing about words , what was the trigger?

He lover Lori, and he loved kittes.......
Like none before he, diddy wah diddy.
There were none like him beofre.
ano none such aft......

He only asked  for to forgive his gaff.

You killed him , you see, with your hypocrasisy.
Nothing more, I am sure, nothing less.

For his word were just those of the few that compose
Their thougts to post hers, more or less.

Don't know  right here and now if  the kittyman's wow
will   retuirn and say evermore.
Just be sure that I  can............
And be assured that I am
Confirmed to  be  a cruncher evermore.

'Till the day I feakin' die.


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Re: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.
« Reply #41 on: 06 May 2011, 09:54:13 pm »
I'll never forger upon that night,,,,,,,when heven sen me to her ight.
And my  Lori ay there, without no kittines............

There  she was.........so    dmnder all prettty.
I laid me hed down pu  her chest.........she accepted it........as was her best...
at that time

She became a friend of mione.

I never for got her laing their........her linful;l thoughts, her long tossed hari.\\Her  kin of thousews before kitties...........I ade her one  too.........

Now one cannot live witjout te othe..........
O e't   tears thne other must sujffer.
So  true.

she would not had her life without me, nopr mine without\\\\jerws/

I this seems abit uncompoees then.....

It's only that is   wrote   and posed them

linds...............as thoughts should be.
Every word was done blind.


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