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Author Topic: Sigh.......waiting for the ban to end.  (Read 38892 times)


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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #15 on: 30 Apr 2011, 07:38:50 pm »
My lord.........

Who is this woman, and exactly where has she been all my life?

KT Tunstall........



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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #16 on: 30 Apr 2011, 07:49:22 pm »
She is really rather plain, but a beauty at the same time......one of those gurls who does not need to give you more than a simple look in the eye to tear your heart out.

One of them.  She got me.

And the babe knows Bobbie D too.........

Tangled up in blue.....



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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #17 on: 30 Apr 2011, 07:58:01 pm »
Click of the mouse.......turn of the hat.
Some lonely room went bright.
Don't know what bought me here.

But here I am, and folks wiil know
that I have been so.
Bob and I have laid kinda low.
Too many tales to tell upon the slate.

Cannot reckon why I was so late........

Must have been a simple twist of fate.



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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #18 on: 30 Apr 2011, 08:42:33 pm »
I am lost, without recourse.....
Guess I shoulda known.
The sources I quote so freely
were mostly from the time I was born.

And so they can not complain to me
although they have the rights.
To gove me some comeuppance
or to keep me awake at nights.

This story's trun and sad to say
the tale that's told is mine.
But now that I think back on it
and find the trail of mine

It does not seem so awful bad,
not a tale of woe.
These things seem sad to some folks
But I told it...
Just like so.

It's true....

Tangled up in blue.

Don't know what to say right now
'cuz it might get kinda rude.
Too little whiskey,
too much attitude.

I've been told 'kiss off' by bigger folks that you.
Upon the avenue.......
Tangled up in blue.

Don't go back on torn up tracks,
said a girl that I once knew.
She turned her back upon me.
And yet she never knew.

What became of my life
beyond that day.
And who.
I became.

It's true.
Tangled up in blue.

But I never got so lost I could not find myself
when the morning sunshine came.
Could not have a problem to deflect the jeers
that reflected upon my name.

Some find it so easy to accuse
and paint their point of view.
Upon mine.

Tangled up in blue.

Don't have much more to say
to those who have crossed my path....
Just the silly mods who complain all day thet they
pick up the aftermath.

Self rightous bunions,
given a task that few
could much endure.

I was one once, but did little
because I was so sure
that the words of men
although unkind at times
are wethered by the clock.

And did not need me pricking
or the puffkng of my cock.


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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #19 on: 01 May 2011, 01:21:05 am »
Should I.......
Try to save my face.........
I really do not.



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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #20 on: 01 May 2011, 01:40:05 am »
Times like thses really make me appreciate my cats.
I have my dear ol Squirrel just sitting here, adoring me.
She knows something is wrong, and I am hurt.

She just stares at me......giving a little nuzzle now and again.

She KNOWS............my Lord, she KNOWS.

Now you know........I did it back when kitties where less cute.



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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #21 on: 01 May 2011, 01:45:07 am »
Probably the best known kitten on this planet......



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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #22 on: 01 May 2011, 02:00:05 am »
Kitty rescue..........
Momma, come here.......


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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #23 on: 01 May 2011, 07:05:52 am »
Sunday mornng, May 1st 2011, 6:03AM.
The kittyman gets seriously pissed off, and the kitty crunching farm roars back to action.

Besides, it would not be very fair to leave my fellow GPUUG teammates in the lurch due to my personal issues at Seti.
I am back at full power until I cannot do so due to heat or monetary issues.

EDIT II........
BTW, anybody who gives a rat's petoot about the situation might email the Setimods and give them an earful.
"SETI@home" <setiweb@ssl.berkeley.edu> for the modlist.
Seti Forums Admin <setiforums@ssl.berkeley.edu> for Fred on high himself.

These are publicly available adddys, so I am not revealing anything new here.
And I should note that I have a very high respect for Fred.  We have had some discourse, and whilst we do not agree on all subjects, he is very frank and honest.
More than I can say for some modfolk.  And some modfolk are OK too.  Some are NOT.
Better that I don't define who is who.
Just delete the frikkin' post.......you need not kill the messenger.

If anybody should wish to contact me during this charade, my email addy is......
marksattler  at.......you know what the at is.....sbcglobal.net
Kitties are standing by to take your calls.......LOL.

EDIT IV........
And somehow, through it all, there are the kitties.
My precious Purrball has decided to plop down next to one of the rigs and stick her nose into the warm air coming out of one of the fans........and look up at me with the  biggest set of eyes you have ever seen. And her tail just a flippy floppin' every which way.
Gawd, I would be lost without the kitties.
« Last Edit: 01 May 2011, 07:56:33 am by msattler »

Offline perryjay

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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #24 on: 01 May 2011, 06:25:07 pm »
If you get a chance, check out my post in the SETI Cafe about the Caboodle Ranch. I don't want to tie up the space over here to repost it but would like to see what you think. I really believe we have found the best thing for both the kitties and for us.


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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #25 on: 01 May 2011, 11:30:09 pm »
If you get a chance, check out my post in the SETI Cafe about the Caboodle Ranch. I don't want to tie up the space over here to repost it but would like to see what you think. I really believe we have found the best thing for both the kitties and for us.
I read it earlier today.  Sounds like a wonderful place for a kitty to be.  Thanks for the post, and I think it's a great thing that you did for the kitties you were caring for.


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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #26 on: 04 May 2011, 01:47:09 pm »
James Sotherden is posting in the NC about computer problems he is having since his grandkids messed with his computer.

System restore to a date before the grandkid attack might be a simple way for him to recover things......

Perhaps one of you could post this suggestion in his thread.

Offline Claggy

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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #27 on: 04 May 2011, 01:50:34 pm »



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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #28 on: 04 May 2011, 01:55:32 pm »

Thank you!
Hopefully the mods don't see fit to stomp the post because it is attributed to me.
I think the current mod crew is beyond that, but it has happened in the past.

If they do, feel free to repost the suggestion without my mention.


Offline Miep

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Re: They simply f.d with me too much this time
« Reply #29 on: 04 May 2011, 01:57:35 pm »
Claggy was faster than me ;)
The road to hell is paved with good intentions


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