<app> <name>astropulse_v505</name> </app> <file_info> <name>ap_5.06_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATI_r516.exe</name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name>AstroPulse_Kernels.cl</name> <executable/> </file_info> <app_version> <app_name>astropulse_v505</app_name> <version_num>506</version_num> <platform>windows_intelx86</platform> <avg_ncpus>0.04</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>0.20</max_ncpus> <plan_class>ati13ati</plan_class> <cmdline>-instances_per_device 1 -hp -unroll 10 -ffa_block 4096 -ffa_block_fetch 2048</cmdline> <flops>30987654321</flops> <file_ref> <file_name>ap_5.06_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATI_r516.exe</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name>AstroPulse_Kernels.cl</file_name> <copy_file/> </file_ref> <coproc> <type>ATI</type> <count>1</count> </coproc> </app_version>
Hi Raistmer, only a quick question - I thought in Beta this was version_num 506 in your app_info? The release version_num in this thread is 505?Makes no difference, but thought I'd ask
Didn't think it mattered was just wondering if there was a reason?(And it broke my task monitoring app )
what do you want to use instead of ati13ati then ??
Seems to work great on my ATI 4550. I had to set -unroll 5 instead of 10 otherwise I get computation errors.