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Author Topic: Ok.....ti's me.  (Read 50806 times)


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #30 on: 05 Mar 2011, 09:03:00 am »
One of the best voices ever........
And a great slooooooooow blues shuffle to boot.


'Nuther version........better one, I think. 
He is having sooooooooo much fun with this one.
I am pretty sure that Ray Prrice wrote it.


Yup.......It was Ray.
The original.......give you a little perspective on Raul's take.
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2011, 09:21:31 am by msattler »


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #31 on: 05 Mar 2011, 09:34:32 am »
OH........and whilst I am in the place.......
This is my latest 'kitty poem'.

I have not written many as of late.

Hope you enjoy......

'Kitty Paws'

Kitty paws, all extended to me.
They are like double edged swords, you see.

They paw and knead upon my chest.
That, you see, is what kitty paws do best.
But they have an edge that only kitty lovers do know.
The paws have claws, that you will come to know.

They sometimes feel that they
have to imbed them into you upon their way.
Not for spite it is that they do so, and not too often.
But it still hurts a bit when the jump offen.....

My kitty cats have all of their claws...
Have not had their toes removed from their paws.
Though that is fine for some more refined kittens,
mine still are clawed, with all their mittens.

And use them they do, to their best advantage.
To jump and run, with all their kittantage.
They have torn and scratched with all of their might
and managed to mangle most anything in sight.

But, they are cats. And I grant them that.
In this old house, they are free to be such a cat.
And they reward me with kitty kisses and claws
Sometimes catch my face, in spite of it all.

I have one who insists, when I go to bed
to try to imbed her claws on my head....
And she does it so gently......but still does impale
the skin of my head upon her little nails.

Ahhhhhh.....yes,,,,,,their is something about kitties.
Fill your heart full of love and get your undies in knitties.
Take you to the height of forgiveness and then
barf up their kibbles.
And 10 minutes later, at your ear she will nibble.

You know a cat loves you when she will lick at your hand...
It's what kitties do when they love you so grand.
Or nuzzle you with noses that they press so hard
upon your face.

You know your kitty loves you when they will not quibble,
but would rather be licking your face....
than their bowl....full of kibble.

Which you cannot ignore......
Even when it's time you must snore.

Yes, kitties are my life.
I hope to make them part of yours.
They are special animals......
One God gave us to adore.

The sit and stare, with such loving eyes.
They will love you too, if you could but try.

I say these things because I know them to be true.
I you love just a little, a cat will be true.
A little petting will reward you all the days through.
So, if you can, get a cat from a shelter near you.

You will be rewarded by love from thereveafter,
And have a place in the kitties' hearafter.
When all the kitties do midge.
That fateful place called the wonderful Rainbow Bridge.

If you could give a try, but unless you're not sure.......
And if you think kitty love is something you could somehow endure.
Go now to the place where many kitty souls meet....
I mean, the place in your town where many kitties do meet.

The Shelter, my friend, is where you will find such a pet.
That's where Lori and I have so many kitties met.
Take one home and I'm sure you will be met with the awe
that comes with one who adopts a kitty with such a sharp claw.

Be sure, there will be times of trouble, of trial.
But kitties will be there for many a mile.
When you're down, when you're out
and things look dire indeed.......
Kitty will come, lick your face, and you'll see..

That kitties are man's truest friend......so say I.
I have 4 here that will be do 'till I die.
When I go to bed each and every night,
I thank God that he put kitties into my sight.

Now you know more 'bout the kitties and I.
And that place kitties go in their place when they die.
The don't really die........in the sense you and I do.
Because they just have such a diss.......and cattatitude.

msattler 3/4/11


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #32 on: 05 Mar 2011, 09:42:56 am »
I know some do not think much of Dwight........

But he has a great country voice.

And this is very interesting cut.......most of the backup is cut out.
The sound board dude must have passed out on this setl.

Hiis mike is almost the only thing in this mix.

Give him a little cred, please.  Veeeeeeery cool cut.



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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #33 on: 05 Mar 2011, 10:27:06 am »
Y'all know me a bit by now.........

I don't pull punches, never backed down from a fight.
Say it like it is......you can run at me if you like.

But, better be ready when you get here.
'Cuzz it's elbows and a..holes the reat of the way down.

Never liked fightin' much........but I won't give.

Even when, back in '62, I had to pull the .38 outta my boot once.
Did not fiire.  The SOB"s knew iI was serious.

Couple of bad boyz in the alley.

Did not take them long to figure out......LOL.


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #34 on: 05 Mar 2011, 10:36:41 am »
I dunno why I post these thing for you.ll

I don't ever get much rsponse.

Fine...I'll  just toss them to the wind.........

And enjoy them myself.

Ya see, it's a thing with me....
One day, I'll buy that .55 Ford, and leave you all in the dust..........
Or pass away im my .85
Never quite heard the drums come up like that.....hmmmmmmmmmmm.
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2011, 10:40:23 am by msattler »

Offline perryjay

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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #35 on: 05 Mar 2011, 11:46:22 am »
Don't worry Mark, we are here. Just most of your posts don't require much of a reply. Oh, and I do know what you mean about those kitty claws!   ;)


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #36 on: 05 Mar 2011, 02:48:20 pm »
At the risk of being banned from the plant Earth........

This is what my bud George said about it........
And this was back in about .72......

You   don't mess with Carlin.........he could cut you a new one in about 20 seconds.......

« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2011, 09:54:22 pm by Jason G »


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #37 on: 05 Mar 2011, 03:08:33 pm »
Ya see, it's like this.

I was messed up by the system since my youth.

You probably were too........
Carlin KNEW this..........but he was the only only one who was bold enough to
SAY the shit.  Maybe Lenny Bruce, but he was really riibald.

Carrling said stuff that was REAL............
He did not mince words, he didn't HAVE to.

He meant what he said.  each and every word.

I love words............each and every one of them.

I still cry when I miss him.

I know then all.........

I am not a good Americn, because I LIKE TO FORM MY OWN OPINIONS.

And I don't buy water........OK?

Are we so much better than chickens?

So many of you have missed his point.
He was not only a blesphemist......he mad you THINK about being a  blasphemist.
So what if I don't wanna have a nive day?

Not bad, I've had a lotta good things too.
RIP, George.

Just give me my change.

« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2011, 09:57:49 pm by Jason G »


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #38 on: 05 Mar 2011, 03:32:19 pm »
And I don'r reallly wanna scare ya.......

But this almost happened.

I go now.........



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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #39 on: 05 Mar 2011, 03:38:24 pm »
Nice to see him 'out of charchter'......



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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #40 on: 05 Mar 2011, 06:06:17 pm »
I just had to mention...........
'When the sun shines on a cat.'

I had the moment to see today.......
The evening sun came straying in through the west window.
And shown fullly upon Bandit.......my llittelest kitty.
She is a very dark tortiois shell kittty.  So dark, you cannot find her at times.
But, the sun hit her, and she lit up like a flame.
I mean, it was liike God showing Belushi the light..........
Every hair, every whisker......was lit up.  Her eyes were glowing........she knew she was in the spotlight.  Simply amazing.

I stared at her for over an hour......'till the sun set.
And hugged her for the next hour thereafter.

My friends, that's what kitties are all about.

Some simple little moments that can never be repeated.

I just had one.

Mee ........ow.


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #41 on: 05 Mar 2011, 08:09:02 pm »
Yes...........there was a group called the Chordettes...........

Quite the rage bavk then.


Quties tyhe


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #42 on: 05 Mar 2011, 09:58:33 pm »
Now you see............LOL.

Takes 4 gurls to tiick my tock.

And young ones, at that.



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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #43 on: 05 Mar 2011, 10:08:20 pm »

They did do it....................
My favoriite song of all time.

Beyond where the kitties go.
There are few places that I allow myself to cry.

This is one..........
And they naiiled it.


PS.......I Still want the blond.  Sikko, I know. [Mod: Shrunken, information on need to know only basis...]
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2011, 10:29:47 pm by Jason G »


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Re: Ok.....ti's me.
« Reply #44 on: 05 Mar 2011, 11:13:29 pm »
There seem to be few things that bring me joy these days..........

This is one.


And this..........a few of my favorite things.......

Whiskers on kiittens and such.

I will play for you now the original song that stole my heart.
It was Julie Andrews, of course.
Her wordplay was amazing......and can never be duplicated.
Raindrops on roses.......warm woolen mitterns.

God save me from idiots that have not been so smitten.
I cannot save you all...........some of you will have to do.

The 40 year reunion.........

She has since lost her wondrful voice.  A tragedy indeed.
But.......one can still hear it loud and clear here...............
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2011, 11:53:21 pm by msattler »


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