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Author Topic: Boinc webRpc Project Pending Data  (Read 9380 times)

Offline kevin6912

  • Knave
  • Posts: 12
Boinc webRpc Project Pending Data
« on: 25 Dec 2010, 02:06:12 pm »

I wrote a Windows batch file to dump the pending workunit data off a Boinc project website. The pending data will be formatted in XML. You can direct the request output to a file. When directed to a file the batch program will printout the total pending credit and count of pending workunits. When not directed to a file the output from the request is displayed in the window the batch file is running in.

It does require your Boinc project user id and password to access your pending data from the Boinc project website.

This Windows batch file was created using information on this webpage http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/WebRpc

You can download my Windows batch file. Readme1st.txt has instructions on what to update in the control.ini file.

Websites to download needed programs:
Curl.exe to access the Boinc project website.
Download from this website: cURL website

md5.exe program to create the a MD5 hash. To request the authenticator.
Download from this website: MD5 website

choose32.exe or choose64.exe program to create a pause for output review.
Download from this website: Editvar and Choose website


No zero pending count when Boinc site admins turn off pending list.

To convert <received_time> Unix date/time format to people friendly format in the xml file. You could import the data in to an Open office calc speadsheet.
cell B5 is unix datetime(or whatever recieved_time column is)
cell D2 is set timezone offset(or whatever calc cell you would like to use for timezone offset)


Then change format of the cell with above formula to Date with the format code of your choice. ex. MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS
« Last Edit: 02 Jan 2011, 10:32:28 am by kevin6912 »


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